Getting off the roller coaster, Jiang Qiao and Wu Youcai almost lost their balance.

The non-stop weightlessness and overweight were too exciting. Jiang Qiao thought helplessly that he would be thrown out several times, but in the end he just entered the next stage of dizziness.

Wu Youcai was even worse than him. He was usually emptied by alcohol and sex, but now he couldn't bear this kind of stimulation. He was lying on the trash can and vomited non-stop.

Seeing his pale face, Liu Sisi was very glad that she didn't go up, and stood beside him and brought him a bottle of mineral water, but Sister Yueling looked as usual, and performed much better than these two men.

The two brothers supported each other to sit on a nearby bench for a while, Wu Youcai turned to look at him, his face was pale and pale: Old man, if you can't help it, you can spit it out like me, I'm not laughing at you. .”

Do you think that you just failed to pretend to be in front of the girl you like, so you want to pull someone's back? Jiang Qiao gulped down a big mouthful of water. Just now on the roller coaster, he felt that his brain was about to be panicked.

Gah, you've seen it all.

He looked at Bai Yueling who looked like a normal person again, and exclaimed: Sister-in-law is really calm, you didn't hear her yelling just now, did you?

Jiang Qiao pursed his lips, and really didn't want to hurt him. Fairy Bai, a cultivator who flies into the sky and escapes from the ground, has never seen any big wind and waves, so this probably can't make her feel a little bit flustered.

Do you still want to play?

Just kidding, I won't even touch it if I'm beaten to death. Wu Youcai shook his head frantically, Actually, it's not because I'm afraid you will know, it's just that my pure body can't bear it.

Thinking of his own relationship experience, Jiang Qiao hesitated for a while and said: If you want to get in touch with her, you can actually ask her to go to a haunted house. Not only can you fully demonstrate your charm as a man, but you can also hold her in your arms. Here, let her know what a sense of security is.

Wu Youcai's eyes lit up, yes, haunted house, why didn't he think of it.

That's a great trick, old man. I'll treat you to dinner after it's done. By the way, do you have anything else to say? Don't hide it now, tell me your secrets of picking up girls.


He really wanted to say that there is a fart secret to picking up girls, but it is just a real experience.

When buying a ticket, you can try to communicate with the NPC in advance, such as focusing on taking care of you, and if you come forward at a critical moment, you can slap a wave of goodwill, but the premise is that you can't be afraid .”

Are you kidding, do I look like someone who is afraid of ghosts?

That's what you said just before the roller coaster ride.

... Zhuo!

After a while, Wu Youcai really took Liu Sisi to play in the haunted house. It seems that Liu Sisi probably has a good impression of him, otherwise she would not agree.

They left?

Well, I think the two of us are light bulbs, and it's delaying him from picking up girls.

I just chatted with Sisi for a while, and she said that she has no intention of falling in love for the time being. Fairy Bai said.

Jiang Qiao was taken aback, suddenly feeling a little pitiful for being so young.

What about us, what are we going to do now?

He looked around, he had experienced almost all the fun items in this amusement park, and he couldn't compete with the children for the rocking car.

Why don't you go home?



The two bought ribs, chicken wings, and a roast duck at the supermarket. According to Jiang Qiao, they couldn't go whoring for free every time they went home. Bringing their own ingredients gave the old couple no reason to pick on each other.

Because today is Children's Day, Xia Qinghe was given a day off from school. Right now, she is sitting on the sofa watching TV. Jiang Tiancheng is still at work and hasn't come back yet.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Xia Qinghe habitually tilted her head to look at the door: Is the unit okay? What's going on today... Hey, Yue Ling, why are you here?

A little transparent next to him rolled his eyes helplessly, and would ignore him every time anyway.

Hello, Aunt Xia.

Mom, my dad hasn't come back yet?

At work, you think everyone travels like you...uh... In the middle of speaking, Xia Qinghe suddenly remembered that her son is quite promising now, and his girlfriend made a travel promotion and even appeared on the local TV station.

Swimming what?

Hmph, nothing.

Jiang Qiao smiled, and he liked to see the little old lady talk hard. She had already said that children and grandchildren have their own blessings, but the old couple still didn't believe it.

Sit down for a while and watch TV. Your father won't be back in a while. I'll make dinner. Xia Qinghe took the dishes to the kitchen. The ribs still had to be stewed, and Yueling's daughter-in-law preferred soup.

Hey, why is there still Coke? Let me tell you, you should drink less Coke. I heard that drinking too much is bad for children in the future.

The voice came from the kitchen, and Jiang Qiao subconsciously turned his head to look at Fairy Bai. Fairy Bai was stunned for a moment and blushed quickly.

Mom, it's not drinking. Yue Ling recently learned a dish called Coca-Cola Chicken Wings. Let her make it for you guys to try later. He couldn't help laughing.

Coke can still cook? Xia Qinghe looked disbelieving.

Beer can be used for cooking, why not Coke.

She was speechless immediately.

Fairy Bai suddenly asked him secretly: Why did Auntie say that drinking Coke is bad for children?

Because some people say that drinking cola kills sperm, and if you drink too much, you will not be able to conceive a child. Jiang Qiao shrugged, But these are rumors, and there is no scientific basis.


Bai Xianzi walked into the kitchen with her head down, and suddenly turned her head and told him: You are not allowed to eat the Coca-Cola chicken wings later.


She suddenly realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly added something to avoid his misunderstanding: I don't want to have a child with you,'s not good for you to cultivate the little golden man.

Jiang Qiao grinned, showing his white teeth: I understand, fairy, you don't need to explain, our children will definitely be white and fat in the future.


Fairy Bai gave him an annoyed look, and went into the kitchen to make dinner with Xia Qinghe. Holding a water glass, Jiang Qiao stood outside the balcony to look at the scenery of the community, feeling inexplicably in a trance.

The mountain and the modern city are indeed two different feelings.

The cell phone rang suddenly at this time, Jiang Qiao glanced at the screen, it was the call from Director Liu of the scenic spot, and it seemed to be about whether the store was sold or not.

Is Boss Jiang not on the mountain today?

Yes, I've been home these two days. Jiang Qiao said with a smile.

Do you feel that there are too many tourists, disturbing your current life? After all, many tourists come here just because of the reputation.

He was a little helpless: Minister Liu, if you have anything to say, just talk about it.

It's like this. Boss Jiang might as well agree to the company's request to let the store out. The small yard company in Houshan decided to drop another 100,000 and sell it to you at a price of 200,000.

Minister Liu, to be honest, if the conditions were like this at the beginning, I might have agreed directly, but now I have bought a house elsewhere, so don't worry about you and the scenic spot. I will move out after the new house is decorated.

Minister Liu was stunned, speechless for a long time, he did not expect such a situation.

After a while, she spoke, her voice revealing a little bitterness: That's it, okay, then don't bother Boss Jiang.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Qiao still felt a little bit refreshed in his heart. He didn't agree with it at the beginning, but now it's fine, so he simply went elsewhere to buy a house.

Although it was 100,000 cheaper, compared to the two yards, his current one was obviously better. The five bungalows were all in good condition, and they didn't need to be demolished and rebuilt. They could be moved in after a good renovation, not to mention the surrounding fields.

He can probably guess the reason why the scenic spot is so anxious now. After all, there is a lot of passenger flow now, but there is only one convenience store on the mountain, and it still occupies a prime position. If it is handed over to the scenic spot for independent operation, I don’t know how big it will be. economic benefits.

But no matter what, the contract period has not yet expired. As long as Jiang Qiao does not take the initiative to move out, if the scenic spot wants to take the store back by force, there is no other way but to break the contract.

But as the saying goes, there is no benevolence and righteousness in business, and he didn't break up with the scenic spot, and the scenic spot probably wouldn't do such a thing that hurt eight hundred enemies and one thousand.

The small courtyard has only just started construction, and it will take some time until the complete renovation is completed. When that day really comes, it's not like he and Yue Ling have no place to live, so they will go home if they can't.

In the kitchen, the two women each operated a gas stove, Xia Qinghe was blanching the pork ribs, and Fairy Bai was marinating the chicken wings.

Yue Ling, you haven't shot your video yet?

Fairy Bai shook her head helplessly: Not yet. Now there are many tourists every day, and even the entrance of the convenience store has become an online celebrity spot for checking in. Jiang Qiao said that he will wait for a while to take pictures.

Xia Qinghe nodded: Then do you still have income?

Yes, the video is released, as long as people watch, like, bookmark and coin, the income will continue to be generated. Even if I don't do anything every day, there are hundreds or thousands every day.

Hundreds of thousands a day, tens of thousands a month...

Xia Qinghe was secretly dumbfounded, this was more money than working step by step.

She suddenly discovered that the ancients said that to marry a daughter-in-law is to marry a prosperous husband, which is not unreasonable.

Look at my son, when he didn’t have a girlfriend, he ate and waited to die on the mountain every day. After having a girlfriend, his life is different day by day, and now he’s starting to make a lot of money, and his daughter-in-law is on TV again and again. I have a long face.

Every time Xia Qinghe praised her daughter-in-law when she went out, Xia Qinghe would be so happy from ear to ear.

No, they must get married as soon as possible, so as not to worry about it, she can still take care of their grandchildren while she is not too old.

Mainly I want to hear her call mom, aunt or something, which is not pleasant.

Yue Ling, how is your new home?

The reconstruction work has already started. Fairy Bai thought for a while and said.

Is there enough money?

Enough is enough.

Fairy Bai suddenly lost his mind, thinking that if Jiang Qiao was here, he would insist that he had no money, and then search for some money from his uncle and aunt's wallet.

That's good. I have a friend. Their son got married shortly after buying a house. He gave birth to twins. He usually opened a flower shop. Is life after marriage called happiness? It's so enviable. .”


Fairy Bai stopped breathing, why did Auntie Xia change the subject and started talking about marriage again? Is this a disguised form of urging marriage?


After a while, Jiang Tiancheng got off work early and went home. Recently, his work unit was not particularly busy. After seeing Xia Qinghe's text message, he just found a reason to escape.

Pushing the door open to go home, I saw my son sitting on the sofa eating an apple, and the smell of food came from the kitchen.

Well, there are ribs, and the other tastes a little weird.

Jiang Tiancheng put his suit on the sofa: Dinner is about to come, you eat apples now, can you eat later?

I can eat it, Dad, look at my body, it's the kind of small bowl at home, I can make three bowls of rice casually.

It's not that he is bragging, since he started cultivating Xiaojinren, he eats more and more every day. Fairy Bai said that a large part of the energy for refining Qi comes from eating.

According to the current scientific basis, only if the nutrition can keep up, the body will get better and better.

Jiang Tiancheng was stunned for a moment, and looked over subconsciously. His current physique seems to be much stronger than his impression. Is this still his son?

Are you going to move bricks?

Isn't that right? The new home is being renovated. Every day, we do everything from dust removal, brick removal, and wall building. This muscle was developed at that time. Jiang Qiao nodded, talking nonsense in a serious manner.

Jiang Tiancheng not only rolled his eyes, but he believed what he said.

Has the renovation started yet? The speed is quite fast. How is the current progress?

Jiang Qiao gnawed the apple a few times, threw the core into the trash can, and sighed.

The progress is very slow. The decoration company said that if the money is in place, they can work for me in three shifts a day, but I'm a little tight now, otherwise I won't go to collect ashes myself. Dad, why don't you support me a little bit? ?”

Get out, you only ask your parents for money if you have no skills, you have no skills?

As soon as this kid opened his mouth, Jiang Tiancheng knew that there was nothing good to say, the key was who was he lying to, and he could still come here for a stroll every day when he was beating ashes? He really knows his son too well. No matter how capable you are, you will not be able to work overtime even if you have no money.

Oh, I don't want to either. I made money by accident. Why is it so difficult to be a gnawing old man?

Jiang Tiancheng was too lazy to listen to him showing off: Where are the decoration drawings? Are there any? Let me see.

Yes. Jiang Qiao nodded, and found the mobile phone picture from the mobile phone photo album.

Well, it's okay. It's a bit like an old garden house. It's just that your yard needs to be changed a lot. Who designed it for you?

Ask a friend for help.

What about the money? Is it not enough?

Enough is enough. I signed a contract with the decoration company and promised to promote his company in the next video, so the price was very friendly and gave me a fracture.

Jiang Qiao blinked, then stretched out a finger.

10% off?

Jiang Tiancheng's eyes widened. He wondered if this kid was really lucky. With such a bad face, how could he go anywhere to pick up bargains? There is really such a big profit in making videos?

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