173. burn up! forest!

If the Forest of Trials is a problem, just burn it down!

This lunatic solution received surprisingly enthusiastic support.

The reason was simple.

“Normal fire cannot burn that forest. It can only be burned using magic.”

If it could be burned with normal fire, it was a forest that would have been burned long ago.

The conditions that could only be burned with magic were horrifying beyond imagination.

“They say they’ll pay all these huge expenses in Killika.”

The key to everything is gold.

how much to burn

What are the benefits of burning it?

Compare the two, and if it was an advantage, someone would have done it.

The fact that the Forest of Trials still remained meant that it would be a loss to burn it.

But, here comes a madman.

“Kilika’s position is simple. Please permit it as a special crop cultivation area. I will pay the tax all the time, and after 30 years, I will return it to the direct control of the Empire.”

Taxes are paid, and after 30 years, the land is also dedicated.

There was no cost involved, and it was an unconditional benefit for the Empire.

“Why are you developing that side?”

“This is going to be fun. The special crop growing area was taken away by the Church of the Sun.”

“Hoo. Is that true? I heard that the sun and dawn collide.”

“That’s right. If we give permission, we can’t touch the sun for 30 years. It seems to be aiming for that.”

“haha. Only the empire is enriched by religious strife.”

Besides, there is a definite reason. There was no reason for the Empire not to grant permission.

“It seems like everyone agrees. I will give you permission for this.”

Official permission fell at a speed unimaginable.

All problems in the world are usually caused by gold and are the result.

* * *

By the time the imperial permission was given.

The entrance to the Forest of Trials.

Unlike the forest of dismal trials, the forest was full of vitality.

“Make fire prevention lines thoroughly! Don’t let the fire spread outside!”

People cut down trees and cut grass to create artificial fire protection lines.

This was done to prevent the fire from spreading.

Unlike the group that made fireproof lines like this, there were also those who drew something on the stretched ground.

“Make sure to link the magic circle!”

“How about this one?”

“I’m almost done!”

A large magic circle was drawn in front of the Forest of Trials.

The mages and purifiers were working with happy faces, but there was another amazing reason for this.

“If not now, when are you going to try it?”

“right. Large-scale fire magic is prohibited except in special circumstances. It’s now or never.”

Read at noble mtl.com

Massive fire magic.

Read at noble mtl.com

Magic classified as warfare.

It’s a magic that you can’t even practice after learning it. I didn’t even have a chance to use it if it wasn’t now.

‘Thanks to that, I received a lot of support from the Mage Tower.’

A space where you can freely pour out your fire magic.

Even this was good for the world.

As long as the peace continued, it was a magic that I couldn’t use even though I wanted to use it.

It was the same with the Purifiers.

“Are you really allowed to use hellfire magic?”

“Not only that, but all flame-type magic has been approved. I heard that the heir worked hard?”

“As expected, Heir-sama… … I thought you would take care of us too.”

There was a similar magic on this side as well.

It was the fire magic of the purifiers called hellfire magic.

It was a terrible flame magic that even burns the soul, so I had no use for it, but I could use it as much as I wanted here.

“Heir. Did you mean everything?”

Black asked Oren with a serious face.


“Everything is falling into place and working. This is not just burning the forest of trials.”

I was anticipating what to say.

“One action intends several things. Did you feel it?”

“That’s right.”

“It has improved a lot. when you said you were going to burn this place. It showed what the results could be and what could be intended.”

“… … Are you like that too?”

Of course it was bogus.

When I sent the papers to Killica that this was happening, it acted on its own.

It was not necessary to tell the truth.

However, I had to let you know.

“By the way, even if I hadn’t ordered it, the results wouldn’t have changed.”


“You tend to ignore Killika.”

“Absolutely not!”

To be precise, he didn’t know Killika properly.

“Even if I put it second, Killica is full of talented people gathered by the parish head. Even if I hadn’t ordered it, the result wouldn’t have changed.”

Only then did Black understand Oren’s meaning.

“You have the best weapon.”

“I mean?”

“When there is no way, the ability to go in and solve it yourself. I have it.”

It was the way Black cleared the dungeon. This wasn’t bad.

“So there was no other way. There is a solution without having to look for another way.”

However, because I have such ability, I have not been able to see it from various perspectives.

“There is only one thing for you to do. To grasp their intentions, and to pass them on to Killica. that is enough.”

If there is no way, you can jump in and solve it yourself, and if there is another way, you can use it.

“You don’t have to do everything. Even I depend on the parish priest. What I can’t do, I can leave it to Killika.”

It sounds so natural, but it meant something completely different to Black.

Black, who believed only in himself and explored the dungeon.

He always had to figure out everything himself.

“The answer was right next to me, but I couldn’t see it.”

Black bowed his head in embarrassment.

“That is proof that you are that good. Learning is nothing to be ashamed of.”

“I will keep that in mind. Heir.”

Thanks to this, Black’s respect went up even more.

While I was talking with Black, two reports arrived together.

“I am ready!”

“The Empire has run out of permission!”

It was a report that the preparations to burn the Forest of Trials had been completed, and a report that permission had been given.

“Let’s start.”

It’s the most fun ‘disregard’ time in the world.

Starting from Oren’s words, wizards and purifiers began to memorize spells.

The magic circles surrounding the Forest of Trials suddenly lit up.

square. square. square.

I turned my head at the strange sound that didn’t go well with this place, and the apostles were recording.

‘Wow. When did you come?’

There was a famous saying that came about thanks to the apostles. They are everywhere and nowhere.

It was exactly as it was said.

After a while.

A wonderful scene unfolded, enough to leave your mouth open.

“The 1st magic circle is activated!”

* * *

It wasn’t the large-scale fire magic that showed the line first.

“Flame Strike!”


As the magic circle on the ground lit up, a huge pillar of fire fell into the forest.

And not one, but six.

‘uh? I can’t believe that.’

However, the position of the pillar of fire was strange.

‘Is it Siri?’

[you’re right. The Pillar of Fire is drawing the Six Stars.]

As Oren predicted, things began to turn around.

“Activate the 2nd magic circle!”

Then it was the turn of the Purifiers.

“Summon Hellfire!”

The six gigantic pillars of fire were connected in a circle by hellfire.

A huge magic circle made of fire began to appear little by little.

“The 3rd magic circle is activated!”

Once again, the magic circle shone, and the wizards shouted the start language at the same time.

“Fire Wall!”

If the hellfire painted the outside of the magic circle, the fire wall was the exact opposite.

I drew the inside of the magic circle.

A gigantic pillar of fire was connected from the inside, creating a gigantic six-pointed star.

“The 4th magic circle. The mana injection magic circle is activated!”

The final 4th magic circle was decisive.

A huge amount of mana began to be sucked into the magic circle made of fire, and the sage stepped forward.

“haha. Then it will activate.”

Contrary to his empty smile, a tremendous amount of mana emanated from his body.

And, he muttered in a low voice.

“Fire Tornado.”

With his low words, something unbelievable began to happen.

A huge tornado of fire appeared.

“The 5th magic circle. The tornado control magic circle is activated!”

A tornado of fire created by the collaboration of wizards and purifiers.

An overwhelming sight that seemed to burn and destroy everything.

Read at noble mtl.com

Miracles weren’t the only thing Leon was making. Killika also created a miracle.

A tornado burned the forest of trials.


Accompanied by a terrible scream, black smoke billowed. The forest of trials looked like a living creature.

Then Siri gave a strange report.

[Aura is rapidly being absorbed towards Black.]


Before I knew it, Black closed his eyes and was sucking energy.

‘Ah, let’s share some!’

Oren stood close as if protecting Black. And, they absorbed the energy pouring towards Black together.

[master! This is death! I will absorb it right away!]

I heard that it was called the forest of death, but I didn’t know that it had real death energy.

Anyway, that didn’t matter.

‘Eat up!’

Opportunities are to be seized when they come.

A hurricane that burns the Forest of Trials.

Sharing the aura of death.

everything was perfect

* * *

After the hurricane has dissipated. The great forest was burnt away, filled with black ash.


Black also opened his eyes when the energy flowing from the forest was cut off.

“ah! Heir.”

He was surprised to find Oren standing there as if escorting him.

“Are you done?”

“ah. Yes. it’s over. Have you been protecting me until now?”

Oren did not answer and looked at the burnt forest of trials.

“Thank you very much.”

Black immediately thanked Oren. However, I heard something unexpected.

“Thanks to you, I also gained quite a bit.”

Black could quickly figure out what that meant. Thanks to the energy that was difficult to absorb, it was able to build up more firmly.

Oren made the opportunity.

“Thank you very much. That help was a surprise to me.”

Black thanked Oren again, but Oren had a completely different idea.

‘Wow. Even if we share the chance, will that be a chance?’

It was to the point of being stunned by his insane talent. But thanks to that, I gradually got a sense of how to use black.

“done. We helped each other, so don’t forget to say thank you. Look over there.”

Oren pointed towards the burned forest of trials.

In the burnt-out forest of trials, something remained.

“I feel the attraction there, how about you?”

Of course, I didn’t feel anything.

If it was all burnt out, it was most likely that place.

“you’re right! There it is!”

As expected, it was as Oren expected.

“let’s go. I guess I’ll have to go there myself.”

“Yes! I will take the lead!”

Now it was time to harvest that ‘something’ that had been hidden.

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