170. vigilant power

“The pope’s inspiration came out brutally, how did he do it?”

A voice full of joy.

The black mask seemed excited about what was so good about it.

“Looks like you haven’t seen it that far.”

“Yes. I’ve been trying to find out, but I just can’t figure it out. Even thinking about it, I don’t know. What did you do to get such a reaction?”

“I didn’t know you wouldn’t expect this, did you?”

He was troubled by Oren’s unexpected reaction.

“Hoo. Well, that’s an easy way… … I still don’t know. No matter how much I worry, I don’t know. I’m glad. I really enjoy this mystery.”

The reason he said this was simple. I am genuinely happy that I wrote it in a way that I did not expect.

“Stupid conversations with idiots are over. You are there. So don’t leave.”

The guy was full of madness and crept towards Oren.

“Until there. Get off.”

At Oren’s firm words, the boy stopped walking.

“I am not here to be your entertainment. If you want to hold me, bring me the price.”

At those words, the black mask burst into laughter.

“I’m really sorry about this. I feel like I’ve been unknowingly excited because I’ve suffered so much from idiots for a long time.”

“I don’t care about your situation at all. Let’s get to the point.”

when you try to get to the point.

“Wait. Are you really not going to tell me what that method is?”

The guy said to Oren as if he wanted to know, but he didn’t intend to tell him.

‘no. It’s not right that I can’t tell you.’

We kissed each other and just created the situation. There was no special method.

Just as there are no magic tricks, this was the same.

“I will leave it. If you find out how to do that, I think I’ll appreciate you a little bit.”

“Hoo. It will come out like that, is it? It’s fun.”

“If you forcibly find it by probing the Church of the Sun, it will be accepted as surrender.”

When Oren slightly provoked him, he snapped at the provocation.

“You don’t have to worry about that. I will solve it with my head.”

This way, you don’t have to worry about hitting the sun. He will find an answer that even Oren doesn’t know.

Oren took a pouch from a drawer and threw it at him.

“Check it out. Is it what you were looking for?”

“Five. It’s unexpectedly heavy. He said he couldn’t find it. Was it tough?”

However, his reaction was strange.

He was quite satisfied with the pouch Oren prepared.

‘Compared to what I got, it must be less than 1/3? Are you satisfied with this?’

There was something strange about this.

“Looks like there’s more than I thought.”

“That’s right. Didn’t you give it to the sun? no way… … Did you use this divine object to separate them?”

The boy started making nonsensical inferences.

“indeed… … If so, it seems to make sense.”

“Sorry, but that’s not it. Do you think the saintess is that soft?”

As soon as he heard Oren’s words, he said in surprise.

“So you mean at least twice as many?”

Oren nodded.

“… … What was the Vicar of Leone doing?”

Even on the dark side, there was no way there would be an informant in the orc village.

It was natural not to know.

Thanks, one piece of information has been added.

‘Fortunately, there seems to be no one like the Spirit of Observation on the dark side.’

Even if there was, it was clear that I couldn’t see it to my heart’s content.

“That is the strength of Bishop Leone. Regardless of race, it inspires and makes people willing to give it up.”

“He is dangerous.”

Hearing his words, Oren shook his head.

“It is foolish to judge him to be dangerous.”

“Hoo. Don’t you think Bishop Leone is in danger?”

Oren nodded.

“He is just a human being living for the world. He poses no danger.”

“… … So, who do you think is really dangerous?”

“to me?”

He nodded. Oren pointed his finger at the masked man.

“It is you. You don’t see anything about what your purpose is or what you guys are trying to do.”

“So what are you going to do?”

“First of all, I intend to become a competent person for you guys. and… … will stand on you certainly.”

It’s dangerous to say these things to other guys.

However, this guy in front of me is different.

“Can you? He is not an easy opponent to put under my feet.”

His reaction was rather more favorable. Declaring that you will do it at a time like this is stupid.

“It will be fun. It won’t be long.”

Oren replied as if it was no big deal. Then, the guy burst into laughter. He shook his head and laughed like crazy.

After laughing for so long.

“okay. I will happily wait for that short time.”

The boy answered in a refreshing tone.

“What about the reward?”

“I have to give it. Could you please wait a moment?”

The guy didn’t listen to Oren, and covered his face with darkness.

‘what are you doing?’

[It’s too dark. It is not transparent.]

Oren’s doubts were quickly dispelled.

A reminder came through the mask.

<Collecting primitive religious artifacts outside the continent.>

<Mission complete.>

<You have collected enough relics.>

<Rating will increase.>

<There are additional rewards.>

<Additional compensation is given by ‘Darkness’.>

The mission complete message popped up in my mind.

‘Looks like you’re talking to someone through a message?’

His head was wrapped in darkness, and it was a message that came straight to mind.

“Did you see what came to mind?”

As if he had finished his report before he knew it, he opened his mouth.

“I saw. It was written that the grade was raised and that you receive additional compensation.”

“You don’t have to worry about the grade increase right now. It’s important, but you still have a long way to go.”

“Will it change later?”

“It makes a big difference. You can also see what the real grade is.”

Then the real reward meant the next one.

“Looks like the reward you’re giving me is real.”

“That’s right. Have you ever tried using the Power of Vigilance?”

Of course there was. However, it was too useless to think about it.

“It was below expectations.”

“Five. You mean you used it?”

Oren nodded. Using the skill wasn’t that difficult.

“You are amazing. There are a lot of people who can’t catch the sense in the first place, but you ‘used’ it first.”

“I don’t know why this is great.”

“haha. Geniuses don’t understand the incompetence of idiots.”

He nodded his head in satisfaction, and went on to explain.

“What I want to give you as a reward is how to use your authority. How are you?”

not enough compensation It’s not enough, but it was an opportunity.

It was like a chance to check the guy’s ability, ‘Darkness’.

“Not enough. I just need time to study.”

“It means that we will inform you according to the reward. How are you? If you want to put it under the temple, it would be quickest to use a mask.”

The guy talked as if he were trying to seduce Oren. Oren smiled and replied.

“It’s a clumsy temptation, but I’ll fool you by pretending not to know it this time.”

“That choice. You won’t regret it.”

The boy immediately began to explain.

“I actually don’t know how to use the power of vigilance. I know a few methods from the previous generation, but they were the worst.”

The boy shook his head. The vigilante from the previous era seemed to be quite the worst.

“So, let me show you how I use it. You can think of it as passing on know-how.”

With those words, the guy disappeared.

[master! It’s behind!]

Hearing Bixby’s warning, Oren slowly turned his head.

“You feel good. What I just did was move through the darkness.”

“Through the dark?”

“That’s right. There are some limitations to using this, but it is quite useful.”


“Power is great power, but it needs constraints. The more you limit yourself, the more power you can generate. It’s like giving up your left arm and focusing all your energy on your right arm.”

Oren replied indifferently.

“I kind of got it, but the story was beside the point.”

“ah. sorry. The power of authority is based on ‘imagination’. It’s not just about using the power of darkness like mana.”

It disappeared into the darkness, then emerged from the darkness in an instant.

“It can be applied and used in this way, or the easier way is like this.”

As soon as he reached out his hand, Oren seemed to have fallen into darkness.

I couldn’t see anything, and my senses gradually faded as if my body was falling into darkness.

[Forcing the senses to assist!]

Of course, with Bixby, that was only for a moment.

“You use your imagination to use darkness. Depending on the restrictions placed on it, it can exert unimaginable power.”

I heard his voice in the darkness, and soon the darkness that enveloped Oren disappeared.

“As the grade goes up, the power of the authority gets stronger. If you start small, you will get a feel for it.”

This was an unbelievable force that only produced results. A power that does not use the authority of the boundary as power, but uses the boundary itself.

‘What kind of power… … .’

Oren hid his thoughts and answered calmly.


“Hoo. Did you get the hang of it? Power is so heterogeneous that it takes everyone a while to grasp this concept.”

Read at noble mtl.com

Most of the guys who are scouted by the dark side will be those who are good at magic or swordsmanship.

For those who have their own system, the power to use concepts was a very foreign power.

‘Sure, I’m different. I got it. Bixby. Assist.’

[All right!]

In the first place, Oren was not someone who practiced some kind of power and pursued the extreme.

I just built up my strength by using the existence of the notification window.

It wasn’t that difficult to use the ‘concept’ for Oren.

“The boundary between you and me. You will never be able to reach it.”

the concept of distance.

The physical boundary between the Masked Man and Ouren.

I focused on that boundary.

[I’m going to maximize my senses!]

Concentration sharpens, nerves sharpen. The boundary shook as if it could be grasped by hand.

Oren declared once more.

“It will be unreachable.”

At that moment, I felt the space stretched out, and the mask man was pushed back a long time.

The space is the same, but it feels like the boundary with him has only increased.

“… … uh?”

The guy walked forward slowly, but the distance did not close.


His body disappeared into the darkness and reappeared repeatedly, but the distance between him and Oren was not shortened.

The boundary between him and Oren remained the same.


Oren muttered, and he shouted from afar.

“Did you do this yourself!?”

When Oren released the power of vigilance, the faraway guy was right in front of him before he knew it.

“I tried what came to mind.”

“… … Are you saying that’s what you were aiming for?”

“It’s an interesting power.”

“The exhaustion… … .”

The moment he brought up the word exhaustion, enormous energy ‘disappeared’ from Oren’s body.


The energy that was huge enough to make me groan literally evaporated.

As Oren stumbled, he continued his words as if he knew it.

“ah. The exhaustion has just arrived. If you use more power than the level of the mask, you will have to pay the cost. I think you’re done with the inner energy now.”

Although hidden behind a mask, Oren was sure of it.

The guy was smiling.

“Sometimes life force disappears. It’s a useful power, but a terrifying one. The restrictions I was talking about. Remember.”


“I hope you use that power well. To keep me down.”

After saying that, Kamen disappeared into darkness. He would have thought Oren would be shocked, but it was the opposite.

‘Isn’t this shit!? Siri, Bixby. Get into the research system right now!’

[Yep! I recorded everything that happened earlier!]

[Authority is power. I will completely disassemble it.]

The concept of boundaries was a power that could be used anywhere. Ideas started popping into Oren’s head.

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