Fairy Tail Passive Invincibility

Demon Tail - Passive Invincibility Chapter 117

Only Ur was surprised that Habibi was here? And Granny Isis is amazed at how the cat can fly.

But soon Ur responded and spoke up, "What brings you to my place, Harpy? Where's Naz?"

"Naz he's on - er, Naz he's on a mission!" The Harpy, whose eyes were staring at the large fish on the table that wouldn't leave, suddenly heard Ur's question and was suddenly ready to say where Naz was, but fortunately it reacted in time.

"Yes?!" Ur didn't think much of it, though he felt a little strange, mostly because he wasn't very inclined to move his brain right now, as every extra movement of his brain sent a pain through his broad brain.

Granny Isis's on the other side of the room was suddenly startled to hear Harpy speak!

Fortunately, he also knew the identity of the Ur Mage, and understood that the Mage's world could be a bit odd, otherwise, maybe how she would react now?

"Ur, it's-"

"Oh! By the way, Granny, let me introduce you to Harpy, a member of the Goblin Tail." Ur spoke up.

"Haj! Hello, Granny." Habibi was also busy greeting Granny Isis, and then - continuing to keep her mouth full, she stared straight at the big fish dish on the table.

Granny Isis seemed to be amused by Habibi's dumb, dumb, dumb look!

Smiling genially, he said, "Have you eaten yet, Harpy?"

Habibi kept his eyes on the big fish dish and shook his head mechanically.

"Let's eat here, then." Granny Isis spoke up.

Heard it!

One of Harpy's cat eyes lit up and sparkled with surprise as he spoke up, "Magica? (Really?) Aligado (thank you mother-in-law), plus (then), a bunch for Mas (I'm on) - awwww!"

Obviously, Harpy the snack had been waiting for this.

When Granny Isis spoke, it immediately eagerly grabbed the large fish dish in front of it and bit into it, a happy smile instantly appearing on the young cat's face.

Ur: "---"

That's a lot of kitty tricks!



Both Ur and Harpy at the table were eating with gusto!

And outside the courtyard.

Some guy, however, was already going crazy.

Originally Naz had temporarily suppressed his appetite because of the desire in his heart to become stronger, but with Habibi making such a scene, Naz suddenly felt like he couldn't carry it!

If Eluza hadn't been holding Naz in a death grip, it was estimated that the two would have been exposed by now.

"This idiot--"

Eloisa couldn't help but curse lowly.

It just wasn't clear whether she was cursing Naz or Harpy.

Although she had already guessed that something would happen sooner or later if Naz followed her, but never thought that it would come so soon, but a mere lunch would almost expose her plan.

Feeling the growing intensity of the struggle in her hands, Eloisa couldn't help but smash a punch into Naz's head.

"You stupid bitch, wake up!" Eloisa swallowed, Way!



Chapter 102 - Blacksmith Shop

After Ur finished his lunch, he left the lodge carrying two doors.



Harpy didn't follow along ---.

The fish that Granny Isis raised in her house were almost the size of an ordinary "king fish", and although this size of fish was not a big deal to Ur, to Habibi, it was probably not enough to finish three meals.

Even when Ur left, Habib's belly was already bulging, but he still couldn't control the cat's claws to stuff food into his mouth.

So far.

One of the three stalkers, Habibi - pounce!



Although the gold in the two gates had been refined, the remaining weight was still nearly a thousand pounds, and even with Ul's current physical strength carrying it, it couldn't help but feel a little strenuous.

Fortunately, the strength of horses in this world was not small, otherwise, it would not have been possible to pull the two gates.

Aboard the carriage, Ur became dizzy as he marched towards the Magnolia Town Center, while the two in the back, Eloisa and Naz, hurriedly followed-....

The town of Magnolia itself was a magical town with a long history.

In this city, there were numerous magical goods, including all sorts of magical equipment and blacksmith shops that made magical equipment.

Ul finally stopped in front of the blacksmith's shop called "Dingli's Forge" with his carriage.

That's right!

His purpose for coming here today was to recast his weapons, and these two large black doors were the materials he had prepared for his weapons!

One must know.

At first, these two Great Black Doors were hardened to withstand a single strike from Gil'daz without any damage, and although most of this was due to the special ability to possess demons on top of the Great Black Door, being able to withstand this kind of possession was in itself proof of the extraordinary material of the Great Black Door.

Moreover, these two large black doors were still so large, even if a lot of materials would be wasted in the refining process, the amount of materials remaining would be considerable in the end.

This "Ding Li's Forge" was the most reputable blacksmith shop in the area after he asked the members of the guild about it, although the price was a little bit more expensive, but now to Ul, who was carrying a huge amount of money, he... was not short of money!


Ull who was carrying two large black doors could be described as exceptionally striking.

After all, these two large black doors were definitely not light just from their size, and how could someone who could carry something so heavy be an ordinary person?

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