Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 107: Ginger

  Chapter 107 Ginger

Man Bao patted his pocket and sighed sadly. When he got home, he gave the fabric and cotton to her mother, and then solemnly announced to the family, "My money is all gone. You have to pay for the meat!"

  Lao Zhou glanced at the cloth and cotton in his wife's hand, touched the cigarette gun and thought to himself, but it was finally exhausted.

  He nodded, but when he turned his head, he said to his sons: “After you go out to sell soup, you will leave a jar first, and bring it back to your sister to eat at night.”

  Everyone said it’s okay. On Tuesday Lang also said, “We can still bring back the bones with meat underneath to Man Bao Chee.”

  So the meat issue is resolved.

  In this era, the transmission of information is slow. Zhou's family is doing business with Lauding. Except for Lauding and his family who go home once every ten days, few people know about it.

   Things can’t go anywhere, so for the first twenty days, there has been no competitors, and their income has stabilized.

When those Laudins took a break and went home to take dry food for the first time, most of them no longer brought dry food, but carried rice or wheat, directly exchanged fresh and warm dry food with the Zhou brothers, and served with a bowl of broth. , Even if there is no food, it is enough to fill the stomach.

  It’s not that no one has thought about doing it, especially Laudin, who has a lot of brothers in the family.

  How many people walked to the meat stall, and the price shrank when asked.

  Until the news spread from village to village, the brave and clever people knew that cooking after Lauding could make money.

   So people started to appear behind each section of Lauding pushing the cart, naturally including the two sections of Lauding that the Zhou brothers followed most often.

They did not have such a big movement as the Zhou family brothers. Most of them put the cooked steamed buns in a basket to keep them warm and sent them urgently. Perhaps they knew that they had been here for a short time, so they deliberately lowered the price a little, or made the steamed buns. A little older than Zhou's.

  So Zhou's business was diminished.

   Although very sorry, but on Tuesday Lang also said: "It's very lucky to be able to earn so many days."

Zhou Lang's heart was raised, and he said, "Then we still go. There are only two hundred letters on this day. The vegetables are not sold at all, and there are fewer people buying steamed buns and sesame cakes, but the soup can still be sold. "

"Go, why not, even if you can only sell soup, you can earn more than a hundred words a day." Zhou Dalang and Tuo Lang did not have the eyes of the younger brothers higher than the top, and they also told them: "For the big winter, you can go home too. It’s better to go out to earn some money. Fourth, you still owe money to your family. Fifth, sixth, don’t you keep clamoring to buy new clothes? A person can spend at least 30 cents a day and save A few days is enough to make a new set of clothes."

  Wei Lang unwillingly lowered his head and stared at his toes, not very happy.

  Lao Zhou became angry, knocking on the stool and said: "I'm too lazy to go, then come home and go to the ground!"

  Who would turn the ground in the winter?

Man Bao routinely chewed on bones, together with her nephews and nieces, he raised his head and patted his hands: "Okay, come back and help me open up wasteland. Brothers, I think the wasteland of the fourth brother is not big enough. , I can’t grow what I plan to grow, so let’s drive a little more along that field."

She said: "Fifth brother must have too many people who are abandoning and earning little money, so you take turns to go. Today, third sister-in-law and fourth brother go, fifth brother and sixth brother stay at home to help me open up wasteland, tomorrow five Brother and Brother Six will go, and Brother Four will stay at home to work. Isn't that all right?"

The brothers saw their father thinking about it and nodded, "Man Bao is right. If you only sell soup, it would be a waste to go to so many people. You can go to two of them as soon as you go, and the remaining two will stay at home. Work."

He looked at Zhou Dalang and Tue Lang again, and said, "You brothers also take turns. There is no need to go to four people at once. There is a lot of work at home. The kitchen has to be built and the chicken shed has to be repaired. ..."

  Although Zhou Dalang and Tue Lang are already adults, they don't really want to stay at home to work. They slung their shoulders when they heard the words, but they didn't dare to say this disappointment, for fear that their own children would follow suit.

  The more I arranged, the more I felt that this method was better. I took my turns. The income of the day was divided between two people except for paying the public.

  The money in the father-in-law is not small, and there are four more labors a day to do the work at home, no problem.

  Friday Lang couldn’t help complaining about Man Bao, “What do you want to plant? The fourth brother’s land is not too small. Is such a large land available for planting yam?”

   "And ginger."

  Friday Lang said: "It's so expensive, it's not certain whether you can grow it and live, and your heart is too big."

  Man Bao hummed, "I can definitely plant a job."

For this reason, Man Bao also went to Bai Shanbao with the **** block. The two of them looked through a lot of books, but they did not find the **** block planting method in the only agricultural book. Man Bao had read so many books during this period of time. His eyes were dizzy, and he said, "Such an important Jiang doesn't even write how to grow it, huh, they don't write, I write."

   After saying that, she pulled out a lot of white paper from the system, folded it and cut it directly, and let her sister-in-law sew it for her. She squeezed the writing brush crookedly and wrote the word "ginger" on the front page.

  She decided to write it herself. Keke said that as long as the observation is proper and the planting diary is recorded, the **** planting method can be written down. Besides, Keke’s entry contains the basic planting method.

  The customer service in the mall will also answer her planting questions, but she doesn’t understand any nutrient solution or fertilizer. Keke also said that she doesn’t have those things, so they still have to find out how to grow them here.

  Manbao and Bai Shanbao are both poor children and are passionate about making money, so Bai Shanbao graciously emptied the flowerbeds in his yard, and then buried a small piece of **** in it.

  Occasionally, Zheng, who came to see his son, watched the two children pouting their buttocks and playing seriously in the flower garden. They were a little entangled. Although the flowers planted in the flower garden are not very precious, they are not easy to plant. Why are they dug?

The two children worked together in mud. Finally, Man Bao knocked the soil off the roots of the plucked flower plants and placed them gently on the soil. A serious and peaceful Bai Shanbao said: "The weather is too cold, you have to keep them warm. Straw and wheat straw are the best. I'll give you a hug tomorrow."

  Bai Shanbao also nodded solemnly, and then watered it diligently. Before going to bed at night, thinking of the **** in the yard, he got up and watered it again.

  The Spring Festival was approaching, and the temperature started to rise slightly. The **** that Manbao had grown in the vegetable garden sprouted. Manbao was so happy that he ran to Bai's house that day and asked Bai Shanbao if his **** had sprouted.

The two children squatted in the flower garden for a long time and did not sprout. In the end, the two of them couldn't help digging the soil, and then they saw that the swollen **** lump became black. With a poke, it softened. , It is obviously broken.

  (End of this chapter)

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