Fake Funeral

C91 two coffins

The closer I got to Grandpa Gu's grave, the more I hated the Mr. Zhao and A Chang. I feel that they are guilty of a great evil. Since they are already dead, they still have to dig out the coffin. This kind of person should be put to death.

The more I thought about it, the angrier I got, so I said to Xia Xin, who was beside me, "Don't you think so?"

Xia Xin looked at me with a puzzled expression, as if she didn't know what I was talking about.

Then, I started to despise Xia Xin: Grandpa Gu was in such a miserable state, yet she was unmoved? Pfft, inhumane.

In fact, at this moment, there was still a trace of rationality deep in my heart. For example, I faintly remember that I am in cahoots with Mr. Zhao. Xia Xin and I are friends, and Grandpa Gu is my enemy.

However … This wisp of reason was quickly drowned out. My logical chain was complete: 'Inhumanity is inhumanity, it has nothing to do with friends or not.' I did not want to be friends with such people. Since I was no longer friends, it did not matter to despise them.

As I thought of this, I looked at Xia Xin again. I didn't expect her to also be looking at me. For the sake of my beautiful face, I decided to give her another chance to save her. I said to her, "You also think that Mr. Zhao is very evil, right?"

I didn't expect her to look at me so strangely, as if she were looking at a lunatic. This hurt me a lot. I shook my head and sighed: The world is drunk, only I am awake.

The two of us have already seen Grandpa Gu's grave. The lid of the coffin had been opened a crack, so we could see Grandpa Gu's feet from here.

I suddenly became very nervous. What if the Mr. Zhao still wants to torture Grandpa Gu later? No, I have to take Grandpa Gu's body away.

Thinking of this, I jumped down from the grave and opened the coffin with all my might. The force of the blow was so strong that Xia Xin was startled.

Then I saw Grandpa Gu. He was wearing a coarse cloth longevity jacket. The clothes were very simple and crude, and there were many places with threads. It seemed that the person who helped him bury them was not very serious.

I reached out my hand to move Grandpa Gu's corpse. At that moment, I saw a piece of white paper underneath his corpse. There were some things written on it, but it was very dark, so I couldn't see clearly.

I didn't pay much attention to the piece of paper. It was probably something like driving a crane to the west or enjoying the afterlife. I continued moving Grandpa Gu's corpse. At this moment, I could faintly hear someone whispering in my ear, "When is Grandpa Gu's birthday?"

I jerked my head, but there was no one behind me. Only Xia Xin stood to the side.

I asked her, "Were you talking?"

Xia Xin asked curiously, "What did he say?"

Just as I was about to answer, I suddenly heard a sneer. Then, the soil under our feet crumbled and a hole appeared. Xia Xin and I were both submerged in it.

While I was falling, I tried my best to protect Grandpa Gu's corpse so that it wouldn't get damaged.

With a thump, I heavily hit the ground. As for Grandpa Gu's corpse, it smashed onto my body. Xia Xin was quite skilled. She had actually adjusted her position in the air and landed on the ground.

I looked around. This was a basement. It was simple and crude, almost like a cellar. There were two coffins in the cellar, and for some reason, when I saw them, I suddenly felt very close, as if I should have slept in them.

I sighed and said to Xia Xin, "I think it's really wrong to sleep in a bed. It's good to sleep in a coffin. "Heat preservation, sound insulation, you can still block out the wind when the weather gets cold."

Xia Xin looked at me strangely.

I lightly slapped myself on the face. Why should I care about this idiot? Let her be stupid. "

Thus, I turned my head around exaggeratedly, hinting to Xia Xin: "I'm not going to pay attention to you anymore?"

However, Xia Xin didn't have any reaction. Hmm, it is also possible that she is currently regretting in her heart and that her intestines have turned green from regret, just that she is too thin-skinned to express it.

This cellar is very hidden, outsiders probably won't be able to find it. I feel that hiding Grandpa Gu's body here is the most sensible choice.

Xia Xin was one step ahead of me. She walked up to the nearest coffin and casually opened it.

According to my thoughts, this cellar was probably prepared for me by Grandpa Gu. These two coffins are only his other two beds. So I waited for Xia Xin to give way and let me put Grandpa Gu's body in.

However, Xia Xin stood dumbly in front of the coffin, not moving at all. And I don't know if she did it on purpose or not, but it blocked my view and I couldn't see anything.

I asked Xia Xin, "What's in the coffin?"

Xia Xin calmly replied, "Nothing." Then he closed the coffin again.

I got more and more confused and said to her, "Since there's nothing here, how about we put Grandpa Gu's corpse in there?"

Xia Xin said, "Don't worry, I'll take a look at the other coffin."

Then she stepped aside.

Seeing that she was busy opening the coffin, I couldn't suppress my curiosity and tiptoed over to the coffin.

I coughed hard to cover the sound of the coffin lid being pushed. Then I saw a body inside.

There was a body in the coffin, which was normal. However, Xia Xin said that there was nothing inside, which was very unusual.

It was a dead woman, her face covered with a sheet of yellow paper. I couldn't see her face. But I always felt that her figure was familiar, as if I had seen her somewhere before.

I carefully reached my hand in and gently pulled off the yellow paper. The face below stunned me.

It was Xia Xin. She was lying upright in the coffin, her face haggard. It was obvious that she had been dead for a long time.

I felt a chill in my heart and jerked my head back. There was a Xia Xin outside, looking at another coffin. Her head was stuck into the coffin, and she looked like a headless person. It was extremely strange.

I was a little flustered, a little scared. My loyalty to Grandpa Gu is definitely true, but that doesn't mean that I'm not afraid of ghosts or death anymore.

If the person inside the coffin was Xia Xin's corpse, then who was standing outside? I looked in that direction. Xia Xin was standing in the shadow of the coffin, and I didn't know if she had a shadow or not.

Xia Xin raised her head from the coffin, and I closed the coffin beside me, pretending that nothing had happened.

I asked Xia Xin, "What's in the other coffin?"

Xia Xin said, "Take a look for yourself."

This frightened me. I always felt that there was a trap here, so I hesitated to go.

Xia Xin said, "How about I show you the things inside?"

This made me even more scared. I thought about it and said to Xia Xin, "I think it's better if I read it myself."

I don't know what's in the coffin over there, but I know what's in the coffin here. I don't want to get too close to her.

Xia Xin nodded and moved out of the way. When she passed by me, I passed her Grandpa Gu's corpse. "Hold on carefully, don't knock on it anymore."

On one hand, I want her to help Grandpa Gu. On the other hand, I want to use Grandpa Gu to separate the two of us.

Xia Xinyan sized me up a few times, then casually threw Grandpa Gu's body on the ground.

I was a little sad: this woman was beautiful, but her heart was like a snake and scorpion. She treated Grandpa Gu like this.

I walked over to the other coffin. In the process, I felt a little dazed, as if I were drunk, as if I had just woken up. There were a lot of things I couldn't react to.

I sighed. They must have angered me. Today, I was very popular. First it was the couple at the canteen, then it was Fatty. Then Mr. Zhao turned traitor, and then Xia Xin also didn't feel good …

In my heart, I silently said: Do not be angry, do not be angry, life is like a play, because of fate, they meet. Because of such a trivial matter, there was no need to think about it.

I lifted the lid, and with a creak the coffin opened a crack. I continued to read: I am not angry with others for being so sick. If I am angry, who will do it?

I pushed the coffin, and there was a gut-wrenching sound that revealed what was inside. There was also a corpse inside. I looked at the corpse as I unconsciously muttered the last few words: Don't be angry … Mo... Live... Hm?

I looked at the corpse inside in surprise, as my brain couldn't wrap its head around it. The person inside looks really familiar. Although his face is covered with dark paper, I can guess who he is.

That would be a terrible answer.

I hesitated, intending to find out what the mystery was, so I reached out my hand and unraveled the piece of paper.

In the process, I kept a secret eye on Xia Xin to avoid her taking advantage of my concentration. Fortunately, Xia Xin didn't pay attention to me. She opened the coffin again.

My hand touched the paper, and I was about to tear it open when there was a sudden movement from another coffin not far away.

I turned my head in surprise and found that Xia Xin, who was in the coffin, had suddenly sat up, just in time to look Xia Xin in the face.

This scene was truly bizarre to the point of death. I trembled in fear as I tore off the dark paper in my hand. Soon after, a series of creaking sounds came from inside the coffin.

I lowered my head in fear. I didn't guess wrong. The person in the coffin was indeed me. Or, to be more precise, my body.

However … Aren't I still alive and well? Why is my body in there again?

The body sat up abruptly, less than five centimeters from my face.

I stared at him, terrified, unable to say a word for a long time.

The corpse slowly opened its eyes. A smile appeared on its face as it said, "Grandpa Gu, when is your birthday?"

Grandpa Gu's birthday was on my back, but I was tongue-tied and couldn't say a word.

The corpse stretched out its hand, its long nails as sharp as knives. His nails were on my neck. "When is Grandpa Gu's birthday?" he asked.

I didn't dare to move as I tremblingly replied.

Then the dead body smiled even more amiably. "You're here? "Welcome, welcome."

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