109. ability = power

5 people who have a blood awakening reaction.

They settled in Killika and lived freely.

‘At first, I thought I’d ask you to stay in the lab, but… … .’

In the first place, there was no way to find out the ability through experiments.

‘If they are forcibly confined, they will rebel.’

There was no way to find out, and it was certain that there would be a backlash.

So Leon made a different choice.

“Do whatever you want to do. Think of it as your second life, and what you like. Have fun.”

set them free

Thanks to this, they were enjoying their freedom and having fun.

‘The warm face also played a part.’

All of them gave off a warm atmosphere with plastic surgery to deceive the black side.

‘There’s nothing wrong with being handsome.’

A warm face helped him quickly melt into the city.

They were doing what they wanted to do and having fun without worrying about gold.

‘of course. I didn’t release it without a countermeasure.’

There was another reason for this decision.

‘I’m not a philanthropist, and I can’t just let them play.’

There is a saying that what people like and what they are good at are different.

It means that talent and interest are not the same, but this word does not apply if you have bloodline abilities.

‘All bloodlines in the sword family walk the path of swordsmen. Even if it’s just me, it’s fun to use persuasion.’

Interests and talents match.

‘So if you tell me to live doing what I love… … The ability will reveal itself.’

Leone just needs to check how they live and what they are good at.

‘Then shall we go check our abilities?’

Leone put on her robe deeply so that her face could not be seen and went outside.

* * *

The first place we headed to was Killika Square.

‘… … Is that it?’

Yakitori stalls on one side of the plaza.

There was a long line in front of it, as if the business was going well.

Leon stood at the back of the line.

“I heard that this place is so delicious?”

“Because it is. I made it a while ago, but it’s a gem! It’s a gem!”

“Isn’t that supposed to be chicken skewers?”

“no. It’s different here. How to say… … Well. You have to eat this to know.”

What came to Leon’s mind when he heard those words.

‘Cooking talent? Is your skill on the cooking side?’

Cooking came to mind.

However, he soon shook his head.

‘Insufficient information. Don’t make hasty judgments.’

The line got shorter and shorter, and soon we started to see the owner grilling the chicken skewers.

The yakitori shop owner had a face like a bandit.

However, unlike his rough appearance, his movements in cooking the chicken skewers were really delicate.

‘Oh… … Does it look different? Hey Siri, details.’

[Yes. Mactan. 38 years old. Originally, he was a chicken skewer vendor. Despite being invited to live freely, I chose the yakitori stall.]

Leone nodded, and this time he called Bixby.

‘Bixby. Do you see anything unusual?’

[It’s too perfect.]

‘uh? Are you saying it cooks well?’

[Yes. Fire control is great! Using oil of chicken and reaction of charcoal fire, all heat equally… … .]

What Leon wanted to hear was nothing like this.

‘Just tell me the conclusion. Is that special?’

[Yes. The word unique is an understatement. That’s special! It is almost impossible.]

‘Why did you make that decision?’

[Because it distributes all the heat perfectly and evenly across those little chicken skewers.]

‘Is it too perfect?’

[Yes! It is grilled perfectly to the point of heterogeneity.]

Come to think of it, even though it was baking at a very high speed, there was no burnt part.

Leon slowly began to catch on.

‘First, let’s eat.’

After waiting for such a long time, Leon was able to purchase a chicken skewer.

‘… … crazy.’

The moment I took a bite of the chicken skewers, I almost cursed without even realizing it.

It was the first time I knew that salted chicken could be so delicious.

‘Crispy on the outside and moist on the inside, even the gravy is perfect!?’

[Even if you cook it with magic, it won’t be more perfect than this.]

Leon nodded.

‘Didn’t I say the fire control was fantastic?’

[Yes. you’re right. When the oil drips onto the charcoal, the temperature changes, and I perfectly controlled that.]

All of this chicken skewers are delicious because of the ‘fire control’.

‘The ability to control fire.’

[Needs detailed verification, but that seems to be the case.]

[Master, I agree!]

Setting them free was the answer. abilities began to show.

* * *

From then on, it was a breeze.

I went to the others and checked their abilities one by one.

‘Who is that girl?’

[Tuna. 24 years old. She was originally a woman who worked as an inn employee. Now I build a house on the lakeside and live by fishing.]


[This, I can’t quite decide… … Don’t you see something unusual just by looking at it?]

As Bixby said, something unusual was immediately visible.

Her fishing skills were amazing.

‘… … Well, that’s abnormal even to me.’

The fishing rod bent like a bow just by inserting the float, and the fish came up. His expression was relaxed as if he was fishing for time.

‘Oh oh! That would be close to 50cm?’

Actual fishing was like a battle.

‘There is no way for this.’

There was only one way to check. Leone came down the lake.

‘What is that… … .’

When I came down, I could see her ability at a glance. Even though it was a stagnant lake, there was a flow like the sea under the surface.

When a fish entered the current, it moved along the current to the bait and was soon caught up.

‘Is this side controlling the water?’

[It doesn’t seem to control the water itself. It’s like the ability of water flow to control the flow of water itself.]

‘great. Let’s go next!’


Next was the oldest, a 55-year-old peasant named Kimi.

“As long as I can have my own land, anything is fine!”

He wanted land and farmed it.

However, he did not farm like a normal farmer.

‘I heard that the land is divided as much as possible to grow various crops… … .’

When I arrived, the appearance was spectacular. Various crops were gathered in one place.

‘Well, there’s no need to worry here.’

As soon as Leone arrived, he realized what his ability was.

[you’re right. There are many crops that cannot be grown here. This is an unusual appearance.]

It was evident that he had the ability to manipulate plants.

fire, water and plants.

As each ability was revealed, Leon had a strange idea.

‘Let’s check the next person first!’

[Yes. All right!]

Next was the youngest of the five children.

[14 years old. Fiona. This is a girl from a beggar.]

There was something more special about him than his young age or being from a beggar.

‘What is this child doing?’

This kid couldn’t find what he wanted to do until the end.

It wasn’t that I didn’t have a dream because I was too young. This child was blind.

[I heard that they follow idols now.]

‘… … Can’t you see?’

[It is said to listen to music.]

The songs of the idols must have made the blind child feel many things.

‘Well, I get it roughly. Let’s go.’

Like that, Leon, who went out to find the child, was able to witness an amazing sight.

‘I heard you follow idols? no. It’s okay to follow this… … .’

Ciri’s report wasn’t wrong. The child was following the idols.

The problem was the child’s location.

I wasn’t watching from under the stage.

‘Are you playing an instrument?’

This child was playing an instrument on the stage behind the idols.

‘Well, since I’m a person with blood line abilities, I expected to do well… … What is this?’

The problem was the effect of the performance.

“… … It’s such a sad song.”

“Tears won’t stop.”

“… … The real world tree leaves are the best on the continent. Such a sad song.”

The audience was all in tears. as well as those with sensitive skin.

“… … Great.”

Even the aristocrats, who looked sober, were welling up in tears.

‘Oh my gosh.’

This was a song that even Lyon had heard before.

However, when the instruments played together, it felt like a completely different song.

‘Is it a mental ability?’

[I don’t think so.]


It was Bixby that answered this question.

[master! It seems that the sound made when playing an instrument blends with the song to create an amplifying effect.]

‘You see that? no. It’s not important. Is it using sound?’

[Yes. It’s not about controlling your emotions. The only thing affected by that child is the sound.]

Bixby’s hypothesis was correct.

Let’s change from a sad song to a happy song. The feelings I felt were also completely different.

‘It’s definitely not about controlling your emotions.’

It just intensified the effect of the song.

‘Then, should I say that it deals with sound?’

[harmony. It seems to be about.]

harmonize to amplify the effect.

‘I’m starting to get a feel for it.’

I’ll have to check, but these abilities had all sorts of limitations.

‘I just controlled the fire that was already blooming.’

[The water also created the water flow below the lake.]

Like fire, water did not deal with water itself.

‘It seemed impossible to grow plants ridiculously fast.’

[Harmony must also have matching music.]

Not all of them were powers in themselves. The ability to exert power under many conditions.

Of course, that didn’t mean that this ability was useless.

‘There are infinite ways to use it.’

It is a limited ability for combat use.

‘Hmm. With this ability, why did you try to remove the phenom?’

There is only one reason.

Despite its limitations, Phenom’s abilities are enormous.

‘I’m looking forward to the last one?’

Leon is the last one.

I moved to meet Penum.

* * *

Surprisingly, the place where Penum was located was a duel.

‘Combat talent?’

Those with a fighting talent were always welcome.

However, Rion’s expectations were shattered after seeing him.

‘… … Wow. I told you to live happily, but you live too happily, right?’

Phenom did not come here because of his talent for battle.

“Win! Do you know how much I bet on you?!”

That man screaming with bloodshot eyes.

‘A gambler?!’

Phenom was here to gamble.

Others with second lives were finding their talents and living happily.

‘By the way, is this guy the only one addicted to gambling?’

that was weird

Looking at the others, they were all using their talents.

‘no way!?’

A talent for gambling?!

Unconditional victory in battle!?

This was beyond my realm of competence. Truly invincible ability!

‘What is the win rate!?’

[7 percent.]

‘… … What?’

[I’m really not good at it.]

All expectations disappeared in one blow.

‘Is it just missing? To gamble?’

[It is judged to be so.]

I told him to live life happily, and this guy was living a real life.

‘This guy of mine is real!’

In order to show him the fear of reality, Leon gave some instructions to the agents.

Soon after, an interesting scene began to unfold.

“You lost again!? Hey!”

“This time it is different!”

“What?! Lose again!?”

… … .

He kept losing money and starting to lose control. Soon, all the gold and the house were taken over, and huge debts piled up.

‘It’s catastrophic!’

When there is one last game left. Something unbelievable happened.

“This is it! I finally survived today!”

It was a rigged match, and his defeat was an established fact, but he won. This was impossible.

‘I’ll have to check all of that guy’s gambling records.’

Leon hurriedly checked his gambling records and found something surprising.

‘I can’t do it dirty.’

Every day was a series of defeats.

Even though the house was held as collateral every day, and the debt piled up.

‘Will I win in the end?’

When the guy is driven to the edge of a cliff.

always won

‘no way… … .’

I started to get a sense of what the guy’s abilities were.

Leone went right back to the office and started making new plans.

‘Hey Siri. Write a report for the grandmother.’

[How can I write it?]

‘Just say we’re going to create a new secret department.’

[What should I name it?]

Leon pondered for a moment before opening his mouth.

‘Power Rangers.’

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