164. If you go, it’s fuji, fuji!

After wrapping up his activities as Oren, he started his activities in the form of Leon.

As soon as Leon got up, he moved quickly. As if to make up for the hiatus, he went everywhere and showed his face.

“President! Are you awake!?”

“yes! He was completely cured. The person who healed you said you got stronger?”

“haha. I’m really glad. thank god.”

“Have you been okay?”

“sure. Mr. Oren is also here, so what’s the matter? Right after recovery is the most dangerous law. You must take good care of yourself!”

People were thrilled to see Leone looking so healthy and smiled.

Worrying about myself was what I saw every time I was active as Oren, but seeing it in person as Rion was a new feeling.

I felt a tickling feeling in my chest, a warm, yet pleasant feeling.

‘Did he arrive?’

The last place Leone visited after seeing his face like that was the place where the ‘Ghost Gate’ was opened, where requiems were held periodically.

There was a different reason for choosing this place in the end.

“An item should have arrived, did it by any chance?”

“Yes. It was said to be an item to be sent to Leon. Here you are.”

The Purifier handed a small box to Leone.

A precious object that came from the spirit world.

It was the PDA promised by Chasa Yun.

After taking the item, Leon went straight back to the office.

When I opened the box, there was something similar to a smartphone.

Of course, they are similar, but there are big differences.

‘No matter how old it is… … .’

It’s clunky in appearance, heavy in weight and large in size. Fortunately, the usage was not that different.

Just like a smartphone, I turned on the PDA and sent ‘Talk’.

[Rion] – Well received.

[Charisma Yoon] -Oh. Relief. does it work well? Even though it’s a technology from a few generations ago, it should be usable.

It was useful, as Sergeant Yoon said.

The problem was that it was only worth writing about.

[Rion]-I thought that being a little slow had nothing to do with it, but this is no joke.

[Charisma Yoon] – Haha. That’s what I call a sense of inverse feeling. greenhorn.

[Rion] – It’s nice to think that we can still talk.

[Charisma Yoon] -Yes. It’s frustrating, but you’ll get used to it as you use it. So, is the contract over?

[Rion] – Ah! no. Can you keep this contract?

[Charisma Yoon]-??

[Charisma Yoon] -Hey. seal of the contract. It’s not like fashion.

[Rion]-How did that happen… … .

Leone explained that he had deceived the darkness using the seal of the contract.

[Charisma Yoon] -It’s not bad, right?

I thought he would burst into laughter, but Inspector Yoon’s reaction was more serious than I thought.

[Charisma Yoon] – You stabbed people’s prejudices well. Beings in the spirit world are bound to be feared.

I was sincerely admiring Leon’s plan.

[Charisma Yoon] -The problem is that I can’t control the seal of the contract.

[Rion] – Is that so?

[Charisma Yoon] – I’ll put another contract on top of the contract. What to do?

[Rion]-Please make it a moderately long-lasting contract.

[Charisma Yoon] – A long-lasting contract? Well, what about what you said? alliance.

Come to think of it, this was a good opportunity.

However, it was impossible to bite the bullet.

[Rion] -What do you make a contract between us?

[Charisma Yoon] -I know, I know. I believe in you too, but it’s because there’s nothing suitable.

This was a consideration given by Inspector Yoon.

[Rion] – Eh. It’s more reasonable to do other things when you have time to think about these things. just do it

[Charisma Yoon] -I understand. I’ll cover it with a temporary contract. Visit the spirit world later.

[Rion] – Yep! Thank you for being busy!

[Charisma Yoon] – Contact me often.

[Rion] – Yep!

That’s how the conversation with Commander Yoon ended.

‘Maybe it’s because I used the good stuff first, it’s oddly inconvenient.’

The PDA was usable, but as I said before, it was frustrating.

Then I felt a strange sense of deja vu.

The mask obtained from the dark side was similar to the notification window, and was useful, but it was nothing compared to the notification window.

Just looking at the restriction of wearing a mask to activate it, I could see how big the gap was between the two.

‘Similar technology? Or, technology from several generations ago, like smartphones and PDAs?’

If so, even if the mask came from the dark side, where did the notification window come from?

‘Did I receive a mission to destroy the dark side like I saved the world?’

Read at noble mtl.com

My mind started to get complicated.

‘Let’s not worry about unnecessary things.’

Rion cleared her mind of complicated thoughts and organized them into one.

‘The notification window and the mask are similar. Just remember this.’

I didn’t have to understand where it came from, why it was given, what its purpose was.

‘I know the notification window better anyway.’

It was Leon who used the notification window all the way before and after the return.

If a familiar weapon had come into hand, it would have been a matter of using it to pierce the darkness.

‘Do you know that Deputy Chief Yoon gave me a big realization?’

Thanks to the PDA, I was able to decide how to use the mask.

‘Then shall we begin?’

Leon opened his mouth.

“Express security, please. I will not allow anyone to enter except for the grandmother.”

At those words, Leon’s shadow shook. Leon took out the mask he was carrying in his arms.

‘Let’s experiment.’

* * *

The first thing Rion tried was to wear a mask by replacing only her face with Oren’s body.

<Face confirmed.>

‘Is this going to happen?’

The body didn’t matter. The mask recognized the user by the shape of the face.

Leon immediately took off his mask.

‘So, is this going to happen? Bixby. Can you make the face change faster?’

[How much do you want?]

‘Can you change your face the moment you put on the mask? Then, I think I can use the mask in the form of Leon.’

It was a face that would be covered by a mask anyway. If he changes at that moment, he will be able to use the mask even when he is active in the form of Leone.

[Pain can occur, but you can block it… … It seems to be enough!]

‘Five. really? Let’s try it.’


In that brief moment when Leon held up the mask and brought it to his face.

Wooddeuk. awesome

Leon’s face shook for an instant.

<Face confirmed.>

User recognition has been successfully completed.

[Whoa. It worked.]

‘Well done. Bixby.’

In this way, he could use the mask as much as he wanted even while wearing the appearance of Leon.

If it is possible to change the color of the mask here?

‘It could be an unknown, unregistered member.’

Fraudulent elements were everywhere.

‘Then let’s check the real thing soon.’

Rion confirmed the letters floating in front of her eyes.




‘Every time I see it, I feel it, but it has its own assortment.’

Rion didn’t say that it was similar to a notification window for nothing. However, there was one feature that the notification window did not have.


Unlike Leon using the notification window alone, the mask seemed like a function that many people could use.

Rion moved her arm and put her finger on the item called <skill>.

‘Anyway, it’s uncomfortable in a strange place.’

Unlike the notification window where you can give instructions to Siri, this mask was impossible for Siri to intervene.

While Leon was grumbling like that, a new letter appeared in front of his eyes.

<Registration exists.>


‘He said he’d see you again soon. I’ve prepared this.’

Those registered as darkness were certain to be ‘black masks’.

Leon touched the darkness.

Then, the word darkness began to flicker, and then it lit up.

<Hoo. You contacted me earlier than expected. It is also beyond expectations.>

His voice came through the mask.

<Don’t panic, just tell me.>

I got a rough idea of how the conversation was going.

‘Bixby. Change my voice.’


Leon immediately changed his voice and opened his mouth.

“It’s an interesting thing.”

<Haha. Would you say this is fun? You don’t know how surprised I was at first.>

“Is that the end of the business?”

To Oren’s calm voice, he answered with an exaggerated voice.

<No! don’t hang up! Need some guidance? It will be faster for you to listen to my explanation than to do it alone.>

“I get it roughly. Is that why you are registered in the message?”

<That’s right. The person who recommended it will guide you.>

“Tell me.”

<You will see an item called Skill.>

Leon immediately moved his hand and touched the skill.


<The Power of Vigilance>

There was only one skill there.


<There should be one skill. Would you like to click?>

Rion moved her hand and touched the boundary power.

<The Power of Vigilance>

<The power that interferes with the boundary>

“It appears to be a force interfering with the boundary.”

<It is as you said. The power of the gray mask is its ability to handle boundaries.>

“Boundaries… … It’s abstract.”

<Instead, it can be used in a variety of ways as it is abstract. Depending on the user, this may or may not be a great power.>

It’s a little different, but there wasn’t a big difference from the notification window skill.

However, the skill of the mask had a fatal flaw.

<Ah! The skill cannot be used when the mask is removed. You should be aware of that.>

“I will be grateful for your advice.”

This side did not grant strength or awaken talent. It was like borrowing power from a mask.

<You can make this skill stronger.>

“Can’t I learn another skill?”

<Haha. It’s a good idea, but it’s impossible.>

Besides, I couldn’t learn a new skill. It was a structure that only strengthened the skills in the mask.


<If you enhance the skill, it will be completely different from the first time. It’s far better to dig deep into one thing than to learn a bunch of stuff.>

From Leon’s point of view, it’s because this guy couldn’t see the notification window.

It was possible to dig deep into one, and it was possible to learn various skills.

<First of all, can you see the mission?>

“I see.”

Rion turned off the skill window and touched the mission window.


<Special Mission>

<Normal Mission>

It was similar to the notification window so far.

<I will check the normal mission first.>

What followed was completely different. If the notification window is tailored to Leon, if you give a mission that you can receive at that time.

<Normal Mission>

<Induces chaos on the continent>

<Murder of Nobility>

“Mass killings of civilians”

… … .

… … .

This side showed the set mission as a list.

‘Since there is a mission like this, the continent has become like that.’

The confused continental situation before the return was understood.

<You can see that this is not actually used now. The imperial guard is thick.>

This was all thanks to Leon’s hard work.


<The more important thing is what comes next. Let’s look at the special mission. Only one mission will appear.>

This one was completely different from the normal mission.

<Special Mission>

<There is only one mission that can be confirmed at the current level.>

<Collecting Primitive Religious Sacred Artifacts Outside the Continent>

<The reward varies according to the amount collected.>

As I confirmed before meeting the Pope, only one mission appeared.

<The mission is prepared for you.>

“You mean the additional compensation I was talking about last time?”

<Yes. What would you like?>

He asked as if testing Oren.

‘Listen to find out who this is.’

This had already been planned.

“I will accept.”

<Good! It must be hard to walk around for a while.>

“If I mean it, I might be disappointed in you.”

His words stopped for a moment at Oren’s words.

“In the current situation, my move is the worst of the worst. I’ll ask again. Are you serious?”

<Ha ha ha.>

The guy burst into laughter.

<You already made a plan, right? But I don’t know if there are any cards left that I can use.>

“I plan to move Leon.”

<Oh! You mean the parish priest?>

“I will make the pope suspicious of Leone. If the Pope and Leone start to confront each other, things will get quite interesting.”

<The pope makes Leone suspicious? Are you trying to make that Leon mistaken for one of us!?>

“The more the Pope opposes Leone, the greater will be his confidence in me.”

Of course, the conversation with the pope had already ended. He gladly agreed to Oren’s plan.

<Awesome! It’s enough to make your whole body tremble! You are the best!>

“The flatterer does not come close. I’ll just hang up.”

<Ah! for awhile… … !>

So the conversation with him ended.

Rion took off her mask and opened her mouth.

“Tell Rect to start.”

Leon’s shadow shook.

‘I’ll make you feel how big of a mistake it was to give you a mask.’

If you leave the fish to the cat, of course you have to pay for it.

‘ah. Wouldn’t I be like a saber tiger rather than a cat?’

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