Fall in love with shame

Even the Sickness of Shame Has to Fall in Love Chapter 415

He intended to do so, but the words he said fell on their ears, but they changed their tastes and blushed slightly with each other, looking at Li Gongge full of confusion.

"Ahem..." reminded Su Nan with a cough.

Chu Shi was the first to respond and nodded, "I'm in the same class as him, and he did well in gym class, so he's not considered weak."

"Yes, sometimes I've seen our class together in gym class." Zhao Xiaomin also started evenly.

Zhan Wei-ling said, "Gong scape see, Nan is almost like I grew up watching him, he's not as weak as you think he is."

Li Gong scape was silent for a moment and said to Su Nan, "It seems it's true that I misunderstood, but it's also true that you met trouble those two times, and so far the murderer is still at large and you are still in danger, if you don't mind, every afternoon after school you come to the playground and wait for me, I'll teach you some self-defense techniques then."

Chapter 460 - Class President's Invitation

"Senpai, did you pick up my ID card? My ID card is missing."

In the afternoon after school, Su Nan received a call from Shu Bao'er, and on the phone the schoolgirl's voice sounded a sad feeling.

After all, it is an ID card, lost words not to mention that long replacement time, in case the ill-intentioned people pick it up and take it to do bad things, it is also a troublesome thing.

Su Nan replied, "Here I am , where are you, I'll take it over and return it to you."

Shu Bao'er sounded pleased and said, "I'm in the playground, waiting for you at the morning place."

Hanging up the phone, Su Nan left the classroom and went straight to the playground, where he found his senior sister in the morning resting place, she was sitting there smiling and waving at him.

Su Nan walked up to her and took out his ID card and gave it back to her, saying, "Put it away, you won't have such good luck if you drop it next time."

"Thank you, senior." The schoolgirl showed a smile and took the ID card and looked at it.

Su Nan asked her curiously, "Why is your date of birth so wrong, it's more than a decade apart, haven't you thought of changing it back?"

"All used to it." The schoolgirl shrugged, put her ID back in her bag, and said, "I accidentally got the date wrong when I was born, and then I never bothered to change it back, but I heard it was pretty hard to change, so I put it off."

"That's tragic." Su Nan commented, although School Sister made it sound simple, but things should be more complicated.

Scholar Sister's parents too, even if they made such a big mistake, they didn't actively go to the registry department to change back afterwards, what a trap for their daughter, I guess the teachers at the school would be confused for a while after seeing Scholar Sister's information.

"My hometown is in a very far and remote place, my parents used to be very busy working, and they don't have time to go back, but never mind, it's not a big deal, wait until I'm eighteen and then go back to my hometown, and then I'll go and change it back myself."

The younger sister smiled optimistically and said, standing up with her bag and smiling, "Senior, I'll buy you some milk tea, just as a thank you for picking up my ID card."

"No, it's not a big deal." Su Nan shook her head.

"Senpai doesn't give face." The senior said unhappily, so Su Nan had to agree to it.

The two of them chatted and left the school, several milk tea shops opened outside the school, the senior sister seemed to drink often, leading Su Nan to one of them and skillfully ordered two cups.

"I'm telling you, this one tastes the best, the cup I ordered for you is the best in this shop." The schoolgirl said divinely, sitting down.

Su Nan sat across from her and spat, "You didn't even ask me if I liked the drink, and you took the liberty of making my decision for me."

"Is there any need to ask?" Shu Bao'er blinked, "Did the senior not like what I ordered?" She showed a sad expression.

Su Nan was quite speechless in his heart, although he knew that his younger sister was just joking, but seeing such a cute girl sad, it really made one feel guilty in his heart.

"There's no dislike, I'm actually quite casual in terms of taste, anything is suitable." Su Nan said.

"I'm relieved then." The schoolgirl patted her full chest, causing a flutter.

Su Nan carelessly saw, eyelids straight jump, too elastic.

He didn't dare to look more, and lowered his head after a quick glance. After all, his younger sister was thick-skinned and liked to joke, and Su Nan didn't want to be damaged by her in a joking way, which was a bit humiliating.

At this time, the phone rang, Su Nan answered it without looking carefully, while the senior sister held the milk tea while looking at him and said, "Dating with a cute senior sister and answering other girls' phone calls in front of her, doesn't the senior think it's too much?"

Su Nan thought to herself who is dating you, how do you know it's a girl? Just before he could retort, the sweet voice of a young girl on the phone came out.

"Su Nan, where are you now?"

It was the squad leader's voice, just sounding a little gloomy.

"Something wrong?" Su Nan asked strangely, Ban usually rarely contacted him by phone, he could tell that he was looking for him on urgent matters, and the memory of Ban's perversions floated through his mind.

"Well, where are you?" Ben asked again.

Su Nan was hesitating to tell the class president the address, but Shu Bao'er had already gloated and leaned in close, speaking into the phone in a provocative tone, "We're at a milk tea shop outside the school, so if you have something to say, come over and say it in person."

"Shubao'er? Why are you with him." Lou's tone was stunned.

"Because...we're on a date." The schoolgirl snickered, and Su Nan quickly pushed her close face away and was about to explain to class president when he realized that the other side had already hung up.

He put the phone down and looked out of the dairy shop, always having the feeling that Ban would be looking for her.

"I feel like she's going to call over too." The schoolgirl echoed.

Wait, how did she know what she was thinking?

"Because the senpai's thoughts are written all over her face." The schoolgirl looked at his face out of concentration, paused and added, "That class president seems to be watching the senior very closely, so I guess she'll definitely come over."

As soon as the schoolgirl's words left his mouth, Su Nan saw the class president walk into the milk tea shop, and after looking around for a week, his eyes landed on him and walked over.

The class president didn't look at the schoolgirl and looked at Su Nan as if he wanted to say something.

The senior sister asked her, "Do you want milk tea, I'll buy you milk tea, senior sister."

"No, I'm looking for him for something, if you have nothing to do, go home early, don't let your family worry." Lou Ying shook her head.

Shu Bao'er nodded, "Then I won't disturb the duo of senior sister and senior, goodbye senior sister."

She winked at Su Nan, picked up her school bag and slipped away.

Su Nan didn't react at all, leaving just like that?

He looked at the frowning squad leader and asked, "What do you want from me?"

Lou's limpid eyebrows loosened, nodded, and said, a little embarrassed, "Actually... I wanted to... invite you to my house."

"Huh?" Was Su Nan really surprised to be so bold and open?

Seemingly also recognizing the ambiguity of her words, a faint redness crept up on Lou Ying's face and quickly explained, "It's my aunt's house, my aunt wants to see you."

Su Nan was even more confused, what did Lu Anya want with him, and didn't the class president not want him to contact her aunt, why did he specifically invite him to her aunt's house today.

Su Nan didn't quite want to go over there, there was no good thing for Lu Anya to find him every time, and was about to refuse when the limpid Lu spoke up, "The video I took that time, I'll delete it after you meet my aunt."

Su Nan couldn't help but look at the class leader in surprise, there was a video about him that the class leader originally seemed to be planning to use as a means to oppress him, but now he only needed him to meet Lu Anya and delete it.

Was it so important to see Lu Anya?

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