"Lord Jellalde, who is this guy?"

He was talking about a little girl who looked a bit like a cat and a thief with a rope in her hand.

"Oh, it's a big one. It's the biggest magic shop in the kingdom. 39

Jellalde was uneasy about Millianna's restraint magic. This kind of magic may be better for some ordinary magicians, but what about S-class magicians? Jellalde thinks this is not a good choice. Although Mingde's mechanical arm has been removed by himself, the restraint magic makes Mingde unable to use magic, no alchemy, only one arm, in order to prevent ten thousand

All the props on Mingde's body were also found, and now Mingde is just an ordinary disability.

"Lord Jellalde, Sister Erza and the others..."

Millianna hesitated. Exactly "Six Three Seven" said that all of these people, except Soo, were still reluctant to fight Erza.

"You can do whatever you want.

Jellal de waved, he had no hope of dealing with these guys from the start, Erza? He could do anything on his own.

"It's amazing. What's your relationship with Erza?"

Jellalde dragged Mingde to the top of the tower, and Mingde tried to find out the news along the way.

This has nothing to do with you, does it?

But Jellalde clearly didn't want to say anything more to Mingde. After all, this isn't an old spy movie. The villain grabs the protagonist, then talks about it, exposes all their plans, laughs proudly once or twice, then gives the protagonist an incredible chance to escape, and ends up frustrated.

Can this be said to have nothing to do with me?

Mingde smiled.

"You know, Devil's Tail is my friend. I've never had many friends, so there's nothing I can do, so I have to do anything for my friends.

"Oh, useless. Even if you wanted to excite me, I wouldn't tell you these things. 39

Jellalde took Mingde to a room where several people were already standing. What makes Mingde curious is a forgiving stone head and an owl.

"Yo, do you have any pets?


As a result, the owl punched Mingde, and Mingde threw the whole person out. The whole person fell to the ground. It took him half a day to get up because he was tied up.

"Che, this fist is so weak. Are you tickling me again?"

"Jellal de, who is this guy? He has such a short mouth. Let me teach this guy a lesson! 99

"Owls even talk. Plus, I forgot that our guild has talking cats."

The owl was very angry, and came to Mingde's side in an instant, and was beaten severely.


Mingde's whole person immediately became extremely flustered.

"Come on, that's it. Sure enough, pets are supposed to be barking... oh, sorry, you're supposed to be cool?"

Mingde was still laughing tirelessly at each other. Looking at this, he felt that he would not stop laughing at each other to death.

"You want to die!"

A pair of rockets appeared behind the Owls, aimed at Mingde.

"Well, teach him a lesson.

Jellal had no intention of killing Mingde, but he was worried about Mingde's cards. Although Mingde looks like a lame man now, you've seen someone with a disability fall into someone else's hands so arrogantly, and he's still here to provoke constantly, as if he hoped the other party would attack him. If something goes wrong, there must be monsters, so Jellalde prefers to believe that Mingde has other cards. Therefore, it is more reassuring to have it by your side. After Ultear's analysis and his brief encounter with Mingde, Jellalde found that Ultear's analysis was correct. As long as it was done before Mingde could react, Mingde who lost his alchemy and robotic arm couldn't have played well.

"Go and entertain the other Fairy Tails. It's enough to leave me here. 35

Jellalde asked the others to leave directly, and he was able to endure Mingde's taunts. Others may have come close. It didn't matter if something happened when he didn't notice, but if the plan was spoiled, it was quite troublesome.

Owl and the others glared at Mingde, then could only honestly vent their frustration to the others.

"Can you still stand up?"

Jellalde looked at Mingde who was lying on the ground, walked over and kicked him..

Mingde tried to writhe on the ground and found it difficult to get up, but luckily there was another person standing next to him. Mingde rubbed Jellal's legs, then stood up, looking at Jellal's livid face with a rather bright smile.

"You are such an elusive fellow.

Jellalde told himself that he had to endure, he had to endure, this guy is definitely trying to piss himself off, absolutely trying to piss himself off, it should be okay to just become crippled?

Jellalde's body was faster than his brain, and Mingde was enjoying the comfort of a trapeze again.

"You are so annoying.

"There are a lot of people who hate me, not many of you, not many."

Mingde flew to the table, rubbing against the stool this time, and sat down.

"Is this your pawn?

Mingde looked at the chess on the table curiously and said it was chess, but in fact each game represented one of Jellalde's men, including several who had just left.

"Yes, I won the game."

While Jellalde was not going to tell Mingde of his own plans, the night tour of the Royal Guard would be boring if no one knew what to do. Most villains say a lot, but in fact they're just showing off. They always talk, but don't think much. 5.4 As it is now, this chess game has little to do with the actual battlefield, so Jellalde doesn't mind telling Mingde about it.

"Win? Not necessarily?"

Mingde smiled.

"Erza is our queen Mira, two S-rank guides, Nat and Gray. I don't think our Fairy Tail guide is weak, let alone that little girl named Lucy. You know, the soldiers play chess a lot , but they have the power to turn things around.

"It just came from the carer of the Holy Spirit. I didn't take it to heart.

Jellal de waved, and everything in the Tower of Heaven appeared on one magical screen after another.

"Nothing, anyway. Let's see how far your Fairy Tail can go.

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