Fairy Tail: Tremor Man

Chapter 4 - ch.2 So This is How is Went

"The Angel that presided 'oer my birth said, "Little creature, form'd of Joy and Mirth, "Go love without the help of any Thing on Earth.""

William Blake's "The Angel that presided 'oer my birth

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Vergil slowly opened his eyes and stretched his body and looked around while slowly getting his body fully functional.

looking around Vergil found he was in a big forest, near a big lake and before any of this could make sense to him a strong pain ȧssaulted his head and he shouted in pain.

Vergil ran towards the water and put his head in it, he felt a bit relief by the cold water on his head numbing the pain a bit but it still was not enough.

He pulled out his head from the water and puked at the side he felt like his head will burst like a watermelon shot by a desert eagle.

After some time he felt better and cleaned himself up with the water as he was a mess after puking and was finally able to catch is breath.

When he had a headache he went through his memories, His name is Vergil, Vergil Redgrave. He did not have any parents and only have a book of poems with him with the letter 'V' on it, it was last possession he had of his family.

He grew up in a orphanage in Black-star Village and have a nice time there and had a few friends. But all this happiness came to an end when he was five years old and the village was attack by a dark guild named Dead Knights.

Every man was killed and women were r.a.p.e.d and kids were sold to slavery and anyone who tried to run was killed.

But Vergil was not as lucky as the rest as their suffering ended a lot quicker, he was taken by the guild master Alester to experiment on as Alester found that Vergil had a lot of potential.

For next three years he suffered a lot of pain but still did not give up his will to live and his motivation became the book of poems his family let for him.

When he was eight the guild was attacked, but Vergil did not know if it was good people or bad people who attacked the guild neither did he care about it.

Vergil made the run for it in mid of all this chaos and bored a random ship and hide in the ship and three days of traveling in the ship a huge storm came and swept away the ship with it.

---- Time Skip-----

Vergil- Ah, it really hurts, ouch what a day well at least I was able to run away from here, But where am I now.

Vergil- well at least I was able to find some canned food, some clothes, a first aid kit, a survival kit and ….. what the hell is this a buŧŧ plug, how is this going to help me in survival. Well above all the book of poems is safe

Vergil opens the book and reads a part to cam himself

Vergil- "The Angel that presided 'oer my birth said, "Little creature, form'd of Joy and Mirth, "Go love without the help of any Thing on Earth.""

Vergil then closed the book and picked up all things he needed and… uhm trowed away the buŧŧ plug

Vergil- What I really threw it away I swear, I have no use for it

Yeah after TOTALLY throwing it away and not secretly putting it in his back pocket for research purposes, He walked away from the shipwreck into the island.

Vergil- Where should I go now, I am on a gods now what island in middle of Fcuking nowhere, well lets find shelter for tonight and I will think tomorrow about what to do and how to survive on this island and finally how to get out of here I do not want to die alone in middle of nowhere with a buŧŧ plug damn it!!

Vergil found a shelter for the night which looked like a abandoned cave, he covered it entrance with vines and leafs to be double sure.

He had some canned food till he was full then he used the cloths he picked at the shipwreck and used them as a blanket.

But even after being so cold he had the his best sleep of his whole life as he does not have to be afraid of those dark guild basta.rds that they will come again in the morning and use him for experiments or any of there weird fetish.

Soon the moon went down and sun shined bright again and Vergil woke up slowly, his body still aching from pain but much better from yesterday.

He ate the canned food that was left and then checked the survival kit, it had some energy bars, a small axe a knife and some other tools he did not understand what they were for.

After some thought Vergil thought of going deeper in the island and discovering new things and maybe find a civilization or find something that could help him go somewhere else.

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