Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 486: Informed

   Chapter 486

  In fact, it is not a few households, but a dozen households.

  The summer and autumn harvests were good this year. In addition, there was winter wheat in the spring. Bai Shanbao also exchanged one catty two taels for a batch of wheat, so most of the villagers in Qili Village are not short of food.

  So few companies have decided to grow winter wheat.

   Tired after all?

  At the end of the year, everyone will save a little bit after the autumn harvest. If you plant winter wheat, it will be equivalent to the end of the year.

  This is really not a good sign.

  But the old Zhou family decided to grow winter wheat. As soon as his family connected in the village, several households agreed. Others hesitated and followed more than a dozen households.

  Farming is like this.

  The reason why the old Zhou family decided to grow winter wheat was that Manbao and their small farm wanted to grow it; the other was that the old Zhoutou still missed the benefits of the new wheat; and the third was that there were cows in the family.

  However, they did not plan to grow more. This year, they still only planted 20 acres.

  Other people do not have such a big handwriting as the old Zhou family.

   Planting two or three acres is almost the same, mainly because they don’t eat the winter wheat too tightly.

  Yes, everyone is so satisfied.

  Waiting for Manbao and the others to leave school, Mr. Zhuang was also invited over.

  Master Bai liked the children and the magistrate Yang very much, so Bai Shanbao and Man Bao were left by him to accompany the magistrate Yang to have dinner together.

  Yang Heshu also likes to talk to the three children.

   Talking to them, you don’t have to be as troublesome as coaxing a child, nor as bothering as facing an old cunning adult, let alone worry that they will not understand what he is saying, and feel a sense of powerlessness.

  So the four quickly became a group by themselves. They walked in the garden to admire the flowers and talked, but instead they dropped the master Bai and Mr. Zhuang in the pavilion to play chess.

  Man Bao looked at a chrysanthemum and ran up to admire it.

  Shirajiro waved his hand very generously, "I'm here for you."

  Only when the voice fell, Bai Shanbao pinched the flower off and put it on Man Bao, and couldn't help laughing.

  Yang Heshu looked at the chrysanthemum with a big face, and couldn't help laughing.

Man Bao was consciously beautiful. He had to run to the lotus pond of Bai Erlang's house to take a look. Bai Shanbao held her tightly and said, "It's very beautiful, it's very beautiful. We just walked over there and don't go." "

  Yang Heshu burst into tears and laughed. He wiped the corners of his eyes and nodded, "Yes, it looks good."

  Man Bao took the flower down and said, "Since it is so good-looking, it should be given to Yang Da, right, you are our parent official."

  Bai Shanbao and Bai Erlang heard that they were right, and they grabbed Yang Heshu, and the three children put flowers on his head in unison.

   Now Huan Man Bao laughed with Bai Shanbao and Bai Erlang.

  Yang Heshu waited for them to laugh enough before plucking the flowers from their heads, and asked with a smile: "Didn't you say that you will go to my house when you have time to go to the city? Why don't you keep going?"

  Man Bao said: "I only went to the county town once before the Mid-Autumn Festival, but I went with my family. There are so many people, it's not easy to disturb adults."

  Bai Shanbao also said: "We went to Yizhou during the Mid-Autumn Festival."

   "Oh?" Yang Heshu saw that they were more and more young adults, and his tone became more like that of his peers, "Is Yizhou fun?"

  Bai Shanbao and Bai Erlang nodded fiercely, "Their streets are very big, and they are very many. We haven't finished shopping for two days."

  Man Bao wowed, "So big?"

  The two nodded together.

  Man Baodao: "There must be a lot of delicious food."

   "Of course," Bai Shanbao said, "I ask you to go or not."

  Yang Heshu smiled and asked, "So can Yizhou be lively?"

  Bai Shanbao thought for a while and said: "The bustle is bustling, but people are also weird."

   "Oh, what a weird trick?"

  Bai Shanbaodao: “There are a lot of beggars in Yizhou, not only in the city, but also along the official road and outside the city gate. We haven’t even entered the city yet, so they took their bowls to beg. It’s so pitiful.”

  Bai Erlang nodded again and again, "We don't have so many beggars in Luojiang County. They are very rare in the city, and there are only one or two between towns and villages. Sometimes I pass by and pick up a bowl of porridge to eat."

Bai Erlang said this because their house in Qili Village was the most impressive. The beggars who passed by would walk outside his house first. Every time his grandmother would ask someone to give the beggar a bowl of rice, and then give people two bowls of rice to pass. go.

  Shirajiro has seen it several times since childhood.

  But only a few times.

  So for the beggars everywhere in Yizhou, he was as surprised as Bai Shanbao.

  Yang He sighed faintly with his hands on the back of the book, and asked, "They were all begging because of last year's natural disasters?"

"I've asked, most of them are, and some are from Yizhou from other places," Bai Shanbao sighed: "The prices in Yizhou are too high. One family’s wontons are said to be very delicious, and they cost twenty. For a bowl of Wen, you only need seven pennies in Luojiang County."

  Manbao immediately popularized science, "It used to be only five essays."

  Yang Heshu thoughtfully, "The price of food over there must be very high?"

  Bai Shanbao and Baijiro nodded together.

  Yang Heshu looked at Le, "Have you even deliberately asked if the price of food is not enough?"

   "Of course," Bai Shanbao said for granted: "There is a grain shop not far from the other courtyard where we live, so we went in and took a look."

  Bai Shanbao said to Man Bao: "My cousin made a lot of money for us. You must not know what price our new wheat varieties sold in Yizhou."

   "What's the price?"

  Bai Shanbao said: "The price is so high! The grain shop didn't sell it, but the guy said that if we want to buy that new wheat seed, we have to spend at least three hundred yuan."

  Man Bao was stunned, "A fight?"

  Bai Shanbao nodded affirmatively, "One fight."

  The three little friends have not had time to talk about these things, because he and Bai Er had too much fun on this trip. The homework assigned by the husband was not completed. Once the leave was taken, the husband sent three times the homework.

  Every day, Bai Shanbao and Bai Erlang can only stay in the study to bury their heads in their homework, but Man Bao can run home after finishing their homework to play with their nephews and nieces, without taking care of them at all.

  Yang Heshu widened his eyes, and asked, "What kind of wheat actually costs three hundred words a fight?"

  His first thought was that someone maliciously raised the wheat seed. At this critical moment of post-disaster reconstruction, this behavior is extremely bad.

  The three children are very proud, "It is our wheat seed."

  Yang Heshu narrowed his eyes and asked, "Is there anything special about your wheat seeds?"

   "Of course," In order to sell their wheat varieties to Master Bai, the three of them, including Bai Erlang, listed the strengths of their new wheat varieties, and then recite them back and forth.

  Although it’s been a long time now, Shirajiro can still remember, so you and your two friends will say something to me...

  "Our wheat ears are long!"

  "Our wheat plants are tall and strong."

  "Resistance to drought and flood."

  "The main reason is that the output is still high."

  Yang Heshu smiled and asked, "Then how much did you sell?"

   "Selling to my family is one hundred and fifty wen per dou, and outsiders are one hundred and eighty wen per dou, but now the price of food has dropped, and the price of grain has also fallen."

  (End of this chapter)

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