Liu Sisi's eyes widened instantly when he saw Jiang Qiao take off his mask and talk with Fairy Yueling like an old couple.

You you you you you are... the Supreme Immortal? She stammered.

Jiang Qiao said seriously, I am Jiang Qiao.

Look, let me tell you that I didn't lie to you. I'm friends with them, the kind who drop by anytime and anywhere. Wu Youcai patted his chest complacently. Seeing the admiration in Liu Sisi's eyes, he felt a little elated.

Vegetable dog, is she? Fairy Bai held the cat in her arms, with a puzzled expression on her face.

Jiang Qiao introduced: Liu Sisi, your fan is also the lucky one who won the lottery before. The one who contacted you in a private message yesterday. We just ran into each other on the way back. Now I came here specially to receive the prize.

Oh, hello, hello, you're thirsty along the way, have a cup of tea, I'm Bai Yueling, thank you very much for your support. Fairy Bai smiled slightly.

Ah, thank you.

Liu Sisi seemed a little embarrassed, took the teacup with both hands, and secretly observed her while drinking water.

In this era of beauty cameras, many Internet celebrities and even celebrities will suffer from a disease of seeing the light and dying. They are all charming online, but they are attractive offline.

But the Fairy Yueling in front of her, who is obviously just plain, looks better than in the video, especially her aura, which is as elegant and refined as a banished fairy. So there really are such perfect people in the world.

It's really as beautiful as a fairy in the sky.

I'm really sorry, because express delivery can easily cause damage to the kite, and you have to go there yourself.

No, no, Fairy Peak is so beautiful, I just wanted to come and have a look.

You talk, I'll get the kite. Jiang Qiao smiled, turned and went downstairs to the warehouse.

When the meeting came, seeing the two talking and laughing, Liu Sisi was not as restrained as she was at the beginning, just like what was uploaded on the Internet, Fairy Yueling was a very nice person, gentle and beautiful, without any temper.

Here it is, your Bingdundun kite.

Liu Sisi looked at the kite and blinked. Because it is a three-dimensional structure, even if you look at it intuitively, it is much more complicated and delicate than ordinary kites.

Wow, it's so beautifully made. It's the most beautiful kite I've ever seen. When I watched the video, I already thought it was very complicated. It turns out that the kite skeleton uses so many bamboo strips. Liu Sisi exclaimed.

The flattering shot was good, so have you tapped three consecutive videos of the fairy? Jiang Qiao sent out his soul temperature.

Of course, every video is liked, coined, collected, forwarded, and commented. I've been a die-hard fan since the first video!

Jiang Qiao snapped his fingers: Praise one, keep insisting, now the kite is yours.

He handed the kite over and continued: Because it is a three-dimensional kite, the skeleton is easily damaged, so try to be careful when storing it to avoid collisions or crushing.

Yeah! I can't wait to let it fly, and I will definitely be the brightest cub in the village!

Hahaha, ambitious.

After receiving the prize, several people chatted for a while, Liu Sisi was too embarrassed to stay here.

Although Fairy Bai politely invited her to have dinner at home, she still found a reason to refuse. In the end, she just took a photo with Fairy Bai with a kite and found a reason to leave.

Seeing this, Wu Youcai quickly followed, and when he turned his head, he blinked at Jiang Qiao. The two brothers played together since they were young, and even with just one look, Jiang Qiao knew what this guy was thinking.

The two of them know each other? Seeing the two leave, Fairy Bai asked.

Hmm... We've known each other for almost an hour. Now, I should have fallen in love with her little girl, and I'm thinking of a way to catch her up.


Fairy Bai was speechless for a while, and didn't know what to say for a while. Was this purely for sex?

See, compared with him, am I as pure as a white lotus flower? He is the rogue pervert.

Heh heh heh, you're not much better. You were quite respectful to me at the beginning, but I didn't bother to hide it later. I can only say that all the crows in the world are as black. Fairy Bai tilted her head to one side, her mouth pouted.

Can it be the same? I really like you. I want to marry you as my wife and live with you forever.

Do you dare to play with your feelings?


Unless he's crazy to play with emotions, try and die, he knows like a mirror in his heart.

By the way, Yue Ling, the house transfer procedures have been completed. Jiang Qiao suddenly took out the real estate certificate and handed it over.

So fast?

She froze for a moment, then opened the file bag, which contained several keys, and their names were written on the real estate certificate, which meant that the small farmyard belonged to them from now on.

In the past two days, I will ask a designer to see how to decorate it. When everything is done, we will move in.

Fairy Bai nodded. She didn't understand the decoration of the new home either. Anyway, Jiang Qiao did whatever he wanted.

He walked over to Fairy Bai and put his arms around Fairy Bai's waist, and said softly, Look, we already have a house. How about us, when did we go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate?


Fairy Bai was stunned for a moment, then looked down at the real estate certificate in her hand, and her heart beat violently.

It's marriage. Use the laws of our world to establish a husband and wife relationship, and bind you firmly by my side. Jiang Qiao chewed and bit her earlobe.

I don't know if it's psychological. I want to start a family when I have a house. Recently, this desire has become stronger and stronger.

I agreed last time. I still...I have to think about it. She bit her lip, and her gaze fell into the cat litter, where Fu Lu Shou Xi was licking each other's fur to calm down her flustered mood.

Considering the completion of our new house renovation?

Bai Xianzi's face is getting redder and redder. It seems that it won't take long to decorate the new house when everything is ready.

As long as they are married, the two are husband and wife, and no matter what Jiang Qiao does to him, it is a matter of course. Even if he can't have children for the time being, he has so many tricks, and he will definitely unlock more postures after marriage.

Okay, I won't tease you anymore.

Jiang Qiao smiled: Although I have always been looking forward to marrying you, I am very clear that it is not now. Because even if you agree now, it seems that I forced you. I imagine that one day you will suddenly take the initiative to tell me, 'Let's go get married, Caigou', I will definitely die happily.

Hmph, don't even think about it, there won't be that day!

It's impossible to ask her to take the initiative, no matter how you think about it, Fairy Bai snorted and pushed him away with a look of disgust: What did you eat for lunch, you smell so bad.

The hot pot skewers that I ate with Wu Youcai, hey, the smell hasn't dissipated after so long? Then I'll go take a shower.

Jiang Qiao went back to his room, took his clothes and went into the bathroom. While drenched in hot water, he couldn't help but recall every detail of the two of them being together.

From the meeting on the edge of the cliff, to being played with by her for nothing, now that they bought a house together, they finally reached the point where they were talking about marriage.

Having said that, it might be a bit difficult for Fairy Bai to propose marriage. Before that, she should be deeply moved? After all, women are emotional animals, maybe they will agree in a daze when their brains get hot.

Why don't you make a plan and propose to her?

Jiang Qiao was thinking about how to make the fairy fall into his arms, so he hurriedly wiped a handful of shower gel on his body, rinsed it off casually, and he was done.

Coming out of the bathroom, I saw Fairy Bai brushing Fu Lu Shou Xi.

It's summer now, and the two cats are also in the season of shedding. Although they don't shed much, there will be small fluff in the air. Occasionally, if one is sucked into the nostrils, it will be very itchy.

Summer is here, why don't we shave their fur, and the cats won't shed it when they feel cool. Jiang Qiao said as he rubbed his hair.

A mortal with fish lips, cats and cats have sweat glands on their feet. Instead of shaving your body for Fu Lu Shou Xi, you might as well shave your feet.

How do you know? Jiang Qiao was startled.

I've asked Mrs. Duo a long time ago! Fairy Bai raised her head proudly.


She replied slowly: Besides, Fulu Shouxi must be ugly with shaved hair. I have seen pictures of hairless cats on the Internet, and they look like alien creatures.

Isn't it good for aliens to match alien cats?

Good size! I have an ID card now, and I am an out-and-out Chinese citizen.

A pillow flew over and hit Jiang Qiao's head with incomparable precision.

Well, the political consciousness is not bad.

After drying his hair, Jiang Qiao took a look at Fairy Bai's graceful figure. He turned on his computer and searched the Internet for how to propose to his girlfriend. Suddenly, seeing her turn her head, she quickly swiped the mouse to close the web page.

What are you doing sneakily?

It's nothing, nothing, just a small advertisement popped up suddenly, it looked a bit astringent, I'm worried about your random thinking.

If I wasn't there, would you just click in?

Impossible! It's enough for me to look at you, so I don't have time to look at anything else.


Jiang Qiao secretly wiped off his cold sweat, and slowly made plans for the proposal or something in the future.

As soon as he opened the cloud top, Wu Youcai sent him a photo. Liu Sisi was sitting in the co-pilot with the riverside outside the window. This guy flirted with girls faster than Jiang Qiao imagined.

Wu Youcai: Old lady, what should I do, I seem to be in love.

Jiang Qiao: Last time, last time, you said the same thing.

Wu Youcai: This girl is very pure and different from other women. At this moment, every cell in me is telling me that I like her.

Jiang Qiao: Is it true that your body is dominated by desire and you just want to have fun?

Wu Youcai: If she is pregnant with my child, I will definitely marry her.

Jiang Qiao: Hey, don't mess around again. Maybe she's a good girl. It's not worth ruining her life for three minutes of pleasure. If you still can't get enough of it, I'll sue you for rape. From now on, I'll just sue you for rape. I can visit you in prison.

Wu Youcai: Get out, who are you looking down on in three minutes?

Jiang Qiao: Zhuo, can you pay attention to the important points?

Wu Youcai: Okay, then I'll try to fall in love with her instead of just thinking about sleeping with her.

Jiang Qiao: ...

After waiting for a few minutes, Wu Youcai didn't reply to the message again. He probably took the little beauty for a stroll.

Jiang Qiao sighed. Money can turn ghosts around. I hope Liu Sisi can survive the bombardment of sugar-coated shells for a little longer, and don't lose her life in vain.

After playing two sets of Genting and finishing eighth in a row, Jiang Qiao instantly lost the mood to continue playing. Facts have proved that he has no blood relationship with the grandson of the dealer.

He didn't know when the smell of food came from the kitchen. He looked down at himself wrapping toilet paper around his fingers when he was bored, and was suddenly taken aback.

Marriage proposal... seems to have to have a ring, right?


At the end of another busy day, Bai Yu took off his heavy protective clothing, washed it inside and out with hot water, and came out of the dressing room.

Chu Xia, thank you for your hard work. Looking at the girl who was still sorting out the files, Bai Yu smiled slightly.

Wei Chuxia brushed her forehead and ear hair, said with a smile, Volunteers are meant to serve the people, and they should do it.

It's getting late now, you go back to your room to rest first, and hand over the documents in your hand to me.

Well, it's okay, it will be over in a while.

Wei Chuxia continued to chat with Bai Yu one after another: Now the new increase is decreasing every day. The team leader said that the epidemic will be over soon.

Yes, the anti-epidemic doctors who came to support in some communities have already gone back one after another. Bai Yu smiled, If you persist, victory is in sight.

What do you want to do when the epidemic is over? he asked.

Going home, I miss my parents and the food from my hometown. My dad is right. Don't always think about making a lot of money in your life. If you really can live your life in peace, you should be content.

It can be seen that this is all from my uncle's experience. There are times in life, and there are times in life. Don't force it. Bai Yu sighed.


Meeting his gaze, Wei Chuxia suddenly turned her head in panic.

How much more? Let's do it together. After you finish it, you should go back and rest quickly. If you don't have enough energy, you will easily get tired.

That's all.


At this moment, her mobile phone vibrated, and she opened it to see that it was a text message of accounting and testing. During her time as a volunteer, it was already a very common thing.

Wei Chuxia's face turned pale suddenly, the hand holding the phone was very stiff, Bai Yu looked at her in surprise: What's wrong?

She quickly distanced herself from Bai Yu, and said with a complicated expression: Doctor Bai, I've been diagnosed. The nucleic acid test was positive.

Bai Yu was stunned for a moment: No, it's all right, how could it be diagnosed?

I don't know either. She smiled wryly, thinking about everything that happened today, wearing protective clothing all day, and had no contact with other people.

Both of them fell silent for a while. For Dabai, he had already been mentally prepared for the diagnosis. After all, the virus penetrates everywhere, and it is impossible to eliminate everything. If you have close contact with any patient, you may be diagnosed.

For example, Bai Yu, he is in close contact now.

The medical team leader also suddenly opened the door at this moment, followed by a large number of heavily armed medical workers, holding various disinfection equipment in their hands.

Master, are you planning to separate the two of us now? Bai Yu smiled wryly.

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