133. Shinigami or human

Thanks to the large number of souls who were undergoing demonization, they were able to open their ears faster than expected.

“Get in line!”

“We divide it into parts!”

Unlike the first, people used to control the souls because it was the second time.

It was the same for Lyon.


[Yep! I will send my soul power to Siri!]

[Activate the skill with soul power.]

[Unique Skill: Persuasion of the parish priest is activated.]

“One of you. We’ll release it. Follow the controls and we’ll release them faster!”

When persuasion was activated along with soul power, the spirits began to obey people’s control well.

‘Shall we go soon?’

It was enough to help.

The place Leon was going to was an unknown space beyond the ‘ghost gate’.

“Elder. I will go over the ear door.”

“… … her. Are you really going?”

“You saw the test results the other day. You don’t have to worry.”

It was about going to the world of spirits. It was impossible to go blindly without any experimentation.

We conducted an experiment with the elder to open a small ear door and insert a finger.

“Yes. saw I and the other sorcerers were not allowed to cross the gate, but the parish priest saw what was possible.”

It was all thanks to the power of the soul.

This soul power was like an entry ticket beyond the gate.

‘Well, even if it’s not an experiment, considering the attributes and race, there’s nothing dangerous.’

Besides, it wasn’t anywhere else, it was the world of souls where divine power passed. There were even enough myths about the soul.

“I am still worried. Are you sure you want to go?”

Of course, the face of the elder Jeonghwaja, who had no way to know about it, was full of worries.

“As a wizard seeks the truth, priests seek the will of God. There is God’s will beyond me. I must go.”

At those words, the Purifier Elder realized that he could not convince Leone.

“The gates will open again in ten days. To come back, you will have to come through that ghost gate.”

“Yes. Please take good care of me.”

“You must come back in good health.”

At the earnest request of the elder Purifier, Leon replied with a smile on his face.

“haha. Do not worry. I’ll buy some souvenirs if I can.”

At Leon’s joke, the purifier elder’s stiff face relaxed a little.

“I’ll see you in ten days.”

“Please take care of yourself.”

After saying hello like that, Leon went over the ear.

* * *

‘What kind of world is unfolding behind the ears?’

The first thing that caught the eyes of Leon, who was holding a lot of expectations.

“The ears are open! hand over! Hand over all the evil spirits!”

“It is a ghost door that may or may not open again! Hand over all the souls who need a lot of paperwork!”

“Yes! I will shove them all in!”

It was men screaming loudly and the souls pushed into their ears by them.

‘What is this… … .’

Before Rion could grasp the situation, a man in a black suit and hat approached Rion.

“Are you new?”


“okay. you! Why is he so lost? What are you doing?”

With those words, the man’s eyes changed.

[Soul power is concentrated in the eyes.]

‘Soul power?’

It was immediately clear why he had focused his soul power on his eyes.

“You’re new. Oh, did you come at the wrong time? Where are you from? When did you become a reaper? Do you remember me?”

The guy poured out questions, then opened his mouth again without hearing an answer.

“not. done. Go over there for once. I’m busy right now, so let’s talk later!”

The man pushed Leone away and started running around busily again.

Leon went to the place he said and quietly observed the surroundings.

‘I need information first.’

Now was the time to gather information.

“Chief Yoon! The malignant spirits have been scratched! Can I pass all of them?”

“Good job, Commander Kim! Push everything through your ears! We shake off all the malicious spirits this time!”

“All right!”

I didn’t understand all of them, but I could understand at least one.

‘Something smells like something illegal.’

Leon also went crazy over this.

‘Push the malignant soul… … Could it be that these bastards are shoving their work through their ears?’

I think this idea is correct, but something is stuck.

‘You’re too desperate. Doing illegal things so desperately? Because you don’t want to work?’

It would have been better to see that there were other reasons. There is a reason why they have no choice but to move like this.

As I was observing them like that, the situation changed.

“Chief Yoon! The Grim Reapers are here!”

“ah. 이 새끼들은 일이나 열심히 하지. What are you doing, come all the way here!”

“It seems that the spirits came rushing in.”

“If it’s going to be open, I’ll open it somewhere else. Take it vaguely open on the border, and quickly shove it in!”

While the so-called chasa eagerly push their souls into their ears. Something started to appear in the sky.

‘… … I couldn’t believe it, but are these guys really Shinigami?’

The men in black and the Grim Reaper.

It was certain that this was a reaper.

‘Right, right.’

I was convinced when I saw the Grim Reapers flying from the sky.

The Grim Reapers, dressed in skulls, scythes, and even black robes, approached us.

-Sergeant Yoon, how are you sending your soul down to the human world!


-That’s right!

“The moment the soul goes over to the human world, that’s the human world. It is out of our hands.”

Grim Reaper’s skull trembled at Sergeant Yoon’s shameless reply.

– A person called Shinigami! How!

“The spirit world is rotting away! Are we in a position to cover hot and cold rice right now!? I’ll have to send my soul and cut down on my labor to take care of it!”

– I was able to handle it well enough. The spirit world is being restored.

“What is recovery? I took care of it bit by bit because I had some spare time thanks to sending out the soul the other day when the gates were opened!”

-Are you saying this isn’t the first time this has happened!

“… … Oh really.”

Officer Yoon frowned as if he had made a mistake. It didn’t seem to catch on at first.

“Anyway, even if confusion occurs in the human world for a moment, the first thing to do is to restore the spirit world. If this place collapses, the boundary between life and death collapses.”

– How do you think the confusion will be small! If it had been opened twice, humans would have sensed it too! Who knows how to use it!

“Then let the spirit world perish!?”

– Let’s be careful!

Sergeant Yoon and Grim Reaper fiercely exchanged words, but the differences did not narrow.

Then Leon sneaked in.

“Can I interrupt for a moment?”

“uh? Are you that rookie?”

Sergeant Yoon didn’t respond much, but he wasn’t the Grim Reaper.

-Chief Yun! you guy! You even brought humans into the spirit world!

Grim Reaper recognized that Leone was human. Numerous scythes floated around Leon.

“Just move! You know this is a border area, right? If it moves, it’s war. He’s new to us! It’s a death god!”

-How can you say that a human being is a god of death!

“What bullshit is that! Why is our rookie a human!”

Both said it was nonsense, but the reality was different.

-… … You are a reaper.

“… … Are you human?”

Rion was both a human and a Shinigami.

“Let me explain. Is it okay to talk for a minute?”

The two Shinigami, embarrassed, nodded as if possessed.

* * *

I didn’t know the details of the situation here called the spirit world, but I knew one thing.

‘There’s a problem, there’s not enough manpower.’

This was the reason why the messenger called Chasa Yun desperately sent the soul out of the gate.

They had a problem, and Leon had a solution.

‘This makes the story simpler.’

Leon opened his mouth.

“I am a priest who serves God. It’s called Leon. I am in charge of the parish of a small town.”

“It sounds like a real human being… … .”

-A priest who serves God became a Shinigami?

The two expressed their doubts, but that was not the order.

“First, may I ask you to introduce yourself?”

– To be such a proud human being in front of the god of death.

“Am I communicating with humans? Are you also a Shinigami?”


When Leone asked again, they introduced themselves.

“I’m Commander Yoon. I am in command of the underworld messengers.”

-I am the Grim Reaper. He is in command of the other Grim Reapers.

those two are so different.

“Is there a concept of a nation in the spirit world? I think the two of you belong to different affiliations.”

“It’s just that the jurisdiction is different… … Well, you can think of it that way. Because we work under King Yeomra.”

-We are ruled by Hades.

I don’t know about King Yeomra, but I’ve heard of Hades.

“Are you talking about Hades, the archangel who leads death?”

-… … It seems to have been written that way for humans.

“Five! Our King Yeomra!?”

“sorry. There is no record of King Yeomra left.”

I thought Chasa Yun would get angry, but the reaction was strange.

“Is that so… … .”

It was a reaction that I knew it would be.

“I want to meet King Yeomra and Hades, is that possible?”

Supervisor Yoon and Grim Reaper couldn’t have all the power. It would have been faster to meet the head and talk.


– So do we.

However, they rejected Leon’s request with a single stroke.

“Depending on my story, it may require special permission.”

“You don’t have to worry about that.”

– Me too.

This was something strange.

‘Isn’t it easy to meet? The reaction is strange for something like that.’

It was to solve the problem in the spirit world, but it was definitely abnormal to not be able to meet the ruler.

Questions continued to bite, but I soon stopped thinking.

“Well, it doesn’t matter as long as you have the authority.”

The reason Leon wanted to meet them was because of the authority, not necessarily.

“There seems to be a problem in the spirit world, is that correct?”

“… … Roughly.”

– It is a problem that can be solved.

Just looking at the reaction, the angle came out.

This is a problem that cannot be resolved immediately.

“Yes. You can get it done, but with your help it could be done faster.”

“That’s right.”

Sergeant Yoon agreed, but Grim Reaper didn’t agree.

-Depends on how helpful it is.

“I’ve heard at first glance, but it seems that sending the soul out through that ghost gate is helpful, isn’t it?”

“It definitely helped. Because of their resentment, they were halfway into the Human World, so they were souls who had a hard time reaching Buddhahood. Thanks to you, I can afford it.”

– Didn’t your sister tell you! Humans know what to do with that soul!

when the fight is about to start again.

Leon intervened.

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that. I opened that one.”

“… … What?”

-A human opened the ear door!?

It seemed that it was a great thing to artificially open this ghost gate.

“It was very difficult, but I was able to open it after studying it from various angles.”

The faces of the envoys changed significantly.

“Then the story will be different. You bastard, why did you open your ears?”

-Don’t even think about telling lies to the god of death. We are the harvesters of human souls.

The scythe rose again around Leone, and other guardians also surrounded Leone.

It was an immediate situation, but there was no need to panic.

“I relieved their grievance and made them attain Buddhahood.”

“… … What?”

Surprisingly, it’s still early.

“After opening the door for the first time. When more than 60% of the unfortunate souls have attained Buddhahood.”

Rion raised her left hand and signaled to Bixby.

Then, soul power rose in his left hand.

“I have this kind of power.”

After a moment of silence passed.

Officer Yoon muttered with a blank face.

“Humans accepted spiritual power?”

-That’s not the problem. It means that this pure spiritual power really relieved resentment and made you a Buddha!

“… … when first opened. You must have gone in a lot?”

If it was that way, Leon knew well.

“It was 218 minutes in total.”

“It’s only been two weeks!”

-what?! 2 weeks?!

“It was my first time doing it, so it took a while. Of course, it will be faster now.”

“More here!? Aren’t they only accepted by evil spirits!?”

Leon said with a smile.

“of course. Compared to all of you who are outstanding, we will fall far short, but we are working hard in our own way.”

“… … that, that Not for us.”

Sergeant Yoon, who was stuttering, asked a question with a face that he did not understand.

“Why? Did you really open your ears to achieve Buddhahood? why!?”

“Is it a good thing?”

-… … what a crazy person

“hey. It’s not crazy anyway.”

It’s still too early to be surprised.

“The reason I came over the door is because I wanted you to send more souls. I am here to seek business cooperation.”

“not. Crazy, man.”

Finally, Leon added one more thing.

“Also, if you are short on staff, we can also provide business consulting.”

“What!? What consulting?”

even though they are confused

-I’m interested.

“… … that’s the case.”

started to show interest.

At the table set by the fraudster, two hogu sat down.

‘I’ll show you the taste of takeover.’

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