Fall in love after simulation

Chapter 322 Free Simulation Start

Whether she chooses Liuli, Xiaojiu, or both, the comments are "this is the situation she tried to avoid".

There are two doubts in this, one doubt is why the two people have the same idea, and the other doubt is why only one person thinks.

This is an imitation of Xiaojiu and Liuli. Thinking with universal logic, the comment should have both Xiaojiu's feelings and Liuli's feelings.

Nan Youxi looked at the summary interface and thought for a long time, and then stared at the comment itself for a long time.

He had some guesses, and he felt that his guesses were wild.

He thought, the most fundamental thing is to figure out the underlying reason why Liuli and Xiaojiu are giving in to each other, and then solve it.

Outside the window, the supposedly pure night was mixed with the scattered lights of the city, and the darkness turned to gray. The night scene seemed to be shrouded in dirty fog, and the crescent moon shone dimly in the gray fog.

It was still early, Minami Yuki called Ichinose Shiori.

The bell rang for a long time in the silent apartment, and finally Shiori Ichinose's voice rang.

"What's up?"

The girl's voice was lazy, Nan Youxi also heard the sound of water droplets falling, and the other party seemed to be taking a bath.

He then hung up the phone.

He guessed right, Shiori Ichinose was in the water, but he guessed wrong, Shiori Ichinose was not taking a bath.

By the pool, Ichinose Shiori frowned and looked at her phone. She couldn't figure out why Nan Yuki suddenly hung up the phone.

Because she was late?

The boy is not such a small-minded person, even if he minds, he should ask directly, and then she will tell him that she is swimming in the pool.

She also suspected that something happened to the boy. The boy hung up the phone because it was inconvenient or he didn't have time to talk to her.

The girlfriend made a sudden room round, and the robber broke in suddenly?

Various possibilities flashed through Ichinose Shiori's mind, and she soon discovered that these guesses were all wrong. The reason why Nan Yuxi hung up the phone was unexpected to her, and it made her teeth itch.

The phone rang again, this time the ringtone was not the same as before, because this time the call was not a voice call, but a video call.

She glanced at the swimsuit on her body, and pressed the answer button expressionlessly.

Her elegant body wrapped in a blue racing swimsuit, her skin glistening with water droplets, and her beautiful face with disdain appeared on the screen of Nan Youxi's mobile phone.

Nan Youxi sighed, she was actually swimming.

The disappointment in his eyes made Ichinose Shiori feel happy, she raised the corners of her mouth and asked, "Tell me, what's the matter."

"Help me investigate two people."


"My two cousins, one is Nan Liuli and the other is Nan Xiaojiu."


Ichinose Shiori was not asking why she helped Nan Yuxi, but why she was investigating these two people.

"Because they are the world." Nan Youxi became the riddle person she hated the most.

This answer couldn't satisfy Ichinose Shiori, the girl didn't ask any more, it was too rude and inelegant to ask the bottom line, she preferred to find the answer by herself.

"What to investigate? What direction?"

"Blood relationship and their parental relationship."

"I'll give you the answer tomorrow morning."

Putting down the phone, Minami Yuki sighed that Ichinose Shiori was so easy to use. If he had a friend like Ichinose Shiori in his previous life, he would be able to change girlfriends even faster.

Wait until tomorrow morning.

The light of the ceiling lamp faded away, and the night flowed in from the window, bringing Nan Youxi a quiet dream.

The dim crescent moon was walking in the sky, and before it fell below the horizon, the anxious golden wheel jumped out of the ground.

Then came the ringtone of the phone.

After answering the phone, Nan Youxi tapped her forehead to wake herself up.

Ichinose Shiori's voice sounded.

"The information stored on the Internet has been checked out. Should I give it to you in the classroom or talk to you first?"

"Let's talk about it now," Nan Youxi wanted to get the answer earlier, "Is Liuli and Xiaojiu related by blood?"

"If they came out of their respective mothers' wombs, we can check the blood types of them and their parents. No. If you want to verify it accurately, you need to do a paternity test."

"Is there any special connection between Liuli's parents and Xiaojiu's parents?"

"how is it like?"


"Judging from their chat records, call records and life trajectories, there is no. To completely exclude it, an offline investigation is required."

"Do both parents know each other?"

"The two fathers are from the same village, and the two mothers are from Nara and the other is from Hokkaido. It was not found that the two mothers knew each other."

"Thank you, I will pay you when I go to the classroom."

Nan Youxi hung up the phone, he was fully awake, and his sober mind turned into a mess of confusion.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. When he approached Shiori Ichinose, what he wanted was not detailed information, but to verify his conjecture.

Ichinose Shiori's answer shattered his delusion. Ruri and Koto have no blood relationship, and neither Ruri's parents nor Koto's parents cheated.

Nan Youxi originally wondered if Liuli and Xiaojiu had witnessed the polyamorous relationship between their parents, so they rejected polyamorous relationships since childhood.

Last night, lying idle in bed, he had exhausted fantasies. He thought, maybe Liuli's mother and Xiaojiu's mother were in love with a man at the same time, that man chose one side before marriage, but regretted it after marriage, and had an affair with the other party, two families, two children, both fell into misfortune .

He even thought that maybe Xiaojiu and Liuli were half-sisters.

It now appears that this conjecture is not established. He was probably infected by Ichinose Shiori, and he came up with such a thing.

Nan Youxi picked up the phone again, this time he dialed the grandma in the country.

He asked grandma about Liuli and Xiaojiu, and asked if they had any major changes when they were young.

Grandma is old and has a good memory, so she quickly gave the answer.

In the memory of the old man, apart from the fact that Liuli's parents were busy with work, Xiaojiu's father died in an accident, and the two girls were neglected by their families for a year, there is nothing that can be called unfortunate.

Nan Youxi asked Liuli and Xiaojiu's personalities when they were young. Grandma told him that Liuli was withdrawn and introverted, and Xiaojiu was mischievous. After meeting each other, the two girls' personalities complemented each other.

In the end, she cared about her grandma's health and agreed to go back to her hometown during the summer vacation. Nan Youxi hung up the phone.

It wasn't because of childhood trauma, why are Liuli and Xiaojiu so sensitive, so repelled and sisters falling in love with a man?

Nan Youxi glanced at the clock on the wall, it was only seven o'clock, it was still early, and there was still one simulation count left in the simulator.

He lay down on the bed and started the simulator again.

Unable to find the answer in reality, he decided to look for it in the simulated world and ask key people.

【Simulation starts】

[Remaining number of simulations: 0]

【Simulation object: Guan Yuejing】

[Loading time point: mid-warmth period]

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