Farming in the Primitive Tribe

Chapter 175 Where are you going?

"Goddess, why are they not back yet? Could there be some accident?" the witch doctor asked worriedly. Xiao Yan and the others had been away for more than thirty days and there was no news at all. She was really worried. The group of people who went out were the best and strongest males in the tribe. If something happened to them, the tribe would lose a lot of strength.

"No, maybe they are already on their way back." Shen Xiaoxiao's eyes were firm, "And it's not the time we agreed with them yet." In fact, she was also worried, but she couldn't show it. If she is not stable, then others will be even more worried. Only if she believes it, others will believe it.

"Everyone, please relax, maybe they will be back in a few days."

"Yeah." Although the witch doctor and the others were still worried, they were relieved a little after Shen Xiaoxiao's persuasion. However, they still couldn't let go after they didn't see them coming back safely. The mood of the others was not very high either. Seeing this, Shen Xiaoxiao sighed inwardly.

After a few days, they couldn't sit still at all, and someone couldn't help but want to find them.

"Goddess, go and have a look. They are going to find Xiao Yan and the others." Daya said anxiously. Shen Xiaoxiao didn't react for a moment, "What? Where are they going?"

"A few people are worried about Xiao Yan and the others and are going to find Xiao Yan." Daya told the story in a few words.

Shen Xiaoxiao put down what she was doing and stood up, "Isn't this nonsense? Where are they now?" They didn't even know where Xiao Yan went, let alone looking for someone. Others came in without finding him. two.

Daya quickly took Shen Xiaoxiao over. When she arrived, those people were arguing with the witch doctor to go out. Shen Xiaoxiao stepped forward quickly and said in a cold voice, "Where are you going to find people? You know where they go. Where is it? Can you guarantee your safety?" A series of questions hit them, and they were speechless.

"But we can't do nothing, right?" Someone couldn't help but asked, looking anxious, "They have been out for so long and haven't come back yet. What if something really happens?" They had never been without such a long time before. News, it makes them worry less.

"Yes, I know everyone is worried, and I am the same, but at this time, we cannot act rashly. We should guard the tribe and wait for them to come back. If something unexpected happens when you go out to look for them, they will not know it if they know it. Agreed."

"I know you have never been separated for such a long time, but we knew before they went out that they were traveling far away. It's not like they were in the tribe. Maybe they encountered something on the way and delayed it, but I believe they are already on their way back. On the way."

"Accident? What accident will happen to them? Will they encounter cannibals?"

"No, even if we meet the cannibals, there are so many of them, and the cannibals won't dare to provoke them." After all, the cannibals are not stupid. They know that the other party is thirty tall and strong men, and they are first-class. He is a good player, but he still wants to provoke him.

Moreover, the cannibals suffered so much at their hands, how could they not learn a lesson?

Even though they were not cannibals, sometimes she felt that they were more terrifying than cannibals. Those people would kill whenever they asked, even though they were the ones to blame.

So she knew that they would not show mercy when encountering cannibals. If those cannibals still wanted to take advantage of them, she would have nothing to say.

"Maybe it was raining and they were delayed while hiding from the rain." After a pause, "Although it doesn't rain here, it doesn't mean it doesn't rain in other places. Sometimes there are some things that delay it. Could it be that You still don’t believe in their abilities?”

After Shen Xiaoxiao said this, they also became quiet, but they still couldn't let go.

"Goddess, will they really come back?" Someone looked at her eagerly, as if they wanted to get a positive answer from her mouth.

Shen Xiaoxiao's eyes were firm, "Yes, they will definitely come back."

In fact, she didn't blame them for being restless. She took a look and saw that they all left with their families. There was no news for so long, so it was inevitable to worry.

"Let me teach you how to read." Since she can't calm down, let's learn something. In fact, she has wanted to do this for a long time. Soon she will make paper and pen, and it will be convenient to send messages by then, and in the future The development of tribes will definitely be better. We cannot remain illiterate. Literacy is imperative.

The others looked at her with doubts on their faces, and Shen Xiaoxiao said calmly, "Do you want to keep in touch with them when they go out in the future? You can know where they go? If something suddenly happens and you leave the tribe, just leave a note. Can know where to go.”

"And in the future, we can catch some pigeons and train them to deliver messages, so that we can contact them no matter where we go, and those who stay in the tribe don't have to worry."

"Are you so good at literacy?"

"Does this mean that no matter what we do in the future, others will know?"

"Almost, you can know as long as she wants you to know. With the message, you don't have to worry so much."

"Then we have to learn, this is too awesome." For a moment everyone looked at her with bright eyes, and the corners of Shen Xiaoxiao's lips curled up, "Okay, I will teach you. Since I have promised to be literate, then You said it, you can't go back on it."

The others still didn't understand the deep meaning of Shen Xiaoxiao's words, so they all responded, "Okay, we will definitely learn from it." By the time they knew it, it was too late to regret it.

They think that the goddess is so powerful, no matter what she does, it will be very good for the tribe. They believe that literacy is also good for the tribe, otherwise the goddess will definitely not say it specifically.

"Okay, remember what you said." Shen Xiaoxiao smiled at Yan Yan, but this smile fell into the eyes of others and felt inexplicably dangerous. At this time, they didn't know what they were about to face, thinking that the goddess would teach them new skills. Something, I feel happy.

The witch doctor waited until the others left before asking, "Goddess, what do you mean by literacy?"

"Witch doctor, you wanted to record some important things before, do you want to draw them?" Shen Xiaoxiao said softly. Although the witch doctor didn't understand why she asked this, he still nodded, "And literacy is learning a kind of writing. If you want to record something, you can directly record it in words. This is not only simple, but also less error-prone. As long as the words are recorded clearly, future generations will be able to clearly understand what happened and what to do."

"For example, if you want to record what happened just now, do you have to draw many people and some actions that can represent these things?" He added, "But it is very simple to write it down. You can write it clearly in just a few sentences. For example, when Xiao Yan led other members of the tribe out and lost news, Asong and the others were worried that they wanted to take people to look for them, but were persuaded by the goddess. Isn't this much easier?" After a pause, "If you want to be clearer, you can also draw next to it. Annotate it so that you can understand it whether you are looking at the painting or the text.”

The witch doctor looked at her blankly. It sounded more convenient and simpler than what they drew. The goddess was too powerful.

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