Once upon a time, I hated my mother's cowardice, hated the experience of growing up in a brothel, hated the father who left me in my mother's womb but left me cruelly!

I have known since I was a child that my personality is twisted, but I never knew that my mother is also multi-faceted.

I watched helplessly, my mother plotted against my father, causing my father to lose his glory and wealth, plotting against that vicious woman, causing her to be abandoned by everyone, and also causing my father to live in seclusion with my mother in the mountains willingly amidst uncertainty.

Sometimes I think, my father is really a lucky person, with a woman like my mother calculating, such a life is also very good...

My mother loves me, protects me, and doesn't want me to suffer any harm. In her eyes, I am more important than that cruel father. I have always known this.


My pain is eroding me all the time.

I fell in love with my private school teacher...

That gentle and jade-like man...

Even though that man once looked at my mother in amazement and expressed her love for her, I still fell in love with him irresistibly...

One day, father and mother were warm and their voices were quite loud.

I finally couldn't control my heart and went to my husband's house alone.

That night.

Maybe I was really sick, but I forcibly suppressed my husband, and under his fear and curse, I took him...

It was also that night that I ate the forbidden fruit for the first time, and I couldn’t stop anymore. I lived in my husband’s house on the pretext of going to Beijing to rush for the exam. , he also responds to me vaguely, gradually, he no longer resists fiercely, and he also has a tender side in bed matters.

I thought he would gradually fall in love with me.

But I didn't expect that he would personally poison me that year, so that I almost died on the night of thirty that year.

That night, I was actually awake.

Because my mother was worried that I would fall ill, my father went to take care of my mother, and he was always at my bedside. I could feel the killing intent coming from him, and the feeling of the cold knife on my neck.

He hates me.

He can't wait to kill me!

I chose to be silent, and I suddenly felt that I would be disgusted by my mother for liking men, and my mother would never forgive me! And the one I love hates me, so it's better to die now, it's over.

But his hands were trembling, and finally, he put away the knife and helped me cover myself with the quilt.

At that moment, I was very excited. He had me in his heart, right?

Leaving that small mountain village, I knew that the days when I would come back were numbered. My mother gave me all the silver in the family, and I went on the road with him to Beijing for the exam.

The scenery along the way is not as good as him.

After being admitted to the number one scholar, he faced the saint in person.

The emperor looked at me very strangely, and the eyes were obviously shocked. He asked me who my mother was, and quickly sent someone to investigate.

Although I don't know exactly what happened, my official luck has been prosperous. The emperor's trust in me has surprised me. In a few years, I have been promoted to several ranks.

My husband once asked me if the emperor wanted to accept me as a face-to-face. I laughed at his jealousy and swore that he was the only one in my life.

The father committed a crime and beheaded the eldest princess.

My mother came all the way to the capital to rehabilitate him. I was actually unhappy. My father's character made me very disgusted. He was always wandering around among those women, the eldest princess, Kong Shiyu, etc...

I still don't understand why my mother wants him alone, I can't feel my mother's love, she seems to be fulfilling a certain military order.

I thought that my father would definitely die this time. The eldest princess is the emperor's only younger sister, but I didn't expect that my father would be pardoned after my mother had a meal with the emperor.

That day, my mother and I announced our relationship with Mr.

My mother was furious, and the disappointment in her eyes made me feel extremely painful.

But mother put all the faults on her, she said, if I was not born in a brothel, I would not hate women, I want to tell mother, I hate all women, I will not hate mother .

Less than three years.

Mother died of illness.

I didn't even make it to the last time I saw my mother!

My father cried very sadly in front of my mother's grave, but I felt that it was hypocritical. If I really loved my mother, how could I make my mother suffer again and again? How could mother die so early?

I killed him with my own hands.

Let him accompany mother, at least mother will not be lonely down there.

And I also knew in that year that the emperor had feelings for Niangqin, I also knew Niangqin's original identity, and I also learned about a very angry thing, that my husband actually had feelings for King Yan!

My husband told me that everything was forced by King Yan!

Tell me, he only has me in his heart!

But every time I rescue my husband, King Yan will do whatever it takes to **** him back!

When I saw with my own eyes that King Yan embraced his husband and kissed him face to face, and carried him provocatively into the palace, I was so out of breath that I turned gray in one night...

Black hair turns gray.

The emperor turned pale with fright, and he used this to convince everyone that I was born with supernatural powers, and let me become a national teacher! Let me have my revenge.

those years.

There are two groups of people in the hall.

The emperor started pretending to be licentious, and handed over all the power to me. I knew that this was due to his trust in me, and it was also due to the emperor's love for his mother.

But I never thought of it.

I personally pushed my mother into the abyss again.

Every year I go to visit my mother's grave. Every year when I go out, it is the time for King Yan to do something. Every time I send troops to **** me along the way, but that time, I fell into the trap. Joint assassination!

When I was dying, I saw my mother again.

She was even younger than me, and her nervous and frightened appearance was exactly the same as when I was poisoned.

I never thought that I could see her in my lifetime, but I ruined her happiness time and time again! He actually pushed her to be a wife with a broken sleeve!

How can I not understand my mother's character, I know my mother will definitely want to avenge me, but I still can't bear to hurt him.

I beg my mother to leave King Yan and not to hurt Mr.

Mother wailed and scolded me for being ignorant, told me that my husband never had me in his heart, and told me that my husband wanted to kill me again and again!

I know…

I always knew...

But I still don't want to betray him, even if he betrays me and wants my death to clean his reputation, I still want to see him happy.

When I was short of breath and felt the approach of death, I realized that death was not terrible, and suddenly there was a little more peace. It's a pity that I can't protect what I care about in my heart.

"How about giving the lifespan of life after life, and exchange it with me?"

There seemed to be an ethereal voice in the void.

"I can satisfy all your wishes and relieve the obsession in your heart. I only want the longevity of your life."

"Shouyuan?" I didn't understand what this meant.


Give my soul from life to life to satisfy the obsession in my heart?

who is he?

"The true love you can't get, the family affection you can't hold, I can let you have it, as long as you sign an agreement with me and promise to give me your soul after things are done."

soul? How can I believe this illusory thing?

"I don't agree!"

There is no sound from the void anymore, and I am quietly waiting for death...

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