Fairy Tail Passive Invincibility

Demon Tail - Passive Invincibility Chapter 196

Because Delina had already received some information from her sister about Passfall and Ur, including the previous "news that Ur had decapitated two Vikings".

According to her assumptions, Ur shouldn't have reacted in such a way.

Delina wasn't annoyed when her calculations failed.

But at that moment, the two men she had hired came quietly to her side and whispered, "Miss Delina, we think--you'd better not mess with that man."

"What do you mean by that?" Delina frowned slightly, a little unhappy.

"It's like this, since you hired us, it's our job to keep you safe, but if you continue to provoke that man, we may not be able to accomplish that task."

At the words, Delina's heart was shocked, she had understood the meaning of the two men's words, but that's why he was even more shocked.

"Can't the two of you work together?"

The two women were silent for a while, shaking their heads slightly.

Delena didn't speak.

Although he had already heard from his sister that Passfell had found a "strong" helper, he had no idea how strong this helper was, but now she knew.

But now she knew.

She started to panic a little, too.

Delilah did have this little plan to provoke Ur before, but it was based on the premise that someone would protect her life.

But now her own bodyguards were telling her that they couldn't beat anyone else.

That's a bit of a fucking big deal!

Delena's face remained calm, but it was hard to say what kind of heart.


The two Pasfel and Delilah were separated from each other in the ice cellar.

The ice cellar was large.

The two parties were separated enough to whisper something without being overheard.

Pasfel sat next to Ull, his heart scratching like a cat's, wanting to ask why Ull hadn't made a cut.

Though he knew he hated the question unkindly, Passfall found himself completely unable to control his curiosity.

After hesitating for a long while, Passfell never found the right way to open his mouth.

Right on cue!

Kakatu walked in from outside the ice cellar.

When Kato came in, he saw the two groups of people inside the ice cellar, and there was a clear look of disappointment in his old eyes.

Then he ordered the Vecch warriors behind him to bring in two plates of "food" and placed them in front of Passfell and Delena, slowly saying, "Gentlemen, it's getting late, you can rest here until tomorrow, I will take you to the ice cellar. "The location of the Sacred Water."

Saying that, Kakatu was about to turn around and leave, but just as he turned around for a moment, Kakatu seemed to remember something and suddenly turned back, casually adding, "By the way, Mr. Passfell, you are from the back, so there is something that needs to be explained to you, since this place is located at a distance from our clan's shrine for a fight, so any fighting is forbidden here. "

After saying that, Kakatu took another deep look at Ur before he actually turned away.

Pasfel: "---"

He's a bad old man, for real.

Compared to his two "siblings", Passfell may have lacked a bit of ruthlessness.

But in the area of business, his sense of smell was still very keen, and almost after Kato had finished speaking, he had roughly figured out Kato's plan for the old man.

Thankfully, Ur had just restrained himself from making a move.

If he had, Kakatu would have rushed in right away, and afterwards, he might not have done anything to them, but he would have used a reason like "those who didn't know were innocent, but they were also at fault" to make them pay for it.

And then Kakatu could go on to make a fortune.

"Ha sell batch, this damned bad old man is simply changing his ways to cheat money."

Pasfel muttered, and then looked at Ur who had discovered the truth early on next to him, suddenly feeling unhappy that his intelligence had been suppressed, and went to sleep with a bored head.


Chapter 172 - Weird


The two groups of people were sleeping apart in the ice cellar.

The Vicky's beds were covered with a special kind of fur, which not only kept them warm, but more importantly, he could insulate himself drastically from the cold in the ice cellar, and just a single fur spread over the ice would not give the slightest bit of coolness.

Pasfel wrapped his body tightly in the fur and slept soundly.

Ul didn't have to, though, as he was just lying casually on his bed, with a dragon skin cloak enough to bring a warmer temperature than such furs ---.


Faint footsteps sounded in the night, and Ull's tightly closed eyes instantly opened.

After all, they were still sharing an ice cellar with Delina and the others, and although they felt that it was unlikely that these people would sneak in at night, it was always right to keep an extra measure of vigilance in a place like this.

"Could it be that that woman is really going to do something stupid?" A slight doubt rose in Ul's mind, but it was quickly snapped out of him as he realized that the footsteps that had suddenly appeared in the darkness were not coming towards him, but towards Delina.

"Who is it?"

The next second.

A furious cry rang out abruptly from the ice cellar, and then Ull saw a green light lit up in the dark ice cellar.

It was the light of magic.

The drink emitted by the magic guide hired by Delina instantly woke up most of the people in the ice cellar, well~~~ except for this guy Pasfel!

Perhaps it was because of the security Ur gave him, but the product was even sleeping more soundly now than when he was on the ship.

Ul reached out and shook him awake with a somewhat speechless hand.

Passfell woke up befuddled, had a look at Ur, and seemed to want to ask "What is it?" , but before the words were spoken, he was so shocked by the situation in the ice cellar that his entire body felt as if it was being drenched from head to toe by a basin of cold water, instantly sobering up.

"Fuck, what kind of monster is this?"

Under the magical light, the true face of the owner of the footsteps into the ice cellar had appeared to all.

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