The masked man’s body instantly erupted with terrifying magic, and then a black magic array appeared in front of the masked man’s eyes: “Take it, Purgatory is broken!” ”

“Forbidden Magic-Purgatory Shattered, in that case, I’ll come too..” Roger shouted, and the terrifying magic soared into the sky: “Taste my self-created magic – Mixed Element Annihilation!” The white magic array instantly appeared in front of Roger, and the two magic arrays simultaneously released terrifying pressure

“Let’s go!” ×2

Two mana pillars, one black and one white, burst out directly from the two magic arrays. The two magics intersected in mid-air without producing a huge roar, but the very central space of the two magics began to distort continuously.

The large amount of mana output almost made Roger almost break away, and the two attacks that were stalemated disappeared in front of Roger at the same time. The masked man looked at Roger, who was almost out of strength, and smiled: “The battle between us will be divided into the next time.” Saying that, the masked man disappeared directly in front of Roger.

Roger looked at the disappearing mask man and snorted coldly: “Next time, I will definitely solve you easily.” At the same time, the purple pillar of light that led directly to the moon also caught Roger’s attention at this time: “Oops, I fell for that guy’s scheme.” The red tailed beast robe wrapped directly around Roger’s body. Then Roger immediately disappeared in place.

Not far away on the mountain wall, the mask man who lost his left sleeve slowly took off his mask, his light golden eyes under his blue hair looked indifferently in the direction of Elusa, and the crimson tattoos above and below his right eye looked handsome and enchanting under the moonlight…

Beneath the ruins, Natsu looked at the huge iceberg with a panicked expression, “It’s not good, the ice that sealed Diliora began to melt.” Saying that, Natsu abandoned Sarudi and began to run outside, “I have to go up and kill the guy who did the ceremony.” ”

Seeing this, Sarudi casually pointed out, and a huge round stone disk on the stone wall above Natsu fell directly towards Natsu. Looking at Natsu, who was embarrassed to avoid the stone plate, Sarudi sneered, “I won’t just let you go.” ”

“Who told you this guy to chase me all the way. Fire Dragon Kid..” Coldness flashed in Sarudi’s eyes

On the other side, in the jungle outside the ruins, Elusha looked at the purple-clothed men lying flat around and nodded: “It seems that it is all solved, in that case, let’s go.” ”

“Wait..” At this moment, an old woman in a purple robe blocked in front of Elusa and the three under the help of another girl in a purple robe, “I will never allow you to hinder Lord Zero Emperor.” ”

Elusha looked at the hair of the two, her eyes narrowed, “Look at your hair accessories, it should be the residents of Blago, it seems that there is some bitterness.” ”

In the ruins, Gray looked at the ruins shaking around him, and his eyes froze: “Why did the ruins suddenly shake?” ”

“Hahaha.. Quite simply, because the ritual of the Drop of the Moon has already begun. Leon’s eyes flashed with excitement, “Diliora’s ice has begun to melt. It seems that this is the end of everything, you are simply not capable of organizing everything. ”

Leon stretched out his hand, and a large amount of cold air continued to gather towards Leon: “Do you know how long I have been waiting for this moment?” ”

“After ten years of trying to find partners and gather all kinds of knowledge, I finally discovered this island.” Leon’s eyes kept flooding with excitement: “This island that can collect moonlight, but it is the perfect place for all my dreams.” ”

“Three years ago, I struggled to bring Diliorah here from Blago..” The cold air around Leon condensed into countless ice birds that continued to rush towards Gray

“I didn’t expect you to waste three years for such a boring thing ..” Gray held up the ice wall to keep the ice bird that was constantly attacking him firmly from the outside

“Boring thing!” As if poked by Gray, Leon’s body began to gush out a lot of magic: “You, a guy who has only known nothing to hide in the guild for ten years, still dare to boast and talk big!” “Huge magic condensed behind Leon into oversized ice birds

Looking at the ice bird rushing over, Gray immediately removed the ice wall, and the whole person jumped to the side. Gray, who avoided the attack, looked at Leon with a determined expression, “I just believe what Ulu told me, that’s all.” ”

“And the destination I found is Fairy Tail ..” Gray stood up and looked at Leon with a serious face: “There are indeed many amazing wizards there, and the part-time job makes me can’t believe it.” ”

“I already asked the president at that time..” Gray slowly lowered his mind and recalled what Makarov said: “Looking back now, the only way that the old man said at that time to melt the absolute ice should be the drop of the moon.” ”

“I didn’t expect my senior brother to do something equivalent to killing Wulu..” Gray raised his head, and a sad tear appeared under his resolute eyes, “It’s really disappointing.” ”

“Whatever you say, in short, I live for this day, the master has died now, what way can the remaining disciples surpass the master, you should think clearly yourself..” Leon’s right hand condensed with cold qi rushed directly towards Gray, “It’s Daliora, only by burying the only Daliorah who Master can’t defeat with my own hands, can I have a way to surpass Master.” ”

“Your self-motivation is indeed admirable, but you have gone off the path from the middle, didn’t you find it yourself?” Gray kept dodging Leon’s attacks


Gray’s ice sword slashed the ice thorn in Leon’s hand at a critical moment: “The guy who can’t see the truth still dares to boast of winning Wulu, you are still a hundred years earlier, let me go back and cultivate well!” Gray shouted as he cut Leon apart with his ice sword

Looking at the scattered ice cubes in front of him, Gray’s heart tightened. At this time, Leon’s voice suddenly came from behind Gray, “Ice Shape – White Tiger.” “The cyan magic array suddenly burst out of the ice giant tiger.

Seeing this, Gray jumped directly into the air and looked at an empty ice tiger on the ground, and a large amount of cold qi gushed out from Gray’s hand: “Ice Shape – Prison!” “In the blue magic array, the ice cage directly suppressed the entire ice tiger from above.

“Is this who you really are.?” Gray looked at the ice tiger under his feet and his eyes froze: “It’s simply a poor beast who doesn’t understand the world.” ”

“Boring ..” Leon stretched out his hand angrily, “Look how I destroy your cage.” As Leon’s fingers changed, the ice tiger locked in the cage kept crashing around.

“Impossible..” Leon exclaimed as he looked at the tiger who had never been able to break through the ice prison

Gray jumped from the ice prison: “The one-handed style is not well balanced, so you don’t need to use force when it comes to key moments.” Saying that, Gray clasped his hands together, and the huge magic array under his feet continuously glowed blue, “Ice and snow cannon! ”

A blue light cannon shoots from a huge bazooka. Looking at Leon, who had passed out, Gray covered his abdomen with a smile, and ice quickly spilled out from his hand to firmly freeze the wound in his abdomen.

Just when Gray thought it was over, the entire ruins suddenly began to shake violently, and at the same time there was a sudden ear-piercing scream in his ears

“Woooooo!!!oo ……

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