Chapter 1082 A strange place, accidentally broke in!

Chu Xiao has almost adjusted his breath now. After a fight, his internal strength seems to have been faintly improved, but for him, a low-level monster like the blood dog monster is not very useful.

He scanned Qiao Ling and Ouyang Jian who were on his left and right with his eyes, they were still sitting cross-legged and adjusting their breath. After a short breath adjustment, the expressions of these two people also eased a lot at the moment.

In this battle, Chu Xiao also clearly felt that the strength of these two monsters had been greatly improved. It would be of great benefit to them to kill monsters of this level.

It seems that everyone will gain a lot from this trip to the dungeon.

It’s just that everyone has been walking in this cave for so long, and it seems that they haven’t seen the outline of the dungeon.

Right now, under the attack of this group of 627 blood dog beasts, everyone is already described as embarrassed. If it weren’t for this strange cave, it would be difficult to get out of it if it weren’t for this strange cave.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiao couldn’t help but look up the hole.

Just now everyone entered this cave in a hurry and didn’t notice any abnormality in this cave. Now I looked closely and discovered that this cave was quite different from other places.

I saw that this cave was no more than one person tall. With Chu Xiao’s stature, the top of the cave was only a few inches higher than the top of his head.

The direction of the cave was completely opposite to the direction of the stone ladder they had walked before. It was obvious that the direction of the cave was slightly inclined upward, and it presented a subtle angle with the stone ladder.

The cave was no more than ten feet wide, and it was enough to accommodate everyone. Right now the blood dog was standing at the door, and everyone was exhausted, all clinging to the stone wall.

The blood dog beast’s healing teeth were long and pointed, and it was not a joke if it was bitten by this monster beast.

And the cave here is completely different from the black rock stone ladder they have walked through before.The stone wall of this cave is the unique white of the rock. A light pink.

And under their feet, there is a thick layer of soft and fine sand, stepping on the soft, white sand and the black rock outside (bbbi), black and white, it seems that there is a trace A very thin line separates the two spaces.

Chu Xiao was a little surprised in his heart. He walked into the edge of the stone wall and examined it carefully, and found that the lines of the stone wall contained traces of red lines like blood veins. The color of these lines was extremely light, and it almost blended with the white stone. So under the soft light, the entire stone wall showed a faint pink color.

Chu Xiao secretly sighed the magic of this creator, but he didn’t expect that there is such a peculiar place in this deep underground.

There was a long female voice in the ear, it was the Shang Ruyi, only heard Shang Ruyi said,

“It’s quite weird here, and the demon spirit is much stronger than before.” Shang Ruyi didn’t know when he had come to Chu Xiao’s side.

She saw her long eyelashes flutter like butterfly wings, and her eyes were as if they were immersed in water.

At this moment, she was following Chu Xiao’s eyes, looking at the fine lines on the wall, and said quietly.

Chu Xiao knows that she is carrying such a magic weapon as a magical lamp, that magic weapon is the ultimate treasure, how can it be wrong, not to mention that her own Wandi sword is also buzzing at this moment, as if encountering a powerful enemy. excited. .

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