Fantasy: It Turns Out That I Am a Peerless God of War

Chapter 34: beautiful woman full of melancholy

Pingjiang Chamber of Commerce.

In addition to the top executives of the Chamber of Commerce, Mao Lin sat on the top with a gloomy and scary face.

"President, think of a way!"

At this time, a high-level executive finally couldn't sit still and came out and said: "As we all know, a city can only have one first-level chamber of commerce, and now it is just at the juncture of the ranking of the chamber of commerce!"

"Yes, President."

Another high-level executive came out and said: "Our competition with the Baofeng Chamber of Commerce could have remained on a par, and even in the market development of gold, silver, and cultivators' items, it was even better than the Baofeng Chamber of Commerce, but now the Baofeng Chamber of Commerce is even better. Relying on a book, this month's revenue is 20% higher than our Pingjiang Chamber of Commerce, if it is like this next month, then we can only hand over the title of this level of chamber of commerce."

"Yes, after that, we can only act according to the eyes of the Baofeng Chamber of Commerce. Even the pricing of items and the choice of the market will be given priority to them." Another person came out and said.

For a time, everyone in the entire conference hall was worried.

This made Mao Lin's face, who was sitting on the top, even more gloomy, and his palms clasped the seat even more.

He originally thought that Yi Feng's broken book would be able to sell two copies with his help, but who would have thought that the Baofeng Chamber of Commerce would become a fire in a blink of an eye.

Not only that, but the Baofeng Chamber of Commerce relied on this book to directly surpass his Pingjiang Chamber of Commerce by 20%.

"President, I heard before that it seems that the original author of this book came to you before?" At this time, a high-level executive asked Mao Lin.

Mao Lin raised his eyebrows.

It's okay not to mention this one, he almost had a heart attack when he mentioned this one.

Yes, it was Yi Feng who came to him first, but he handed over the way to make a fortune, which was even more uncomfortable than a dead wife.

Immediately, his face was embarrassed, and he coughed twice before waving his hand and said, "Don't be impatient, everyone, what has we not encountered since the establishment of the Pingjiang Chamber of Commerce? I will resolve this matter."

"Dare to ask the president how to solve it?"

someone asked.

Obviously, although Mao Lin is the chairman of the chamber of commerce, he is not alone in the chamber of commerce. This matter has already aroused everyone's doubts.

"I have a little friendship with him about that author. If it's a big deal, I'll talk to him again and ask him to come back to my Pingjiang Chamber of Commerce to publish." Mao Lin said with an ugly face.

"President, people just started looking for cooperation with our Chamber of Commerce, we didn't want him, and now we call him back, is it so easy?" one of them asked.

Hearing this, other people's faces also showed worry.

Having said that, Mao Lin's face is not good-looking, but the matter has come to this point, even if it is not easy, he has to find a way to pull Yi Feng back, otherwise the high-level chamber of commerce will question him, and he, the chairman of the chamber of commerce, can't stand it!

Thinking of this, he waved his hand and said, "You don't have to worry about this. I said that I still have some friendship with him, and I will definitely let him come back, so don't worry!"

"I hope so."

Since Mao Lin has said so, everyone in the Chamber of Commerce can only temporarily choose to believe it, and then the meeting will be dismissed.

Mufu Mountain behind Pingjiang City.

At the top of the periphery, there is a courtyard, next to the courtyard is a hundred-zhang waterfall, and the flushing force condenses a crystal clear water pool with green smoke curling next to the water pool, and there is another garden.

On the jade stone, a woman in white stroking a long qin with the sound of the qin lingered around, attracting the fragrance of birds and flowers, like a fairyland on earth.

"Miss, a happy event."

Just at this moment, a maid came running over with a face full of surprise.

"Maomao, didn't I tell you not to be impatient." The woman in white looked angrily at the maid who came over, and said softly.

"Miss, he has published a new book." Mao Mao shouted with a book in his hand, waving his arms.


"The author of A Dream of Red Mansions?"

Hearing the words, the woman in white hurriedly stood up to greet Maomao, "Quickly, Maomao, show me quickly."

"Miss Hmph, you still said I'm in a hurry, don't you think you're more anxious than me?" Mao Mao said coquettishly with her little red lips.

"How dare you talk back, hurry up, prepare me a seat and prepare tea, and don't disturb me if it's all right." The woman in white hurriedly instructed the maid Maomao.

A cup of tea, one sitting, the woman in white picks up the book for one day, from morning to evening.

At this moment, she has already finished watching it.

However, holding the book for a long time did not calm down, his eyes were full of emptiness, as if he was still in the love between the two of the Supreme Treasures and had never come out.

"If you give me a chance to start over, I will tell you, I love you, if you have to add a deadline, I hope it is 10,000 years..."

"Such a sentence..."

"What kind of person can write it?" The woman in white whispered softly.

Seeing this, Mao Mao rose up and said with a small mouth: "Miss, you look like this again. The Dream of Red Mansions made you sleepless and sleepless last time, but this time it's better, even your eyes are demented."

"You little girl, you're actually holding back." The woman in white drank lightly, carefully holding the Supreme Treasure in her hands, and her red lips moved slightly: "A Dream of Red Mansions, a Book of Supreme Treasure, Mao Mao, you said, this is This gentleman must be a very gentle person, what do you think he looks like?"

After saying that, her crystal eyes flashed, and her face became longing.

"I do not know either."

Mao Mao shook his head in distress.


A sigh full of melancholy.

dong dong dong!

Just then, there was a knock on the door.


The woman in white frowned.

Mao Mao was also full of doubts, they have never excelled in this place...

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