Chapter 835 Gongsun Yu is lost!

Tongtian wanted to kill a person, and he never needed to think about courage, or even if he should not think about it, because as long as he determined that the person deserved to die, then even if the person was a daddy, he would have to die.

Lu Goujian and Xiaoyaozi barely had time to confess the funeral before they died under the palm of the sky.

is it hard?

Shouldn’t it?

Those are farts.

Tongtian is the will of this world, and no one can violate it, including Gongsun Yu!

When Gongsun Yu watched the two corpses lying coldly at his feet, he also instantly felt a chill rise from the soles of his feet, and then instantly filled his whole body.

“Before Xun Qing died, the widow once told him the cause of death.” Tongtian turned his head to look at Gongsun Yu, “Widow promised Li Ji that he would not kill you, but he would never let you go. Seeing you challenge the bottom line of widowhood.”

Everyone has a bottom line, let alone the sky.

who is he?

He is the unique king in this world. How can he tolerate the challenge of others so presumptuously own bottom line?

So he made a straight shot and instantly abolished all Gongsun Yu’s body skills!

“You!” Where did Gongsun Yu have room to fight back. When his power was exhausted, his eyes were bloodshot looking at Tongtian, and he said cruelly, “You dare to dispose of the old man!”

“If you abolish you, that would be worthy of you.” Tongtian glanced at him coldly, “If it weren’t for you to challenge the widow’s bottom line again and again, this world wouldn’t need to be like that.”

What if Gongsun Yu had not planned to assassinate Qin?

What if the philosophers had not planned to assassinate Qin?

What if the Six Nations had not planned the Battle of Hangu Pass?

It would be the most gentle reunification in history, without gunpowder, no war, and no killing.

Tongtian will use a method that does not exist in this world to dominate the world, and truly let this world get the peace it should have.

Although Tongtian can do it at this moment, but if it does, the people in this world will not suffer so much at all.

Li Si and Han Fei both nodded slightly when they heard the words, apparently agreeing with Tongtian’s views.

The two of them, of course, hope to dominate the world through the most gentle method, if possible. Who wants to see the raging war?

It seems that no one wants to see the flames of war, but sometimes, fighting to stop the war is the only feasible method, and this method is actually used by the philosophers and the six countries to force Qin.

“You keep saying for the sake of the world and the people of Li, but you have asked if this is the world and if the people of the world are there, do they really need you?”

The scariest thing in the world is not Death, but when you find that everything you have been struggling to do all your life is meaningless.

The most absurd thing in the world is knowing that it is meaningless but still reluctant to give up.

The so-called belief is just an excuse to paralyze own.

The so-called belief is just a reason to domesticate others.

What have the philosophers and hundreds of schools done for this world? Did it teach people to be good, or did they stop the war completely? Is it helping the people get rich and living a peaceful and prosperous life, or is it helping the king to govern the country in an orderly manner?

It doesn’t seem to be at all.

Not only did the philosophers and hundreds of families fail to eliminate the wars in this world, but because of them, the wars among the Seven Kingdoms never ceased.

Because of them, isn’t the world chaotic enough?

Isn’t there not enough fighting among the philosophers of a hundred families? Is it rare for the people to be implicated and harmed because of their struggles?

Let me ask whether the people of the world need the so-called philosophers and hundreds of families?

What exactly did they bring to the people of Lebanon in the world?

“Widowed people really don’t know, where did your courage and confidence stabbed Qin.” Tongtian put his hands behind his back, and he exuded a kingly spirit, “Widow Qin, how can you get involved?”

Yes, it is enough for the philosophers to harm the Six Nations, but they stretched their hands into the Qin State, vainly attempting to assassinate the general of the Qin State. This is something that Tongtian absolutely cannot tolerate.

Gongsun Yu looked at Tongtian blankly, with only one sentence echoed in his mind, “Does the people of the world really need to do this by themselves?”

He never thought about this problem, because from the beginning to the end, he thought that he was doing it for the sake of the people of the world and preventing them from a war that was about to sweep the world.

He always thought that what he did was right.

But how do you define right and wrong?

Is it right to say that you define right and wrong?

Conversely, is it correct or not to be defined by yourself?

Do people all over the world recognize their definition of right and wrong?

It is terrible to know what you cannot do, because it is a concrete manifestation of stupidity and pedantry. But knowing that it is impossible to do it, but in the end it was discovered that what it did was completely meaningless. No one in this world needs it. What kind of sadness is this?

Perhaps only Gongsun Yu could understand at this time, because at this moment, he suddenly realized that everything he did seemed to be meaningless to the whole world.

Will the world be unified?

Will the seven countries that split the Quartet continue forever?

Is it correct to say that a long time must be combined and a long time must be divided?

So what are you doing?

who am I?

Where am i from?

Where am I going?

At this moment, Gongsun Yu was silly, unable to remember his own past, and could no longer perceive everything in this world.

He was completely lost in his own faith.

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