Farming in the Primitive Tribe

Chapter 217 How did they know?

With the cotton-padded clothes, the Liuhua tribe was much better off. They relied on the cotton-padded clothes given to them by the White Tiger tribe and spent one cold night after another.

"Goddess, there are bamboos here." Everyone in the White Tiger tribe was excited. Their food was found. The people in the Liuhua tribe were very puzzled when they saw this. Why were they so excited? Isn't it just bamboo? Can it still be eaten as food?

They thought so and asked the same question. It was just a joke at first, but the answer they didn't expect was unexpected.

"Yes, this is edible."

Hearing such a natural answer, the people of the Liuhua tribe were shocked. They knew that the White Tiger tribe would eat anything, even the weeds they didn't even look at could be made into food, but when they were told that this bamboo could be eaten, they Why don't you believe it so much?

But thinking that they could turn those unwanted weeds into food every time, the people of the Liuhua tribe didn't know what to say for a while.

The people of the White Tiger tribe were still discussing enthusiastically. Only then did the Liuhua tribe realize that what they wanted to eat was not bamboo, but bamboo shoots, but what were bamboo shoots?

Soon they took the tools to dig bamboo shoots and brought everyone from the Liuhua tribe with them. The people from the Liuhua tribe were very curious about what the bamboo shoots they were talking about. When they arrived at the bamboo forest, they didn't find the bamboo shoots they were talking about. Time was a bit disappointing.

Soon they found that the people of the White Tiger tribe were looking for something on the ground with their heads down, and then they started digging with hoes. After a while, they dug something out of the ground. All of them had smiles on their faces. Even they were No matter how dull you are, you will know that this is what they call bamboo shoots.

It's full of dirt, are you sure it's edible?

"It may look a bit earthy, but it tastes really good, and what we eat is not the outer skin." As if they knew they didn't understand, the people from the White Tiger tribe took the initiative to explain, "What we eat is the white thing inside. This is the bamboo shoot, and the outer shell is to protect it from getting dirty." As he spoke, he peeled off the shell, revealing the bamboo shoot inside.

Everyone in the Liuhua tribe was stunned. How on earth did they know that these things were edible?

It grows in the ground and has a shell, so they know it's edible?

"If you want to dig, we can teach you."

"I think." The people from the Liuhua Tribe said quickly, this is food. If they didn't know, forget it. How could they miss it like this if they knew.

Let a few people teach them, and the others began to dig hard. It may be that no one is taking care of it. There are a lot of dried bamboos here, and bamboo shoots are also easy to dig. After all, no one has dug them before, so you can dig them without searching. one.

They dug bamboo shoots and picked up some dried bamboos and took them back to make fires. They needed to make fires every day, especially at night. Even though they were covered with thick quilts, they were in the wild after all, and the wind was blowing on them. I can't sleep by the fire at all.

The people of the Liuhua tribe also dug bamboo shoots and brought some dried bamboo back to light the fire.

"Goddess, don't you let us eat this meat?" Seeing Shen Xiaoxiao and the others bringing back several big rats, the others asked in confusion. They wanted to catch rats before, but the Goddess refused to give them. The mice carried some bacteria that would be bad for them and might kill them. After hearing this, they quickly threw it away.

Some other people who ate rat meat also lost their lives, but some were fine, and it is not known whether it was because of the rat meat.

Regardless of whether it was true or not, they were very glad that they listened to the goddess and did not eat rat meat. They did not want to gamble on this possibility. It was best not to eat it.

But now why did the goddess catch the mouse and come back to eat it?

"This is a field mouse." Shen Xiaoxiao said lightly, "What they eat is food from the fields, and they don't appear at the scene of a disaster. This one is edible." After a pause, "I didn't let you eat it before because of those Rats will eat everything, even corpses, and they carry too many viruses. It is easy to get sick if you eat those rats, and it is also a contagious plague. Once infected, it is difficult to cure it. "

"These voles eat food from the ground. They have never eaten any messy things. They can be eaten." She had been watching them for several days and was sure that these voles were eating peanuts from the ground. Otherwise, she would not have been able to catch them.

"You should take care of these voles first." Shen Xiaoxiao said calmly, "Tomorrow some of you will dig bamboo shoots, and some of you will dig peanuts with me." The reason why we say digging rather than pulling out is because these peanuts The vine is rotten and cannot be pulled out at all, but it is already good enough to be able to dig it up.

She didn't expect to find peanuts. After all, the vines had long since rotted. She really didn't realize they were peanuts. She only found out about them when she saw the shells left over from the voles eating them. Later, she dug them too and found out that they were actually peanuts. Peanuts, but most of those peanuts have sprouted, and very few have not sprouted.

However, I don’t care about that now, as long as I can eat it, it doesn’t matter if I have teeth or not.

Moreover, peanut sprouts are also edible, as long as they are not moldy and rotten peanut sprouts.

"What are peanuts?"

"Food." Shen Xiaoxiao spoke concisely. She didn't know how to explain it now. They would know it when they went to dig.

The others were silent. The goddess was right. If it hadn't been for the food goddess, she probably wouldn't have let them go.

The next day, Shen Xiaoxiao took some people to dig peanuts, and some people went to dig bamboo shoots. The people of the Liuhua tribe saw that they were missing half of their people, and they were even more curious when they saw Shen Xiaoxiao leading them away. But they didn't ask any more questions. They would definitely know what they should know.

Since others didn't tell them, they wouldn't bother asking people about this or that. It was good that the White Tiger tribe was willing to take them to dig bamboo shoots. As for what they did, that was beyond their control.

Shen Xiaoxiao led people to the place where the voles were caught, told them how to dig and what the flowers looked like, and then took them to dig through the ground.

They were really digging the ground. They had no idea where the flowers grew. They didn't want to miss it, so they had to dig in inch by inch. It was no different from clearing up wasteland.

However, the effect was quite good. They quickly dug a basket. Most of the peanuts had long buds. Knowing that this was normal, they didn't care and started working hard.

It was obviously a very cold day, but everyone worked hard and was sweating profusely. A group of people took turns digging, and it took them most of a day to dig out all the peanuts in the ground. Although they were all tired, they saw that the peanuts were full. After eating three baskets of peanuts, they couldn't help but curl up their lips. Although they were a little tired, they were full.

It was still early, so they searched nearby to see if there was anything else edible. However, they searched for a long time but found nothing. Although Shen Xiaoxiao was a little disappointed, she also knew that this was expected. At this time, With so much food for you, you'd be lucky to find peanuts.

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