Fall in love after simulation

Chapter 169 Free Simulation Ends

Linnai saw Nan Youxi from the corner of her vision, and her husband leaned against the wall and walked in lightly.

Knowing that he was going to play tricks, Linnai did not expose him, but lowered her head and waited quietly.

Sure enough, a strong body and a pair of powerful arms approached her from behind, clung to her, hugged her, and held her in his arms.

Nan Youxi rested her chin on his wife's shoulder, touched her cheek with the tip of her nose, and sniffed the fragrance on her face.

Rena turned her head, her lips were like cherry blossom pancakes, soft and sweet.

After the kiss, the two hugged quietly for a while, the meat was stewing on the stove, and they stared at the blue flame at the bottom of the pot.

"If..." Nan Youxi hesitated.

"Hmm?" Reina responded by closing the little flame.

"If everything goes backwards, your memory is still there, back to the time when I hadn't gone to the hospital, but in that world line, I wouldn't necessarily choose you, do you think the memory of the future with me is a good thing ?" Nan Youxi asked the last question.

"Just like GALGAME, you enter a different role route?"

"You still know this."

"Because Nao often plays, she changes the protagonist's name to you every time, and then only captures characters like the older sister with big breasts. If she accidentally takes the wrong route, she will be depressed for a long time."

Nan Youxi pretended not to understand what his wife said.

He said: "Just like GALGAME, do you think that wrong branch memory is a good thing or a bad thing? Would you want it?"

Rena didn't answer right away. She opened the stewpot, scooped up some soup with a spoon, and poured it into a small dish. She lowered her white nape, touched the white dish with her lips moistened by the kiss just now, and tasted it.

Looking up, she concluded: "I'm going to want it."


"Memory is just memory. If you can have it, it's a good thing. It's like watching a movie from the future."

"It's not just a simple memory, but also the feelings of the past." Nan Youxi corrected. Dream movies are not just memory pictures, but also the emotions in the pictures.

"Do you still have feelings? Feelings shape people. If you have feelings, the way you look at things will change."

Rena closed the lid of the pot, picked up the soup bowl and washed it in the sink, ready to serve the soup.

"To some extent, it will change the character."

Nan Yuxi thought of Nao, and thought of Xizi, the social fear of being afraid of giving birth to a big sister at home was better, and the puppet world-weary young lady became more active.

"It's more appropriate to use improvement than to change, and it's not a wrong branch memory, it's a happy memory that never came." His wife corrected Nan Yuxi.

She put down the bowl, and held her husband's palm around her waist. Her palm covered with water was very cool, dissipating the heat from Nan Youxi's palm.

She said: "When I was in the hospital, I often felt that I and the white sheets, the blue hospital gown, the plastic floor, and the air that smelled of disinfectant were the same thing."

"Before I was an adult, my memory was a pure white ward. All I had were white sheets, blue hospital gowns, soft floors, and pungent air. Like them, I was a member of the ward, a ward. part of the composition."

"I have feet, but I can't walk out of the ward. I have hands, but I can only hug the pillow. My lips are thirsty, and I can only drink plain water. My body is cold, and I can only wrap myself in a colorless quilt."

"I am me, but I am the proof of who I am, and I cannot be reflected in the ward. As a child, I suffered from this for a long time, and then I discarded my part. I merged myself into the ward as a dead thing. The pillow is My best friend, the quilt is my good mother, the window is the bad girl next door; I am the model doll for the hospital clothes, the lunch box for food, and the camera for observing the ward.”

His wife's words stopped, Nan Youxi shrank her arms and hugged her even tighter.

"At that time, I couldn't feel happiness, I had no happiness, I was a prison bird, I imprisoned myself." Linnai smiled and looked back at Nan Youxi, "At that time, I was a problem girl."

"It's that problematic girl who makes my heart flutter." Nan Youxi put her cheek against his wife's.

"I think," Linna continued, avoiding his face, "if I can get those memories and feelings, even if you didn't choose me, I can get the happiness in the memory, the happiness in the memory. The real poor thing is not Lost, but not owned."

"Losing will make people painful." Nan Youxi retorted slightly.

"Pain is also a kind of proof, proof of the existence of emotions, proof of my existence, proof that I am not a decoration called 'patient in the ward', proof that I am me."

At some point, Linnai's body became soft, and she leaned against Nan Youxi's arms, relying on her husband's strength to support her body.

Her head was lowered again, her loose hair hung down the side of her face, and the ends of her hair dangled around her waist.

Suddenly, a drop of water fell from the tip of her hair and burst on the small blue floor tiles. Nan Youxi hurriedly brushed aside her wife's hair and stared at her cheek.

she is crying.

Nan Youxi was surprised. He suspected that his cruel question touched his wife's tear glands. He wanted to apologize, but his wife's subsequent words made him dumbfounded.

"Did you have sex with Nao?" His wife looked at him with steamy eyes.

She thought her husband's problem was a prying after cheating.

"No." Nan Youxi looked into her eyes.

"Is that Xizi?"





"It's too much!" Nan Youxi squeezed her face hard, "You put on props every day besides yourself, I don't have the energy to cheat."

"Didn't cheat on anyone?"

"I only cheated on the three of them." Nan Youxi nodded his wife's tender lips, soft palms, and flexible legs.

The tears on the wife's face stopped, and a blush surfaced, and her pear-blossoming face was stained with the brilliance of the setting sun.

"If it's not cheating, why do you ask this?" She pushed Nan Youxi's hand away and let her hair cover her face again.

"Just asking about this possibility." Nan Youxi couldn't explain clearly.

"I thought you were going to abandon me and find another woman."

"Don't say such stupid things, I only belong to you in this life."

"I'd rather you cheat with them quietly. No, it's okay to be aboveboard, but you can't leave me behind."

"I will not."

"Without you, my body would die of a heart attack when I was an adult, and my heart would have been turned into a decoration in the ward earlier. You gave me everything. If you have any ideas, you can be bold .”

"I've said it all, I won't have any other thoughts in this life."

Nan Youxi held her two hands, and the two cuddled together in the kitchen, feeling the joy of happiness.

"Speaking of it," Nan Yuxi pointed to the stew pot, "Isn't this ready yet?"

"Ah!" Linnai exclaimed, "I forgot!"

"What a daredevil."

"Oh! Don't call me a ghost!"

【End of free simulation】

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