107. What I did to collect blood

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Muscles get bigger the more you use them.

Swordsmanship gets better the more you practice.

So what if you keep drinking blood?

“You’ll get used to this too.”

Eating blood also increases proficiency.

Originally, I would have had to drink one sip, but now it is enough to take one drop.

‘of course. It wasn’t because of normal blood.’

It all started when he ate the silver wolf’s blood.

[I’m sure. The children are absorbing the energy used when the blood awakens. Proficiency is also rising steeply at that time.]

How could I understand this far?

But the problem was then.

‘So, regular blood? No, I heard that a certain portion of the blood is lost even after awakening?’

[There is also a hypothesis.]

‘Tell me.’

The experiments so far have accumulated enough data.

[It seems to absorb information from the blood.]

‘Information? Because of a dream?’

Children ate blood and dreamed.

This was not an illusion or delusion.

‘I’m sure the memories of the blood owners are correct… … .’

[If you think of absorbing some information from blood, the whole story fits.]

It was good to absorb the information.

‘But why does my body get better?’

Unlike the concentration camp where blood was sometimes eaten, many types of blood were eaten here.

There was a lot more normal blood, but the body grew similarly anyway.

[It should be seen that the blood-engraved information has a wider range of information, not a small dream-like part.]

‘It’s just that we don’t know its existence, is there other information hiding?’

[That’s right. Blood contains a lot of information.]

Leone felt sorry for the vague explanation.

But it’s amazing to infer this much in a place where the concept of DNA or genetic information doesn’t exist.

‘In short, a drop of blood makes the body stronger, and you can spy on the life of the owner of the blood through a dream, right?’

[Yes. Unfortunately, I can’t choose the point of view of the dream, but being able to steal it unconditionally offsets all the disadvantages.]

Besides, dreams and getting stronger are just bonuses.

‘The real one is different.’

Rescuing these children was a good thing.

‘I can now identify people whose blood has awakened.’

[That’s right. Only children can determine.]

They didn’t even have to meet in person. Just a drop of blood was enough.

So, the children needed training.

“You may think that dreams are nothing. You would think this would have no effect on you.”

It seems that dreams have no effect on these emotionless and broken children, but they do not.

“However, that dream will eat you. That dream will soon become your memory and self.”

Numerous dreams and memories are swirling in their heads.

It doesn’t look like anything, but it was dangerous.

“So, before you are swayed by the dream, you must move.”

Instead of being swayed by dreams, you had to subdue them and use them.

“You will become the owner of that dream.”

It’s subtle, but in an instant, the guys’ expressions changed.

Children who always serve their masters become masters of something.

“Thanks to your garbage masters, your minds are broken and broken. So this time you become the masters and fill it in your dreams.”



Broken and ruined ego and emotions.

It is to supplement it in someone else’s dream.

“Eating this blood isn’t just about increasing your strength. It will heal you.”

The children heal the ego, and Leone seeks out the one whose blood has awakened.

‘This is what we call a win-win.’

* * *

While the children ate their blood, the old man was also busy implementing the technology.

“haha. Do you think blood can also be sorted?”

“That’s right. If you look at this, you can see the blood clots. Different blood causes this problem.”

“Oh oh. How did you do that?”

“This is a method we created to distinguish blood… … .”

The old man was a great person.

If there was something he didn’t know, he didn’t hesitate to ask the Purifiers who were black magicians.

“Thank you very much. It would have taken a long time without you guys.”

“Oops, no. We are honored. When I asked how someone like the parish priest came about, I got it after working with the high priest.”

“haha. is it? what have i done It’s just that Leon knows how to grow up well.”

Even though the black magician and the priest were reluctant to each other, old man approached the purifiers without hesitation.

That was a huge help.

“How about this study?”

“The divine power side doesn’t care about the natural healing power, but isn’t it good to minimize the divine power?”

“How about a joint treatment between a purifier and a priest, like plastic surgery?”

All kinds of ideas poured in.

This wasn’t just a wild idea.

“Why didn’t we share our knowledge!”

The synergy was so high that the old man lamented.

A warlock and a priest who should be at odds.

However, the reality was completely different.

“We were wasting too much of our divine power.”

When the Purifiers’ surgeries and the priest’s holy power were combined, something unbelievable happened.

“To treat only the wound precisely. How did you come up with this idea?”

Strictly speaking, this method was not curative.

“In contrast, our method has a fairly long healing period. I really need a recovery period.”

“In return, we will be able to save more people. It is far better than not being able to heal.”

However, on the contrary, this method was a way to save many people with little holy power.

“Thanks to you, the treatment of this continent will change!”

“Oops, no. The one who made us think like this in the first place is the parish priest.”

“haha. Are you talking about Leon?”

“Yes. Through plastic surgery, I learned how important it is to share knowledge with each other.”

The High Priest burst into admiration at those words.

“Rion, this guy was really looking into the distance.”

Although Leon had intended it, he hadn’t started it for this purpose at all.

“Surgery… … We need more of your strength. I want to spread this knowledge to more people, can you help me?”

“We are honored.”

“You can receive more support by registering for a formal study.”

“Register for formal research?”

At those words, the old man tilted his head.

“Come to think of it… … This is still an interim study. You can receive support not only from us, but also from wizards and research directors.”

“Ohh. Please explain in detail.”

Something kept growing.

* * *

Exactly two months later, a thesis was uploaded to the Vatican.

[Introduction to Therapeutics.]

A shocking thesis that completely denies modern divine power treatment.

However, despite the controversy, there were no opponents to this thesis.

The real reason was really shallow.

[This treatment requires a priest. Depending on the amount of divine power, the treatment method varies.]

Non-priests entered the realm of healing, but priests were essential anyway.

The power of the priests did not diminish.

“I heard it was a thesis from the Church of Dawn… … What will happen now?”

“Well, it’s the Church of Dawn, but I won’t shake it, so don’t worry.”

“Come to think of it, what benefit do they gain by developing this?”

“Is it the Church of Dawn for nothing? No need to worry. Only the burden on the village level will go away.”

The main thing was that it was announced by the Church of Dawn.

From the point of view of other churches, the Church of Dawn were idiots who poured the gold they earned from plastic surgery into useless research.

“Hmm. Which church in the land has warlocks?”

“you. Didn’t you hear the news?”

The Church of Earth, which was the only worry for the other Churches, was in big trouble.

“What news?”

“There are rumors that black magicians have conducted illegal research to realize plastic surgery. They say the Empire and the Vatican drew their swords.”


“Shh! Quietly, it must still be a secret.”

The Empire and the Holy See moved together.

It was ‘Arthur’ that created this situation.

“Don’t let anyone escape from the lab!”

“There is no need to worry about the Heretic Questioner! The Holy See is with you!”

The Imperial Inspection Department raided the Earth Church’s research center. The Vatican was also with them to prevent the Heretic Questioner from appearing.

“This, these crazy bastards!”

A shocking sight unfolded there.

“Live, live… … .”


people and things that were people.

It was full of laboratories and prisons.

Their faces were peeled off by warlocks and mangled with drugs and sorcery.

“Move all living to Killika! The Emperor is watching our work!”


Those who were test subjects were transported to Killika.

“Kill all the black magicians involved in the research! Don’t miss a single one!”

Killed all warlocks in the lab.

The problem was the black magician who remained in the tower.

“The warlocks in the tower have fled.”

“Follow me. chase to the end of hell I will kill them all!”


The warlocks in the tower fled.

If there was Leon, it would have been a sight to say, ‘The level of work is extremely disgusting.’

Besides, the real important place wasn’t here.

The main school of the Church of the Earth.

“… … yes… … bloke… … this!”

A new era was opening there.

“High Priestess, did I tell you? They said you shouldn’t use warlocks like that.”

“… … this! … … Gnome!”

“I always gave the right advice. That too constantly.”

“… … What… … under… … want to… … .”

Arthur smiled and said.

“I am inheriting the office of ambassador. High Priestess.”

“this… … only… … center… … .”

The High Priestess pathetically tried to call the Heretic Questioner.

“haha. why are you so ugly Just leave quietly.”

A priest from the Church of the Sun dispatched from the Vatican cut off those words.

The high priest looked at his face and immediately realized that there was no way.

“… … ah… … west! … … Arthur… … !”

Calling Arthur with a venomous expression, he had no choice but to scream.

“The High Priestess will take responsibility and commit suicide. I will protect your honor. Don’t worry.”

After Arthur said that.

He took out a dagger from his pocket and stabbed it.


“… … Kuck!”

The high priest’s life, which had not yet been recovered, was too easily lost.

On that day, the youngest high priest was born in the Church of Earth.

* * *

Leon burst into admiration as he looked at the report.

‘I knew I was a bastard, but.’

I never thought I would be able to become an ambassador.

Arthur became High Priest Gearco.

‘This side is also cruising.’

While the Church of the Earth was in a frenzy, Leon gathered people.

‘I don’t know if I brought a lot.’

I bought as much blood as possible and gathered those whose blood had awakened among them, but there were only 5 of them.

‘Seeing something I hadn’t seen before the regression. It’s not like they’re famous, they’re all different ages and genders… … .’

But there was no need to worry.

If the people Leon gathered were real, they would bite.

Just as Leon had thought, when the Church of the Earth was organized, a bite came.

“Heir. A guest has visited.”

“Take them.”

The door opened and a middle-aged woman entered.

“hello. This is Lisa Su, who runs a small guild.”

She was stroking the ring on the inside of her hand with her thumb.


It was the sign of the dark forces that the masked man had said.

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