Fall in love after simulation

Chapter 107 Rena Nakajima (Second update)

After a while, Hinata Nakajima received a reply.

"Nan Yuxi: Maybe I made a mistake."

At least from the point of view of the text, Nan Youxi believed his nonsense.

Nakajima Hyunhei breathed a sigh of relief.

"Nakajima Hinata: How did you know my mother's name?"

"Nan Yuxi: I probably made a mistake, Mr. Nakajima forgot about it."

How could it be forgotten! Where on earth did you get my daughter's name!

Hinata Nakajima typed out a long string of texts, wanting to ask questions, but before clicking send, he deleted all the texts.

If he acted too eagerly, maybe the boy would notice something was wrong.

"Nakajima Hinata: Put more effort into your studies."

"Nan Yuxi: Teacher Nakajima is really considerate. It would be great if I had another good wife by my side."

"Nakajima Hinata: Don't joke about adults' private affairs!"

"Nan Yuxi: I'm not kidding, I can introduce one to the teacher."

Hinata Nakajima frowned, this guy is so kind?

"Nan Yuxi: In return, please introduce your daughter to me."

It turns out that you came up with this idea!

"Nakajima Hinata: No need!"

"Nan Yuxi: It's so cold. Speaking of which, has Mr. Nakajima's mother seen me?"

Hinata Nakajima's heart trembled, why would the boy ask such a question? Has Reina ever met him? What kind of problem is this?

"Nakajima Hinata: I don't know, why do you ask?"

"Nan Yuxi: It's nothing, the teacher should rest early."

Hinata Nakajima held the phone, frowning because of Nan Yuki's question.

Rena should have never met Nan Youxi, but she did know about Nan Youxi's existence.

He looked through the chat records, and according to Nan Yuxi's words, he speculated that it was a person named "Nakajima Rena" who had contacted him, so he sent a message to ask.

But this is impossible, it is impossible to contact Nan Youxi with Linnai's character.

Forget it, these young people think about it as soon as they think about it, so don't worry too much about it.

Putting the ashtray back on the railing, he walked out of the smoking room and stood in the corridor to smell the smoke.

The hospital was silent at night, and the lights shone on the plastic floor and the handrails of the wall, reflecting a few blurred lights that were not dazzling. This scene, this dead silence, always reminded him of death.

Guessing that the smell of cigarettes on his body had faded, he walked deep into the corridor.

Pushing open the door of his daughter's ward, a piece of white came into his sight, the walls, floor, curtains, fluorescent lamps, everything was white.

The white curtains were opened, and a girl in a blue hospital gown was sitting on a white hospital bed, covered with a white quilt.

Her face was turned to the window, looking down into the garden.

"Rena." Nakajima Hinata walked into the ward.

"Huh?" The girl turned her head, showing a gentle face, and when she saw her father, a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

That gentle smile was like a god, dispelling the feeling of death that Nakajima had infested the hallway.

"I'm sorry, I went out to smoke a cigarette." Nakajima Hinata sat down on the chair two meters away from the girl. He was afraid that the smell of cigarettes that had not dissipated from his body would choke his daughter, even though she had never been choked.

"It's okay." Rena Nakajima shook her head and looked out of the window again.

Hinata Nakajima scratched his hair. He was actually not good at dealing with his daughter. Compared with the overly active students in school, his daughter was very quiet.

Sometimes, when teaching students who are too noisy, he will suddenly feel a sense of envy in his heart. He will think, if Linnai is as noisy as them, as willful, as clear-cut ideas, with three minutes but very hot High passion, that's fine.

"This morning, I made a joke." Nakajima Hinata tried hard to find a topic, "I accidentally got up late and hurriedly took a tie and put it on to go out. I didn't find out the color of the tie and the color of the shirt when I arrived at school. Same color..."

When he started to speak, the daughter's eyes fell on him, and she seemed to be listening carefully.

He knew that this was just a kind of politeness, a kind of tolerance. Is his daughter really interested in his tie? I'm afraid not, but my daughter also doesn't hate his topic, she is willing to listen to him, say he is stupid in a gentle voice or tell him to pay attention next time.

It wasn't the reaction he wanted, he wanted to bring some fun to his daughter who had been in the hospital for a long time.

He changed many subjects without success.

There is no way, he can only resort to tricks.

"That Nan Yuxi, went home with Kazumi Qianju again today."

When talking about Nan Yuxi, Nakajima Hinata keenly grasped her daughter's faint emotional changes, and this topic made her feel interesting.

"I thought that after he got involved with Ichinose Shiori, he would often pester Ichinose Shiori, that is a woman who can save a lifetime of struggle by marrying, but I didn't expect him to still stick to Senju Kazumi. "

Hinata Nakajima narrated his observation of Nan Yuxi today.

It was at the beginning of the month that I discovered that my daughter was interested in Nan Youxi's story.

He has limited stories alone, and he will have nothing to say after a long time. Therefore, he often brings out the things about the students in his class as a topic for chatting with his daughter.

For more than ten years, he has told about countless students, some of whom, some farces, will make his daughter temporarily interested, more focused than ever, and her eyes brighter than ever.

At the beginning of April, a new batch of students enrolled, and Nan Yuxi, a dazzling presence, naturally became a new material for Hinata Nakajima to chat.

This beautiful young man from a remote area is ugly because of a few trivial things that no one really cares about, and quickly falls into autistic situation. It is an excellent plot.

As he expected, after he started telling, the daughter was attracted by the boy's story.

While he was delighted, he also thought that his daughter would soon lose interest in Nan Youxi, just like the previous students. My daughter has never been interested in one person or one thing for more than five days.

He was wrong. Nan Youxi's story had been going on for more than half a month. Not only did her daughter's interest not dissipate, but it became more intense with time.

Even if he only said some very unnutritious things, such as Nan Youxi yawned a few times this morning, how he secretly looked at his mobile phone during class, and what he said to someone, his daughter would listen very interestingly.

It is a good thing to be able to continue to arouse his daughter's interest, but his daughter's strong interest in a boy makes him feel jealous.

For more than 20 days, Nan Youxi has become a fixed topic. He feels that a third party has been inserted between himself and his daughter.

He desperately wanted to find another topic that would interest his daughter and replace Nan Yuxi's time every day, but so far he failed.

"Mr. Nakajima, the time is almost up." The nurse on duty knocked on the door to remind Hinata Nakajima.

"Okay." Nakajima Hinata stopped Nan Yuxi's topic and responded to the nurse's words.

He stood up: "See you tomorrow, Rena."

"See you tomorrow, Dad." Rena Nakajima waved to him.

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