147. dog… … honey… …

All that was left was the rearrangement.

I had to deal with the fallen spirits. However, dealing with these guys was a headache.

‘There are too many of them to just kill, but that doesn’t mean absorbing madness and returning it to its original state… … .’

There were too many evils they would commit to restore it to its original state.

‘If the spirits would forgive me, I would have no choice but to be excluded from work.’

This was a huge loss to the spirit realm, which was already lacking manpower.

‘No way like that. I have to use these guys.’

What was most needed to rebuild the spirit realm was the spirit itself. So it was necessary to twist their madness a little.

First of all, Leon waited for the guys to finish eating.

After a while, when the guys finished eating.

“Did everyone eat enough?”

Leon opened his mouth. The spirits who were drunk on their stomachs looked at Leone.

“I ate well!”

“I don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve been so full! I’m more full than when I successfully raided the hideout!”

“right! There is no comparison!”

It was as Leon thought.

When the hunger was resolved, the madness of the guys noticeably decreased.

“First, I have something to tell you. Your captain is dead.”

Leon thought the spirits would be shaken, but a slightly different reaction came out.

“I saw you eat. Captain, was it delicious?”

“I wanted to eat too!”

“Kihihi. right!”

The guys were watching Leon and the spirit of madness fight.

I saw it, but it didn’t move.

“Have you all seen it?”

“yes! Now you are the captain!”

“The captain was too greedy! The new captain is better because they are handed out!”


Apparently, the guys thought Leone was the same as them.

Well, that didn’t matter too much.

“So, you mean I’m the captain?”

“right. Leader!”

Rather, it was a good situation to have a conversation.

“great. because I’m the boss I will explain what to do next.”

“Everyone gather!”

The guys who had been spread out to eat energy began to gather around Leon.

“Everyone knows the clouds are disappearing, right?”

“know! The captain ate it!”

Leon nodded.

“The biggest problem in the spirit realm, the storm clouds, is being resolved. Will this be good for you?”

The protests quieted down.

Even though their tone of voice may seem immature, these guys were stained with madness to survive.

knew how to survive.

“There is no storm coming from all sides. The spirits will come out and move to rebuild the spirit realm.”

“That, that!”

The guys got the gist.

“Looks like there are some guys who noticed. It’s going back to the original spirit realm. What will you guys do now?”

At Leon’s question, the mood of the guys changed. The guys who had been huddled together began to move quietly, and madness began to grow in their eyes.

‘He’s quick to judge.’

The guys were thinking of killing Leone. Of course, none of the seeds were eaten by Leon.

‘Hey Siri.’

[Yes. Insanity is controlled.]

Ciri snapped and suppressed the madness planted in them.

A reaction erupted immediately.



“What, what!”

“What is it? You all saw what I was eating. Your madness is now under my control.”

The guys couldn’t do this or that and only looked at Leon.

“Don’t be fooled, listen to me. I will tell you how to survive.”

Leon immediately activated the skill.

[Unique Skill: Persuasion of the parish priest is activated.]

Divine power emanated from Leon’s body and began to be absorbed into the bodies of the guys.

“First of all, let’s start by realizing the reality. You know that living while eating other spirits will end someday, right?”

Everyone nodded.

“Then we must change our survival strategy. Are you going to live for a while like your fireworks?”

Leon stimulated their survival.

“The best way is for the spirit realm to return to normal. Everyone knows that, right?”

With persuasion, Leon gradually absorbed their madness. The eyes of the guys who were soaked in madness slowly began to return.

“I know why you tried to attack me. You know that the other spirits won’t forgive you, right?”

The emotions that the guys had tried to ignore in their madness began to attack them.

“My, what have I done… … .”

“It was to survive! It was to survive!”

Leon threw consolation to the despairing guys.

“I understand you. I know it was an inevitable choice to survive.”

[Skill: Consolation is activated.]

Through consolation, the feelings of the guys poured into Leone.

‘Hey Siri. Control your emotions.’

[I will control it right away.]

It was important from now on.

“But that doesn’t change the fact that it’s a sin. I want to give you a chance to atone.”

For those who have sinned, the chance of atonement is like hope.

‘Hey Siri. Inject the emotion of hope.’

[I will create and inject hope with self-suggestion.]

Through a little manipulation, hope was raised.

“It takes a lot of effort to rebuild the spirit realm and return to the original life.”

They said it was an opportunity for atonement, but in other words, it was the supply and demand of slaves.

“It is to atone for the sin that further confused the spirit world by rebuilding the spirit world.”

Erase the fruit with a ball.

“For your survival and atonement.”

Siri moved at the right timing.

[Amplifies the emotion of hope.]

The amplified hope was comforted and passed on to them.

‘Absorb all the madness here!’

[Absorbs the remaining madness.]

Let’s absorb all the remaining madness and see hope.

[Skill: Consolation succeeded.]

[Those who are persuaded agree.]

[Those who are persuaded agree.]

[The persuasion was successful.]

Fanaticism took the place of madness.

The madness that took advantage of survival.

Fanaticism that exploits hope.

It’s a power not so different.

‘of course. Fanaticism is much better.’

The fallen spirits became the spirits of atonement.

* * *

“Wait here.”

After Lyon put the fallen spirits on standby, she moved to absorb the remaining clouds.

[This cloud is the last one!]

Although not very large, this cloud was something special.

‘Is that fog?’

[…] … Yes. I think so.]

Fog was thick in the area where the cloud was located, and the cloud also poured out lightning and storms incessantly.

‘What’s out of the ordinary? Anything else special?’

[there is! Strangely, that cloud has never moved.]

‘Have you never moved?’

Leon’s eyes narrowed.

Clouds have their own dangers, but they are even more dangerous because they move.

‘It feels like you’re protecting something? Can’t you see inside?’

[Yes. I can’t see the inside because of the fog.]

There was definitely something odd, but there was no need to worry.

‘It’s not like the way clouds are handled changes. Eat all you want!’


Black smoke spewed out from Leon’s body, and soon began to eat the clouds.


However, something a little strange happened. Google took a big bite, but the cloud seemed to be the same.

[It is different from normal clouds. A high concentration of energy is absorbed.]

‘Five. It’s definitely different.’

It had more energy than a normal cloud. Besides, the differences did not end here.

[A new cloud is replacing the place Google ate!]

‘… … What?’

Leon was not mistaken.

The cloud seemed to be the same, but a new cloud took its place.

‘This can’t be… … .’

Looking at it, I began to get a sense of what this cloud was.

‘Hey Siri!’

[You are right. It seems to be a cloud that makes clouds.]

A smile appeared on Leon’s face.

‘Is it honey?’

This was an opportunity.

‘google! It absorbs the energy eaten and uses it to eat!’


First of all, after increasing the eating speed.

‘Hey Siri. As Google eats faster, the energy will start to run out. Fuck all the leftovers into the Holy Circle!’

[The conversion rate is very inefficient because the energy is not suitable for the Holy Circle.]

‘That’s why it’s better!’

The speed at which they eat has increased, but the Google guy’s energy reserves are limited. So it had to be emptied by using up the energy as quickly as possible.

‘Write a lot! This is a speed battle.’

The speed at which we ate it had to be faster than the speed at which the clouds regenerated.

[master! If it still remains, can I absorb it too?]

‘Of course!’

This was a match against Cloud, but it was also an opportunity for Leon to grow.

‘ruler! Start!’

A strange battle of eating and regenerating began.

* * *

The fighting continued for several days.

A lot has changed in those few days. One of the most noticeable changes was Google.


The boy’s mouth grew very large.

At first, it was just a mouth with sharp teeth coming out of the air. It wasn’t even that big. It was about the size of a wolf’s mouth.

But, it was completely different now. If it was a wolf at first, now it has become as huge as a dragon’s mouth.

Thanks to that, the way we eat has also changed.

‘It’s not a cloud, it’s complete candy.’

He put half of the whole cloud in his mouth and chewed it gently.

Quadduk! Kwadeuk! Quadduk!

Google’s change was surprising, but the speed of cloud reproduction was also surprising.

‘I will endure this.’

[You don’t have to worry. Our absorption rate has caught up with the cloud’s regeneration rate.]

This was a natural result.

This side continued to grow stronger by absorbing the power of the cloud, but the cloud was just regenerating.

‘How are you Siri?’

[The energy is being absorbed smoothly. It’s inefficient, but since the amount is so large, the accumulated energy is enormous.]

‘okay? Can you see it?’

[I will take action so that you can see it.]

Along with Ciri’s words, the image of the tree in Leon’s image appeared.

‘Yeah. I’m serious?’

A huge willow tree stood there.

How large it was, the length of the branches and leaves alone seemed to be several hundred meters. Even if I went, it was this much.

Even if I add up everything I’ve grown up to now, I couldn’t even compare it to what I’ve grown this time.

‘Don’t be satisfied, keep collecting. Siri, you are the most important to rebuild the spirit world.’

[Yes. All right.]

Although Google and Siri were going through dramatic changes, there were also some that didn’t change much.

‘Bixby. How’s the work going?’

[Yep! There has been some progress!]

Bixby couldn’t absorb the energy of various forces like a cloud.

However, he did not give up and chose a different path.


[Yep! The cloud has found the power to regenerate. I think I’ll just have to take that power out at the end.]

The regenerative power had infinite uses.

‘great. I’ll give you permission first at the end.’

[thank you!]

It wasn’t long before that opportunity came.


[They say they eat it all at once.]

‘great! Everyone is located! Bixby, quickly separate it, absorb it straight away, and pass it on to Siri!’




Google used an unimaginable method. After using the larger mouth to put the whole cloud in the mouth.


swallowed it as is.

At that moment, a tremendous shock hit Leon’s body. Part of the body was about to break.

[A tremendous amount of energy flows in.]

[Limited capacity reached.]

Leon cried out in shock.


[I’ll separate it right away and hand it over to Ciri!]

[The energy is absorbed straight away.]

‘google! Eat you too!’


Little by little, changes began to occur.

[The path of regeneration is created.]

[Insufficient administrator privileges.]

[The length of regeneration is temporarily created.]

When Bixby gained the power to regenerate, things changed.

Rion’s body, which had been broken by the impact, began to regenerate.

However, Leon didn’t say anything.

‘… … Gagging! … … Gap!’

Between the process of breaking and regenerating the body, indescribable pain was delivered.

[Emergency protocol activated! Consciousness is forcibly switched to sleep.]

The last thing Leon saw was the notification window that kept popping up.

[The authority of the manager of the road of gluttony is expanded.]

[Skill: Holy Circle – Sacred Water forms a small group.]

[The path of regeneration is forcibly settled.]

‘dog… … honey… … .’

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