The first thousand and sixty-seventh chapter secret!

He failed?

No, he just didn’t succeed. He spent millions of years, not hesitating to refine the principles of the ten thousand realms, and emptied the entire universe. In the end, he still failed.

Such a person is indeed pitiful, and extremely pitiful.

The so-called organ is exhausted, the so-called at all costs, it is extremely pitiful to think about it, not to mention that it is just a emptiness, that kind of huge failure must make him very uncomfortable, and it must also make him very frustrated and discouraged.

Therefore, he is really pitiful.

But this kind of pity reveals a hatefulness, a hatefulness that cannot be forgiven.

In the battle between the Immortal Emperor and the demons who attacked him, he was struggling to death and recovered his life from the edge of the fall.

But he still didn’t wake up, still thinking that his method of refining thousands of creatures to ascend Immortal Ascension was correct, so even if he was in Qi Otherworld, he continued to peer into the Immortal Emperor in this way.

Was he practicing Immortal Ascension Ding really to lead the Immortal Ascension of the races?

“Come out.” Tongtian waved his hand, the power of time and space surged instantly, and now apart from the Emperor Immortal, the only person who remembered the inside story of the year appeared in front of everyone.

A space-time vortex appeared in the void, and the Immortal Queen and the Emperor slowly walked out of it.

They never came out after being passed into another time and space by Tongtian. With the strength of the Immortal Empress Hongchen, it is really impossible to break the barrier, let alone reverse the time and space, so they can only wait for Tongtian’s release.

When the emperor saw Tongtian, a resentment surged across his face.

However, the face of the Immortal Empress was very quiet. She did not feel hatred or anger because Tongtian killed the Immortal Emperor, but rather seemed very calm, as if nothing had happened.

Everyone’s eyes were concentrated on her face. At this moment, she was the only person besides Emperor Zun who knew the inside story of the war.


At this moment, the immortal cauldron sacrificed by the emperor suddenly made a loud noise, and the power of the endless turbulent Dao Ze burst out in an instant, and billions of celestial clouds rushed out like a tide, rolling towards the immortal queen.

“Killing and killing?!” Tongtian shouted, raising his hand to wave a force of time and space, and instantly confined the void, and the billions of celestial clouds were sent into another time and space in an instant.

Then, Tongtian’s figure suddenly appeared in front of the emperor, and his right fist smashed down on the emperor’s face with the force of opening the sky and the earth.


It was a huge force that surpassed everyone’s cognition. With only one fist, it was like a bombardment with a fairy weapon, and the emperor who had become a quasi immortal emperor was instantly torn apart.

The most terrifying thing is that the emperor’s body, who has reached the level of the quasi-immortal emperor, can no longer be recast after being shattered by a punch from the sky!

The emperor had only one immortal consciousness trembling in the void.

The immortal emperor’s coercion was not something he could fully bear, and the coercion on Tongtian at the moment only leaned on him, how could he be able to withstand the immortal emperor’s way?

Tong Tian shot again, imprisoning the emperor’s immortal consciousness in the void, then turned his head to look at the immortal queen, “let’s talk.”

The emperor fell, and the last obstacle that stood in front of the human race fell.

A look of disappointment flashed across the face of the Immortal Queen, but her eyes didn’t show up, instead she showed a sense of helplessness, “Finally, I got to this point.”

As soon as he said this, everyone except Tongtian became confused.

Hearing the tone of the undead queen, she seemed to be very disappointed with the failure of the emperor?

Does she hope that the emperor will succeed in attacking the heavens?

What kind of secrets exist between them? !

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