In our case, knocking on the door is something to be done. The way to be polite is to knock three times, stop, and knock three times. As for the current situation, thumping incessantly, it could only be applied to one situation: reporting a funeral.

When I heard the knock on the door, I felt a chill down my spine. I got up from the ground and said to my clan uncle, "There's someone knocking on the door."

Then, I saw Hu Dali walking in while chewing on a corn cob.

I said simply, "Go to the cemetery. "Find something."

The clan uncle looked up and down at Hu Dali for a while, then suddenly said: "Do you dare to go with me on the ninth day?"

Hu Dali said: "I have so much guts, why wouldn't I dare to?"

I asked my clan uncle, "What are you going to do with him?"

The uncle said, "All those who are haunted by ghosts have a heavy heart and love to think. This brat Hu Dali, is lacking a string, even ghosts can't be bothered to provoke him. "

Hu Dali laughed when he heard it, but he did not know what was there to be happy about when someone said that the string was missing.

The clan uncle said to Hu Dali: "Accompany me to the mountain for the ninth day. If anything happens to him, just carry him on your back and don't let him stay in the Golden Toad Temple.

My uncle told me a few more things, that I should be careful and so on. Finally, he pointed at the Buddha statue in my hand and told me what to do with it after exorcism.

When things are settled, it will be late at night and we have to go.

The old elder was probably infuriated by me and my uncle. If the village chief didn't come, then the people who came to help out on his behalf would also be gone. So the clan uncle stayed at my house and helped me keep watch, while I brought Hu Dali out the door.

The streets were quiet. The villagers would go to bed early and get up early. By this time, everyone had already fallen asleep. The two of us were alone on the street, so the footsteps were loud and clear.

Perhaps it was because I was scared, so I was nervous as I hurried on. I carefully listened for any movement behind me. Luckily, there were no strange footsteps following me.

After a short while, we left the village and arrived at the foot of the grave.

There were grave bags on the hill next to each other, which made people's hearts turn cold. I took out two stacks of paper money and gave Hu Dali half of it: "Count three pieces of paper for each grave, understand?"

Hu Dali nodded and said: "Understood, isn't that simple?"

The two of us walked up the hill together, stopping every now and then to burn paper money.

Halfway up the mountain, I found foster-grandpa's tomb. I opened up the flashlight and took a look. foster-grandpa's Regeneration was still happening inside. His neck was twisted at an odd angle, like a dead body with a broken neck. A strange smile was on his face, and he was staring at me.

I was afraid that I wouldn't dare to look, so I called Hu Dali and said: "Let's go, let's go."

Hu Dali was indeed naive, but he was not extremely daring. In this kind of place, he didn't dare to mess around anymore and obediently followed me up the mountain.

There were Golden Toad Temple on the mountain. Many people knew about it, but very few had seen it. Only those who were buried would go once, and upon their return, it was forbidden for them to talk about the Golden Toad Temple. Therefore, there were all kinds of rumors about the Golden Toad Temple in the village.

The Golden Toad Temple was built with gold, and demons lived inside. As long as you can kill the demons, all the gold in the temple will be yours.

Others said that the people living inside were debased immortals. They wanted to help people recover from illness and accumulate merits. When he had collected enough merits, he would be able to return to the heavens.

These two statements were all nonsense. They made people talk nonsense and listen to them for fun. On the contrary, it caused the Golden Toad Temple to become even more mysterious.

Thinking about it, my clan uncle's Golden Toad Temple was the closest to the truth. Unfortunately, he had a crooked mouth and gave people an unreliable image by nature. Therefore, everyone didn't really believe him.

Ever since he came to the Yin side of the mountain, Hu Dali had talked a lot more, and asked me where the Golden Toad Temple was.

I pointed to the small shack on the hillside. "There it is," I said.

Hu Dali then rubbed his hands together and asked me if there really was gold inside.

I said no.

Who knows that Hu Dali would be even more excited, and even asking me if I have a god or not since there isn't any gold?

I said I hadn't.

Hu Dali whispered in my ear, saying that with the deities, it would be fine, but after hearing someone say that the deities will awaken after drinking a cup of water, I don't need to be an idiot anymore.

Hu Dali's words are very silly, but I really want to hear it right now. Because he was able to distract me from my fears.

However, the closer they got to the Golden Toad Temple, the more fear overwhelmed them. When we reached the entrance of the temple, even Hu Dali did not say a word. He just stared with his eyes wide open, staring straight at the door of the temple.

Taking a deep breath, I carried the statue to the temple door and reached for the door.

Burial sickness is best to be polite, knock on the door, call out a great deity, courtesy more people is not strange, perhaps things will have a chance. But when my hand landed on the temple door, I suddenly remembered something and quickly retracted my hand. I used too much force and almost sprained my wrist.

Today is that thing's birthday, it will close its eyes to sleep, why am I asking for death by knocking on the door? If he woke it up, he wouldn't have to live.

I pushed at the door and it creaked open. It was dark inside and I couldn't see anything. I took a photo of the flashlight. It was empty, with nothing inside.

The good news is there are no monsters inside, at least I can't see it, so there's no need to be so scared. The bad news is, it's empty, so where's the thing I lost?

Seeing me standing at the door in a daze, Hu Dali asked me: "Why aren't you going in?"

I whispered, "Let's keep it quiet and not wake it up."

Hu Dali glared and asked: There's only the two of us here, who are you to wake up?

I was too lazy to explain anything to him, so I just told him not to talk and tiptoed in.

The half of the candle on the ground was still there, but it had long since been extinguished. Could it be that this is the thing I threw in the Golden Toad Temple?

I picked up the candle and slipped it into my pocket. When I straightened up and was about to call Hu Dali to leave, I suddenly realized that there was no one left in the temple.

Why is it gone again?

I remember very clearly, Hu Dali was inside, and I was close to the temple door to pick up candles, if he wanted to leave, he would definitely pass by me, there was no way I wouldn't know. Besides, if he wants to leave, he should at least say hello to me, right?

I lowered my voice and carefully called out, "Hu Dali, where are you?"

The shout was truly trembling with fear. I was worried that he wouldn't be able to hear it, but I was also worried that I would wake up something in the Golden Toad Temple. After shouting once, he no longer had the guts to shout a second time.

Luckily, Hu Dali actually replied me: "I'm inside."

I was shocked and frightened. Where was it inside?

I held onto the flashlight and looked around randomly. Suddenly, a hand stretched out from the darkness. "This one."

I was so scared that I almost dropped the flashlight on the ground. Two seconds later, I realized that there was a door at the corner of the wall.

To be exact, it was a crack in the wall. The crack was in the corner and merged with the darkness in the surroundings. The last time I came in with a dim candle, I didn't notice it.

I walked towards it in quick steps, and squeezed through the gap. Then, I discovered that there was another small house inside the Golden Toad Temple.

I sighed to myself. That makes sense. No wonder I had always felt that there was something wrong with Golden Toad Temple. From the outside, although this temple was small, it wasn't to this extent.

This Inside the house was also very empty, but there were two more things. It was two clay figures.

One squatted, the other stood.

My flashlight swept past the one who was standing, and my heart started pounding. I know what I lost.

It was a piece of clothing.

When I returned to the village from my deathbed, I found myself wearing my own clothes, which scared me so much that I wondered where my own clothes had gone.

Now I know it was worn by the Mud Man.

I looked at the clay figure, and the thought of him wearing my clothes all these days made me feel unlucky. I tucked the flashlight under my arm and tried to take off his clothes.

Only then did I realize that all the buttons on the clothes were neatly buttoned. I felt a little queasy: who had dressed him? He couldn't possibly have worn it himself, could he?

When I undid the buttons, I found that my clothes and the clay figurine were stuck together, and a little force would bring down a large chunk of dirt. At this rate, when I get my clothes back, the clay figure will have to fall apart.

This mud man is from the Golden Toad Temple, he's very evil, I don't want to provoke him.

But Hu Dali was bent over and studying the other clay figure, ignoring me.

I noticed then that the other mud man wasn't just squatting down. There was a box beside him, and his head was resting on it, his face full of curiosity. He seemed to be listening to the sounds coming from the box.

Hu Dali suddenly laughed mischievously. "That's fun." Then he put his hand on the zipper of the box.

I was shocked. "Don't move."

Too late, Hu Dali casually pulled open the box.

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