Fairy Tail: God-level Second President

Chapter 58 The King is in the Council [1 more for automatic subscription!!!]

"Then, President..."

Mingde raised his hand and blocked Jelica, indicating that she didn't need to go on.

In fact, Mingde has prepared for these things. If you want to make tomorrow's light more famous, you have to go through a certain amount of hardships.

If you can find a way to minimize the losses caused by this ordeal, then the best way is to face these ordeals by yourself.

But it's easy to put it, how can anyone face the pressure that the Magic Council and the kingdom put on him at the same time so easily?

However, fortunately, Mingde had already sold a favor to the Magic Council at that time, so that, at least when the talks were held later, if the people from the kingdom suddenly joined, the Magic Council would at least not fall into trouble.

Thinking of this, Mingde ordered everything, and then set off on the road to the Magic Council.

For the Magic Council, Mingde is not afraid, and for the kingdom, Mingde himself doesn't care, but Mingde is very afraid that the kingdom will use his guild as a means to threaten him. 02 A layer of ash.

You must know that for new technologies, the kingdom will definitely do whatever it takes to get it. However, he himself cannot provide this technology to the kingdom for free.

Moreover, even if it is provided, it is also a question whether anyone in the kingdom will make it, or whether it will be able to use the laptop smoothly. If it seems that you still have to do a lot of things yourself, then you are undoubtedly delaying your time to achieve your goals.

After walking for a while, Mingde arrived at the door of the Magic Council.

"I'm Mingde, answering the call of the Magic Council.

[Ding! Middle two value +100]

The soldier at the door looked at Mingde in front of him with a black line, and replied.

"Oh, it turns out to be President Mingde, so please come with me!"

With that said, the guard soldiers at the door led Mingde into the hall of the Magic Council. Mingde entered the hall and smiled involuntarily.

Thinking about it some time ago, this place was still a messy battleground, and it is still almost repaired now.

"Oh. President Mingde."

Several deputies were already standing on the high platform. Seeing this situation, Mingde knew that there would definitely be people from the kingdom joining this meeting.

Otherwise, relying on the fact that he has saved the Magic Council's people is enough to make himself more equal in this kind of meeting that should have been a private level.

Just to be on the safe side, Mingde changed his query system back to the bio module again, so that he could confirm that these people were all Magic Council judges.

"Dear members, you... eh?"

However, at this time, a strange name came out of Mingde's query function. However, after seeing the name, Mingde was not very surprised, but continued to chat with the Magic Council people with a smile.

"Excuse me, what is the matter with the Magic Council calling me here this time?"

"That... President Mingde... Actually, we...

Mingde sent a letter, the Magic Council's commentators were hesitant to speak, and they knew that this meeting was not what the Magic Council's commentators wanted to arrange. I'm afraid, the one standing behind them People are the real ambassadors.

"It doesn't matter, you don't need to say it if it's inconvenient, but..."

Mingde swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then pointed to a person on a high platform. And the high platform Mingde pointed to, in Mingde's impression, when dealing with Tartaros, there was no such high platform, and now there is an extra one, which can only be explained, this is an added one for the arrival of a certain big man" seat"

"King! You should be looking for me for something, right?"

Mingde tilted his head slightly, then stared confidently at the man standing on the high platform wearing a black hood to cover his face.

"President Mingde! This can't be..."

One of the Magic Council's judges was going to round up the conversation, but the man in the black cloak waved his hand and said there was no need to go on.

This person is the king of the kingdom. This time, he didn't come here mainly for Mingde's laptop. Rather, another thing.

"It seems that the kingdom should be troubled by some problem, so I need my help, right?"

In the word Mingde, among the kingdoms at present, Mingde's performance should be the most prominent. In addition, the Magic Council has often put various difficult tasks into the task bar of the light of tomorrow, and also expressed its recognition of the strength of their guild, which makes the kingdom feel that this person's guild does not not simple.

However, what makes Mingde very strange is that the king has already arrived here, but why did the army move in Tsunade's message to him, saying that it just started this morning?

"My lord, forgive me, may I ask you something?

"It doesn't matter, just ask. 35

"What I want to ask is, did you bring troops with you this time. 35

The king would be wrong, thinking that Mingde asked this sentence because he was worried about his own safety.

"This, 583, President Mingde, please rest assured that this time I came here, I just came to a few guards to protect me, and I will not endanger your life.

Mingde understood what the king meant when he said this, but he didn't nearly laugh at himself.

Endangering your own life? In this world, there are probably not many people who can truly endanger your own life.

But this sentence, at least the king has answered to Mingde, is that the king came here. It stands to reason that it should be similar to the feeling of a private visit in a micro server, and it did not bring the army.

In other words, the Royal Army should have received the news, and then hurriedly sensed the city where they were from the capital.

"Then, Your Majesty, please hurry up and tell me what you plan to do for me. Your army has already set off for this place."

"What did you say?!

The king looked at Mingde with wide eyes in disbelief. Because the king didn't know that Mingde's Tomorrow's Light Guild had a complete intelligence department, which could be faster than others. Get first-hand emergency intelligence directly.

After the explanation of the people in the Magic Council, the king finally understood the reason why Mingde was able to obtain the information, and lowered his head and said slowly.

"Okay... let me tell you

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