Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 775: uninvited guest

Xiaoyan residence.

This place is extremely deserted.

But today it is crowded.

"Xiaoyan! I'm the distant cousin of your father's cousin's neighbor! You and I are also relatives. You can't keep your relatives away!"

The shouting outside the house rang.

In the house, no one responded to the latter.

"Xiao Yan! You are so shameless! I saved the door if I watched the door!"

"Brothers! Copy guys!"

After the leading men's faces sank, they took the machete in their hands and tried to open the door.

"Smelly boy! Dare to put down the barrier outside the house yard! I really committed you!"

"Don't hand over that monster beast today! Watch us tear down your kennel!"

After screaming, a group of people already had weapons in their hands and began to smash the door frantically.

And just when the gate barrier was about to be broken.

Suddenly there was an abrupt voice from the side.

"What are you doing!"

Talking in the air, after everyone turned their heads, they saw a man in a Chinese dress standing solemnly at the gate.

"The emperor... the prince..."

The person here is not someone else, but the Yanzhou royal family, the eldest prince, and Yan Xiao.


"A bunch of spoilers!"

"Go away!"

When the prince said something, everyone at the scene could not follow.

Pushed towards the distance one after another.

He didn't dare to step forward, but was looking at Xiaoyan's courtyard from a distance.

"Hey! I said, this is the evil wind, did the prince blow it?"

"Tsk tusk. It's still a question. The Huo Qiongqi in Xiaoyan's hands is no longer a secret."

"No matter who it is, you will never let such a fat sheep. The value of the ancient wild beast is not measurable by ordinary items!"

"Hey! Even the eldest prince has shot! It seems that today we have no hope, let's go!"

Even if it is nostalgic for this Huoqiongqi, after all, the great prince's reputation lies there.

Snatch food.

They are not worthy yet.

Only when the crowd walked away, the eldest prince turned his eyes to the courtyard.

After making a look at the entourage to the side.

Seeing this, the latter nodded slowly.

Then quickly stepped forward.

"Xiao Yan! The eldest prince is here! Come out to meet him soon!"

The voice spread, but Xiao Yan did not see Xiao Yan go out to greet him.


Seeing that he didn't even give his own face, Yan Xiao's face was slightly cold.

"Xiao Yan! You are from Yanzhou, you know the rules here. If you don't open the door again!"

"I have the right to condemn you!"

The cold sound spread across the horizon.

After the voice fell, after a few breaths, the barrier of the house disappeared.

The door opened slowly.

"Haha.. Wouldn't it be better for this early?"

After a sneer, Yan Xiao strode into Xiaoyan's courtyard with many members of the royal family.

"See the Grand Prince."

Xiao Yan's face was cold, mechanically leaning toward Yan Xiao.

"Um... brat!"

"Why? This competition is over! After you get the results, your tail will be up to the sky? You have been sent to the imperial city many times, but you never come.

"Is it because my eldest prince doesn't have enough face?"

"The villain doesn't care."

After hearing the sound, Xiao Yan nodded slowly to the eldest prince again.

The eyes were still cold.

"Hehehe, you yeah, you yeah... it's really hard to get in!"

After smiling slowly towards the latter.

The prince clapped his hands.

Behind him, the royal family members have placed the thousands of jewels and medicinal materials on their backs in the yard.

The endless stream of teams box after box.

The larger yard soon had no place to stand.

"The prince... what does this mean?"

Seeing this, Xiao Yan raised his brows and said slowly.

The latter smiled slowly.

Then he put a side token in Xiaoyan's hand.

"In view of Xiaoyan's outstanding results in this competition, Yanzhou decided to promote Xiaoyan to the head of the Imperial City Guard."

"From then on to the imperial city! Responsible for the safety of the imperial city!"

The words sounded,

Everyone who hadn't gone far had their teeth out of shock.

Good guy...this post...whatever it takes!

The chief instructor of the Imperial City Guard, that's an official position above 10,000 under one person.

The position that countless people in Yanzhou dream of.

And it's not just oneself, in the future, all the backs will be regarded as royals.

It can be said that one person has attained the Taoism and ascended to heaven.

"What! Master Yan! Are you satisfied with this official position?"

Yan Xiao slowly said towards Xiao Yan in front of him.

It is different from the surprise of the people in the distance.

Xiao Yan was not happy.

Looking at the token flashing in his hand.

The boy respectfully placed the token on the treasure chest aside.

"Return to the prince, I think you are here this time not just for a simple canonization, right?"

After the voice fell, the latter laughed noncommittal when hearing it.

"Boy, when did you become such a ghost?

"Hahaha, I heard, Xiaoyan, when you passed the fourth assessment. In the Wild Forest, you got a monster cub."

"I don't know where the cub is now."

The words sounded.

Xiao Yan was shocked unconsciously.

Just as he guessed.

Lifted his eyes to look at the prince in front of him.

The latter clasped his fists deep again.

"Prince Qiqi, you are dissatisfied with you. As early as half a month ago, that monster has already ran back to the Wild Forest on its own, and I can't lock his position.

"Oh? Is that so?"

After hearing the sound, Yan Xiao narrowed his eyes again.

"Xiao Yan, do you know the crimes committed by people in the imperial city?"

"The ancient wild beast, as the supreme monster beast, is inaccessible to people of your level. If this guy grows up, it will definitely cause turmoil in Yanzhou."

"So, for the sake of Yanzhou's safety, you must hand him over! You know that shielding that monster beast like this is creating a hidden danger for the entire Yanzhou, do you know?"

As the words sounded, Xiao Yan, who was originally extremely calm, looked extremely excited.

"Nonsense! Erniu is obedient! He won't become what you said!"

"Oh? Erniu?"

"Even the name is taken?"

The latter frowned slightly.

Xiao Yan was still young, so he couldn't compete with Yan Xiao, a scheming old fox.



With a subsequent wave, the entourage behind the prince had already moved towards the house with their heart.

"The prince found it!"

Just a few breaths.

As soon as the entourage found Xiao Qiongqi from the noodle tank.

When he was taken out, his whole body was still covered with white face.

"Hehehe, it seems there is no time to hide!"

"take away!"

The prince fell coldly.


Xiao Yan stretched out his arms and immediately blocked the way of the prince.

Grabbing the eldest prince's arm, he said eagerly.

"My lord! I don't need it! Can you let the two cows make a living? We can leave Yanzhou!"

"It will not cause harm to the people of Yanzhou! I promise!"


"Xiao Yan! You have already turned over the crime of deceiving the king! If you still insist on blocking me now! Not to mention the manager, I have a reason to take your little life now!"

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