Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 102 Goldfish Jelly

The weather after the Dragon Boat Festival was extremely hot. Many crops in the fields were ripe, and many villagers were working hard in their fields to harvest.

Wu's and Qian's Jin Guihua walked in front, Qiao'er followed behind holding Chang'an, and Bai Huahua and Huahua followed closely behind.

A group of people, a cat and a dog walked through the fields and came to the Country Bunzi Mountain.

There are many people in the woods on Tubao Mountain gathering wild vegetables and digging grass roots. Maybe they have no food at home and want to use these to satisfy their hunger.

Chang'an touched the leaves and weeds intentionally or unintentionally, and the little goldfish jingled and talked in his mind.

Then she came across a kind of dwarf tree, whose scientific name is the fujiu tree, also called the turtle dove tree. Its branches can be cut alive, and its young leaves can be made into fujiu tofu for consumption.

Aunt! Come and pick this! Chang'an heard that it could be made into tofu and immediately stopped to observe the dwarf trees.

Mrs. Wu turned around and walked to her little niece and asked, What are you picking this for? There was no shortage of food at home, so there was no need to pick leaves to satisfy hunger.

Compared with staple foods such as rice and noodles, no matter how the leaves are cooked, they are harsh to the throat and not delicious at all.

Make tofu. Chang'an has never eaten tofu made from turtle dove leaves, and the little goldfish said that the tofu tastes great when mixed with sesame oil, vinegar, and some chili sauce.

She didn't know what chili peppers were, but she knew from the name that they tasted similar to dogwood.

Wu was surprised: How do you make tofu?

Pick them back first and I'll teach you. Chang'an began to pick the leaves.

Seeing that her little niece insisted on picking it, Mrs. Wu had no choice but to stop and help.

Sister-in-law Qian and Jin Guihua saw Wu picking leaves and followed suit without hesitation.

Anyway, it's right to follow Chang'an and Sanshun's wife.

After gathering a basketful of turtledove leaves, the group continued on their way.

There are no edible fruits on Tubao Mountain. They are all harvested by hungry people. Even the young leaves of willow and elm trees are gone, and the branches of many old elm trees have been broken off by people.

Oh, luckily the little hoe learned the craft from Chang'an, otherwise our family would have to come to pick leaves. Jin Osmanthus sighed.

Her family has a lot of children, including seven sons and daughters, and she has to eat a big pot at one meal. If it wasn't for the reluctance, I would have drowned both of them.

Qian nodded in agreement: That's not bad.

Her family's life was not easy before, and she was only a little better than Golden Osmanthus. Later, Goudan got better and played with Chang'an, and good things continued from then on.

A few people walked and chatted, and soon arrived at the jujube forest.

There are already several people here in the wild jujube forest, and they are picking the small jujubes.

We are picking jujubes at this time. Can the fruit be eaten? Jin Osmanthus said quickly and couldn't help but complain.

But the fruit pickers were unmoved. Instead, they struck randomly with sickles as if to vent their anger.

These people are Wu's stepmother-in-law Zhao, her sister-in-law Song Yufeng, and Widow Cui and her daughter Zuo Cuihua.

Wu walked to the other side and began to dig up a small jujube tree.

Qian and Jin Osmanthus came to help, and the three of them quickly dug out a few trees.

Sisters Chang'an and Qiaoer took their dogs to look for raspberries, but they couldn't find any.

When he looked up, he suddenly saw Song Yufeng running not far away, dressed in rags, staring fiercely at the little baby.

Qiao'er was startled and subconsciously protected Chang'an behind her: What are you doing?

Song Yufeng's eyes were cold and she said to Chang'an: You are a disaster! It's not enough to harm your parents, but it's also harming my elder brother! Why don't you die?

Chang'an was annoyed: You are the disaster! Your whole family is the disaster!

When Bai Huahua heard her little master quarreling with someone, she immediately rushed over and bared her teeth at Song Yufeng.

Song Yufeng was afraid of the dog bite after all, so she took a few steps back, but she kept talking, Let me tell you, little evil star, your father is dead and your mother is someone else's mother. From now on, you will be a bastard that no one wants. , sooner or later your uncle and aunt will be killed!

My father, uncle, and aunt will not die! My mother is also my mother! You are the real evil star! Huh! Chang'an saw her looking like a dog jumping over the wall, and he was not afraid at all.

Song Yufeng stared at Chang'an for a while, then turned and left at her mother's call.

Wu walked over quickly, touched Chang'an's head and asked, What did she tell you?

Chang'an didn't want to learn those words, so Qiao'er finally told her what Song Yufeng said.

Wu was very angry, but Song Yufeng had already left with Zhao, Widow Cui and her daughter.

Mrs. Qian also came over: I heard that both of Song Jizu's legs were broken. The old Qian woman, her daughter and her grandson were living off Widow Cui. What kind of pie did she draw for Widow Cui? She let a mercenary woman I am willing to support them.”

Wu was also puzzled.

But the Zhao family has nothing to do with her family anymore. No matter who her family plots against, as long as they don't plot against her family.

Several people went to dig up some soapberry saplings before returning home.

Mrs. Wu planted jujube and soapberry saplings in the backyard, and then began to collect the dove leaves.

She rinsed the leaves according to Chang'an's instructions, scalded them with hot water, and then rubbed the leaves vigorously to get out the gum inside.

Then I took some plant ash from under the stove, melted it in water, and filtered it several times with a cloth to get grass-alkali water.

The leaf juice is also filtered, and there are two large basins full of dark green juice. Add grass-alkali water, stir slowly with a spoon, and then skim off the foam. After letting it sit for half an hour, two large basins of dark green tofu are ready.

When eating, cut it into the size of jelly and mix it with soy sauce, sesame oil, minced garlic and dogwood. It is a refreshing snack in summer.

Sister-in-law Qian and Jin Osmanthus watched the whole process of Wu making fuji tofu, and they tasted it together, clapped their thighs and exclaimed: It's so delicious! God! Why is Chang'an so smart? Can he even make this?

After Chang'an finished half a bowl of fuji tofu, he shyly hid in the house and climbed on the kang to make clay statues with molds. He listened to his aunts praising him and felt happy.

The one with the loudest voice outside was the golden osmanthus, holding the bowl and eating a big bowl, saying: Xiuying, why don't we sell this thing on the market? It doesn't cost anything and can be made with just a few leaves. Two big pots, no matter how you do this business, you won't lose money.

Sister-in-law Qian agreed: That's right! The three of us will do it together! If we sell it for two or three cents a bowl, someone will definitely buy it!

Wu smiled: Okay, but the method of making tofu cannot be known to others, otherwise we won't be able to collect the leaves.

Of course! Jin Osmanthus laughed and said, It happens to be the market the day after tomorrow, and it's busy harvesting wheat, so let's get ready quickly.


The three women hit it off immediately and quickly prepared tables and benches.

The doenjang had to be weighed and the cost calculated later. I also pulled some garlic and coriander from the vegetable garden as seasonings.

I also need to buy new bowls and chopsticks, a large pottery bowl with a small amount of water, and a random branch to use as chopsticks.

Chang'an also wrote a sign for them: goldfish jelly, two coins a bowl.

She was supposed to write Fu Ni Tofu, but these four characters were too difficult to write. She had to write the word Fu many times, and each time it was written as Fu Rou. She couldn't even fill the palm-wide wooden sign, so she had to change it. It’s goldfish jelly.

Fortunately, the aunt and the others didn't care. They happily poked the wooden sign to the ground. The three of them admired it many times, but they didn't recognize a single word.

Chapter 2 will be published tomorrow morning. Let’s go to bed early.

The author hereby wishes you all a happy New Year and all the best!

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