Fall in love after simulation

Chapter 102: Xizi Takes the Initiative to Attack (Part 3)

When I opened my eyes, it was already a familiar ceiling.

Nan Youxi touched her side, her wife's soft body disappeared, the wide double bed became a narrow single bed, his palms stretched out of the quilt, and the wind from the balcony caressed his fingers.

The free simulation is over.

A bullet box popped out in front of his eyes.

【End of free simulation】

Cross out the bullet box, and the interface of the simulated text is below. The simulation that continues to run is no different from the previous one, and it will soon come to an end.

[Simulation ends]

[Because the emotional progress is too similar, no summary will be made]

Outside the window, the sun had fully risen, and the chirping sparrows had finished their noise and flew to nowhere.

Nan Youxi glanced at her phone, it was just seven o'clock, it was still early.

He put the pillow behind his back and lay on the head of the bed, thinking about the day with Yuko and Mayuri.

so good. A petite wife who is very active, a daughter who loves to play games, and a noisy mother-daughter relationship. A completely different experience than the last free simulation.

In Asano Nao's life, she is an exceptionally shy and good-looking wife, a conscientious and motivated daughter, and a harmonious and friendly mother-daughter relationship.

Nan Youxi couldn't help but compare the two free simulation experiences together. Which wife and daughter is better?

The answer is comparable. Even the styles are completely different, and there is no comparison at all.

He thought back to the many attempts he had made in his Sims life.

Compared with Asano Nao, Ibuki Xiko went much smoother this time, which is also related to the girl's character. Unlike Nao who always endures the pressure silently, Xiko is particularly proactive.

Nao Asano suffered a lot because of her daughter, while Yuko Ibuki...choose to push her daughter away, even if she wronged her, she couldn't wrong herself.

Nao Asano's sim's main dilemma is after the relationship, while Yuko Ibuki's sim's main dilemma is before the relationship.

It's really different in every way.

After thinking about it for a while, he couldn't help but think of Yuko Ibuki in reality. He looked at the ceiling, in the direction of Ibuki's house on the 11th floor.

What is Yuko Ibuki doing now?

Yuko Ibuki just woke up from a dream.

Ibuki's apartment is only one more living room than Nan Yuxi's, and the girl and her mother sleep in a bedroom. Yuko Ibuki slept on a folding bed, and Honoka slept on a double bed.

The girl suddenly got up from the folding bed, she opened her mouth, wanted to shout, found herself back in the apartment, and stopped her mouth.

She recalled the picture from her dream. Recalling the movie theater that appeared in the dream, recalling the movie in the dream, recalling the VR glasses and the experience after wearing the glasses, everything is vivid in my memory without fading, obviously the dream should be quickly forgotten after waking up.

Is that really a dream?

Ibuki Xiko was keenly aware that the moment she thought this way, it proved that it was not just a dream.

Because she is normal, she will not be troubled by a dream at all.

In the dream movie that can convey emotions, Xizi Ibuki experienced the long-forgotten joys, anger, sorrows, joys, the germination of her love affair, and the thriving growth of love.

It's too rambunctious. This forced emotion into her body.

The girl covered her heart, she felt her heart beating violently. The wind that leaked in from the window blew on her cheeks, which was extraordinarily cool, and she realized that her cheeks were flushed and hot.

Thinking of the picture in the VR glasses, her whole body became hot.

Nan Yuxi...?

my future husband? my sweetheart?

Like Nao Asano, Yuko Ibuki sees dreams as instructions for the future.

She chanted the name that was about to become her beloved in her heart, and immediately found the figure of the man from her memory.

It was the boy who suddenly talked to me recently.

Just thinking of Nan Youxi's figure made her heart agitated.

The dream movie stimulated her more than Asano Nao, not only because Asano Nao had already fallen in love with Nan Yuxi, but also because she felt the affection in the movie and the VR in VR with an empty heart. warmth.

Her heart is a glass of clear water, and the emotion conveyed by the dream movie is the paint dripping into the water. This large amount of paint dyes her heart with color.

At this moment, her mind is full of images of young people.

She recalled the last time she saw Nan Youxi to relieve her inner desire. The most recent meeting was last night, when Nan Youxi spoke to her in front of the elevator.

What did they say?

The conversation played back in Yuko Ibuki's ear.

"Good evening, senior."


"Don't say um, but say good evening."


"As expected of Ibuki-senpai!"


What did I say! Yuko Ibuki hugged her head. How could I be so cold to my beloved!

Various ways of apologizing quickly flashed through her mind.

Maid outfit? Dead reservoir water? White stockings? Bunny girl?

No, she and Yuxi have a normal relationship now, so there is no need to apologize.

Ibuki Yuko lowered her head in disappointment.

She quickly cheered up again. Through her dreams and recent encounters, she knew that Yuxi cared about her very much and had been actively approaching him. As long as she cooperates a little bit, their relationship will advance by leaps and bounds. At that time, she will be able to carry out various activities with Yuxi. What an apology!

Getting up from the bed, she couldn't help showing a faint smile. She walked out of the bedroom gently. In the living room, the bright sunlight came in from the window. She handled the ingredients and cooked with joy.

When packing the lunch box at the end, she took some out of Honoka's lunch box and put it in her own lunch box. If Nan Yuxi came to her at noon, she would use these to entertain the boy.

After getting ready, she finished her breakfast, took her bento, and walked out of the room. She doesn't need to call Honoka, the woman will get up by herself.

Entering the elevator car, Yuko Ibuki paused for a while on the sixth floor while pressing the first floor.

Is Yuuki still at home now? Met him the morning before, he didn't seem to come out of the apartment.

Not sure where Nan Yuxi was at the moment, Ibuki Xiko stood at the school gate and waited. She came out early, Nan Youxi should be behind her.

Sure enough, after waiting for ten minutes, she saw Nan Youxi's figure.

Quickly tidying up her clothes, Ibuki Xiko stood quietly, motionless.

The boy was getting closer, and her heart was beating harder and harder.

She thought, after Nan Youxi greeted herself, what kind of intimacy should she answer? Say good morning in general? Just say I love you? Or put it into action and take his arm?

First rule out the option of only replying "um".

Nan Youxi has already walked up to her, she is ready, and when the boy talks to her, she will naturally follow him.

However, Nan Yuxi walked over directly.

The young man who walked in front of her did not pause at all, his steps were steady and decisive.


Things seem to be having a little hiccup.

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