135. polluted land

“It seems that the spirit world is too large compared to the land we are using.”

It’s already been half a day since we started. Although they are flying using marbles, they have not yet arrived at their destination.

“In terms of size, it is the same as the continent. You can think of the spirit world and the human world as the heads and tails of a coin.”

“The land is so wide, isn’t it inefficient to use one building?”

“Let me just say that the senses of humans and Shinigami are different. In fact, space isn’t really a problem for us.”

I want to know what kind of bullshit this is, but when I saw him, I understood what he said.

Commander Yoon was following Leon as he flew away on the ball with a relaxed expression.

‘It’s not running, it seems to be walking. Does this make sense?’

No matter how I looked at it, I couldn’t figure out how to do it.

“And, isn’t this fast enough? Rather, I was surprised. I was afraid to walk.”

He looked surprised, but the way he moved made it even more surprising.

‘How on earth are you doing that?’

[Can I tell you the results of my observations?]

‘Tell me.’

[This is an absurd story, but it seems to move by folding the space.]

The results of the analysis were even more surprising.

‘Folding the space?’

[It is judged so. When you take a step, the coordinates and the moving coordinates are obviously different… … ]

Seeing Siri say the reason one after another, it seems that the word “folding space” is true.

‘Okay, that’s not important right now.’

If there was such an interesting skill, it was natural to learn it.

Leon asked softly.

“Do you still have a long way to go?”

“We are almost there. At this speed, we’ll be there in no time.”

Now was the opportunity.

“The story that space does not matter to the god of death. Does it have anything to do with the way you are moving now?”

“Five. Do you have a sense It seems that the Shinigami is the Shinigami.”

He continued to explain while looking at Leon as if he was having fun.

“This is a technique called Chukji. Isn’t there a story about our envoys on the continent too? A story of a reaper who suddenly appears and disappears.”

“ah. there is.”

There really was a story like that.

I had never heard of the death gods walking around. They appear and disappear at any moment.

“That’s what this axis is for. Even the Grim Reapers learned from us.”

His face was full of pride.

“Can I learn that too?”

“Is not it? just want to learn? Look at the axis. You can fold space and go anywhere!”

His instructive words were good, but Officer Yoon’s reaction was strange.


“I want to learn, but what can I teach you? It’s a death, so there’s nothing that can’t be done.”

Inspector Yoon’s appearance, as if an opportunity had arrived, reminded me of something I would only see in merchants at first glance.

‘This is ominous.’

Usually this requires conditions.

“only! You have to come to our side to learn.”

As expected, he took out the condition.

‘This nobleman is trying to trick someone.’

This was Leon’s specialty.

“Leon. Think carefully. You say you have to go to the Grim Reaper to get a skull gourd? That scythe, what do you see? That is nothing.”

“Five. Is that so?”

When Leon showed interest, he began to explain more enthusiastically.

“If we want to act as the messengers of death, we, the messengers of the underworld, are better. We’re human, and our technology is cool. Are Leon and I the only ones left? It’s piled up.”

“Aha. Do I have to choose between the two to officially become a Shinigami?”

“It is also easy to understand. that’s the procedure You have to belong to the spirit world to be able to perform official activities as a Shinigami.”

It wasn’t that he couldn’t understand what he was saying. Even if you have the talent as a priest, you have to serve God to become a priest.

‘The only thing that gets in the way is that I’m persuading too zealously.’

Inspector Yoon wanted to register himself with the Grim Reaper, just like the drug dealers commonly seen on the streets.

“What will change if official activities become possible?”

“That’s what you’re registered with in the spirit world, but I’ll show you the real thing, not such a floating story. Did you see it before? this.”

He took a square object out of his pocket.

“This smartphone can be provided, and we can learn our technology.”

“Smartphone, that’s a strange name.”

“This is science… … No, you can roughly think of it as an artifact.”

Looking at the conclusion alone, if you joined the Grim Reaper, you could receive artifacts and technology transfer.

“Hmm. What about the Grim Reaper?”

“… … uh?”

“You were thinking of not telling me what makes you different from your competitors?”

At Leon’s words, he shouted in bewilderment.

“It’s not like that!”

Looking at that flustered expression, I was 100% sure that was the case.

“Then can you tell me?”

“… … Communication Orb and Scythe. Two artifacts and their skills. You can get three like this.”

“Ohh. You mean three?”

“think carefully. It’s really good. Can I give you two? Because I’m not as good as a smartphone!”

“Well, that is too.”

“Also! Leon, you’re quick-witted. Right to the point! You understand.”

As he nodded in satisfaction, Leon asked a question.

“Thank you for noticing. When you say you see right through to the core, what do you like about joining me?”

“ah… … .”

He looked blankly at Leon and shouted.

“Even if you notice fast, isn’t it too fast!?”

“If you tell me honestly, I think I’ll be more attracted to the grim reaper.”

He muttered as if he could not be heard.

“Performance… … .”


“ah! Good for performance!”

For such secular reasons?

“Performance? You said that the Shinigami is the performance right now, right?”

“… … uh.”

“Wow. Performance? Real performance?!”

“What! Shinigami can’t build performance! We are wage earners too! And what’s wrong with your tone!”

If the story of the salaryman came out, it would have been over.

Read at noble mtl.com

My fantasy about the god of death was shattered.

“Think of it as just an illusion being shattered, and the response changed.”

“hey! I’m Chasa Yun! What am I!? If you get angry, half of the spirit world will prostrate themselves!”

Rion is talking playfully now, but this was just acting.

‘That’s not going to be a joke.’

Superintendent Yoon’s bluffing words must be true. Still, the reason Leon was able to respond in this way was simple.

‘They need me.’

It is also desperately needed.

Leon was the only variable that could overcome the situation in the spirit world.

“Yes. I know that Deputy Chief Yoon is great, but to be honest, it’s a bit much for the Shinigami to talk about their achievements… … .”

“Hey! what’s different about you Everyone lives under the system. For us Shinigami, accumulating results is the way to live in the system.”

It was as Leon thought.

His tone was light, playful, but with a deep meaning.

Of course, that didn’t change Leon’s attitude.

“I’ll think more about where to join.”

“Wow. Come now?”

“If you keep pressuring me, I think you’ll like the Grim Reaper better for some reason?”

“okay! Decide slowly! Our Leon, do whatever you want!”

While arguing with Officer Yoon, we arrived at our destination before we knew it.

* * *

“… … This.”

“Isn’t it serious? I think the Grim Reapers are still fine, but from my point of view, the spirit world is no different from a crisis.”

As he said, the situation under the ground was serious. The ground, which should have been originally gray, was contaminated with a black color, and an ominous aura shook.

“Did it just change color?”

“no. It’s worse than that. Right now, it’s blocked from approaching this way, so you can’t see it, but before blocking it, the souls were eaten.”

“A soul?”

“okay. Thanks to you, I was upset. Besides, the land is getting bigger and bigger, so the problem isn’t solved.”

“It’s getting bigger from there… … .”

Even from the top of the sky, it was so wide that the end could not be seen.

“Didn’t you say there were more besides here?”

“right. So far, we have confirmed a total of seven.”

If there were seven lands of this size, it seemed to be about the southern part, the largest territory on the continent.

‘Is it possible with divine power?’

Even with the halo, it was close to impossible to purify the entire southern region. I had no choice but to take my time and slowly purify it.

“How about purifying with divine power?”

“I wish it were that easy, but it isn’t. The land of the spirit world is, so to speak, made up of human regrets and grudges. If you purify it with divine power, the ground itself will crumble down.”

Right now, the young world was not in a position to choose between hot and cold rice.

“You have to take the loss.”

“It is not such a simple matter. did you say The human world and the spirit world are like two sides of a coin.”

“… … no way.”

“right. If there is a problem here, there will be a problem with the takeover.”

It was a situation where even the divine power was not to be used.

“Then, conversely, does that contamination affect the Human World?”

“It won’t be without an impact, but it’s not that serious. Well, I don’t know if a war breaks out.”


“yes. It will be affected if negative emotions rage on the continent as well.”

“Is the pollution getting faster?”

“right. Because they are mutually influenced.”

Prophecies and great wars did not just happen. It was a grand plan linked to the spirit world.

‘Everything is connected.’

It was a far-flung plan. If one fails, the plan linked with it rolls along.

‘Even if the war is stopped, the contamination of the spirit world continues.’

As Leone continued to block the plans of the Darkness, they thought they had stopped their activities and attacked elsewhere.

‘It wasn’t like that. They just went according to plan.’

Read at noble mtl.com

My head was cluttered, and questions kept popping up in my head.

‘I don’t have to think complicatedly.’

I knew from the beginning that darkness was great.

‘Anyway, my job is the same.’

You just need to discover his plans and destroy them one by one. Rather, this was no different from obtaining information about the darkness.

‘The more information he has, the easier it will be to figure out his plans.’

Rion organized her thoughts and spoke to Sergeant Yoon.

“There is something I want to try.”

“Experiment? Did you come up with a solution?”

“Yes. I have a method worth trying.”

Leone showed her right hand to Commander Yoon and said.

“I have a guy on my right arm who can eat anything.”

“Five?! do you have a weird one But will it be useless?”

“Don’t you mind trying it? I will try an experiment.”

Leone confidently stepped towards the ground and woke up Google in his right hand.

“Come out. google! Eat these guys!”


Along with Leon’s words, black smoke spewed out from his arms.

In time, the smoke turned into gigantic teeth that gnawed at the polluted ground.

However, a completely different sound came from what was expected.


“uh? Tup?”


As if nothing had been bitten, only the sound of teeth grinding could be heard. And the counterattack began.

“google! Be careful!”

A huge amount of black smoke spewed out from the contaminated ground and enveloped Google.


I heard a scream that resonated with my soul, but fortunately, his attack didn’t work on Google either.

‘Is that why you said it’s useless?’

Google bit people around to see if the guy who surrounded them was in a bad mood, but the result was the same.





The guys who tried for a long time to eat each other realized it was useless.

After a while.


Google left a sullen remark and was sucked back into the right hand. The smoke from the ground also returned to normal.

“haha. Didn’t I say I’m useless?”

Sergeant Yoon said with a smile as if he knew that.

“How did this happen?”

“I told you. The spirit world has a system of the spirit world. Didn’t I just say that you have to join a group to be able to do official activities?”

Although Rion wore the title of Shinigami and was said to exist within the spirit world, using power was another matter.

It was the same with Google.

“However, the idea wasn’t bad. I think he might be useful. Sign up and try again.”

Turned around and came back to sign up again. well, it wasn’t bad

Negotiation was Leone’s specialty.

“After all, you have to sign up. No need to hesitate. I will sign up right away.”

In response to Leon’s quick decision, Chasa Yoon’s color was brought to life.

“Five! good choice… … .”

“Please have Grim Reaper join us as well.”


What is it?

It’s the beginning of Leon-style negotiations.

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