Less than an hour after the release of the new video, it was recommended on the homepage of Xiaobozhan, and then in the barrage of countless fanatics, various data began to grow like crazy. When the number of people was the largest, there were 20,000 People watch it at the same time. If this trend continues, it is estimated that the record of the previous video will be broken.

Jiang Qiao sat on the sofa and held Fairy Bai in his arms. Every time he refreshed the webpage, the data in the background would be more than before.

Look, Yue Ling, I told you that this video will definitely go viral.

Fairy Bai said seriously: You made it from the beginning to the end, and it's all your credit.

Although my clips account for a part, if it weren't for the high-quality content you output, it is estimated that my two video senders will only have a few thousand fans at most.

The fact is that there are so many ups who make videos, many more people than he can edit, but only a very small part of them can really become popular.

He smiled and clicked on the comment area. Compared with the basic data, those interesting comments are much more interesting.

for example:

Sister Fairy grew up beautiful, how could she be so beautiful!

So it took so many days to update the video, are you going to learn how to make a kite? (dog head)

Today is my birthday. I just opened Xiaopozhan and saw that the fairy sister updated the video. I am so happy!

Holy shit, this three-dimensional ice pier kite is actually meant to be given away, and the fairy sister is too much a fan! It's a pity why it's only for self-pickup (crazy)

The vegetable dog is so cute, the vegetable dog actually bit a mouse!

Upstairs, am I the only one who noticed that the vegetable dog doesn't seem to be a cat?

I'm envious of the life of Fairy Sister. When the closure of the city is over, I must go to Fairy Peak to meet her!


Do you want to reply to fans' messages? Jiang Qiao asked.

Fairy Bai pursed her lips: Whatever, just help me back.

This account belongs to you, you are the grandma. Replying to comments is actually an interaction with fans, which can shorten the distance between you and fans. Of course, it doesn't mean that you have to reply to every one. You just reply to the topics you are interested in. Already. He laughed.

Fairy Bai nodded, then took the laptop, and kept sliding the mouse. At this moment, Jiang Qiao slowly put his hand on her waist.

I feel like you're taking advantage of me. She lowered her head and glanced, Jiang Qiao's hands were dishonest.

It's not called taking advantage. We are a couple. You didn't resist, and I didn't force it. At best, it was just a way to enhance our relationship. Jiang Qiao touched Fairy Bai's smooth belly through his clothes, and the feeling was no worse than other places.

She was speechless for a moment, thinking about it carefully, she really didn't seem to have the idea of ​​resisting, otherwise she would have punched him out long ago.

Besides, he has touched his whole body and hugged each other every night, so touching his stomach is fine now, as long as he doesn't mess around...

After ignoring Jiang Qiao's dishonest paws, Fairy Bai seriously left a message under the comment I'm coming, Mrs. Yueling.

I have a boyfriend, and if I say such things again, I will be blocked.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Qiao couldn't laugh or cry, this ten thousand year old lady has such a small mind.

Then Fairy Bai returned to the reply with the most likes at the top.

I have never eaten beautifully, I grew up as a cultivator (serious face)

Happy birthday to you (cake)

The vegetable dog is a dog (dog head)

When sending this sentence, Fairy Bai turned her head and said shallowly: Hmph, perverted dog.

In response to this sentence, Jiang Qiao quietly pulled the belt that tightened the fairy skirt, and naturally stretched his hands in between the clothes.

Fairy Bai bit her lip and said in a low voice, Don't move around.

She knew Jiang Qiao's character too well. If she didn't say this, the dog's paw would go to other places for safekeeping, so it would be useful for a while.

The spring sunshine came in from the window, and Jiang Qiao closed his eyes and leaned his head against Fairy Bai's neck, listening to the soft music played by the computer. He could enjoy this kind of leisurely intimacy forever.

The chocolate keyboard rang for a while and then fell silent. Jiang Qiao opened his eyes to look at her, just in time to see her slide the mouse to close the web page.

Why didn't you come back?

After those guys saw my reply, they all seemed to have been injected with chicken blood. I replied a few words, and they replied a few words. In a short while, that post gained hundreds of floors. Fairy Bai complained.

Jiang Qiao couldn't help laughing: Other grandmas will be so popular if they see their videos, I'm afraid they will wake up laughing in a dream, and you still complain, I have never seen you so Versailles.

What is Versailles?

You can understand it as showing off casually. It is an online vocabulary that has emerged in recent years. It's normal if you don't know it.

At this time, Shouxi suddenly jumped onto the sofa, habitually lying on Fairy Bai's lap to sleep, and then was thrown away mercilessly by Jiang Qiao. This cat has no eyesight at all, didn't he see that he was petting it?

Not long after, her phone vibrated a few times, and she turned on the screen to see exclamation points from Wu Sujin!

[Sister Bai's little follower]: Sister Bai, I've already made three consecutive videos!

【Traveler】: Thumbs up.jpg

[Sister Bai's little follower]: Hehehe, I heard that the Bingdundun kite is going to be given away? As the number two fan, can I go through the back door? Poor.jpg

Jiang Qiao leaned over to glance at the record, and said, The precedent of the back door cannot be opened. My number one fan and fairy's boyfriend hasn't spoken yet, so I can't spoil her.

[Tianwailaiguo]: No, it was agreed to draw a lottery, but before sending it out, I can play it for you, if there is a chance.

[Sister Bai's little follower]: Okay, long live Sister Bai, by the way, Sister Bai's clothes today are so beautiful, she really looks like a fairy!

【Guest from Outer Space】: Smile.jpg

Seeing Wu Sujin's rainbow fart after another, Jiang Qiao couldn't help pursing his mouth, which was all left over from his shooting.

It's boring to always look at the background data, do you want to look at something else?

Want to watch a movie? Fairy Bai asked.

I didn't finish reading Charlotte's Trouble last time.

? Have I seen it with you?

It was only then that Jiang Qiao realized that he seemed to be watching it with Miss Xin Mo last time, but after watching it, he pinned her down on the sofa and flirted with her for a long time.

Uh... I remember wrongly, then watch the richest man in Xihong City, a funny movie, the kind that laughs people to death, I almost laughed out my abs the first time I watched it.


Fairy Bai dubiously opened the browser to search, and found that the score was extremely high, so she continued to read patiently.

... Next, I will rely on the excellent explosive power of my gluteus maximus and outer thigh muscles to bounce myself up for a second catch.

Seeing Wang Duoyu fluttering on the floor without responding for a long time, Fairy Bai subconsciously let out a chuckle.

Caigou, why is this person so funny, why don't you laugh.

Because I've seen it many times, just watch it, and I'll lean on you for a while.

Jiang Qiao closed his eyes, feeling the delicate touch from his fingertips. Fairy Bai's belly was tender and smooth, and it was very comfortable to touch.

At this moment, her attention was all attracted by the movie, and she was often taken advantage of by Jiang Qiao, so she subconsciously ignored all kinds of temptations hidden behind small moves.

...Hahahaha, I'm dying of laughter, you rookie...

The voice stopped abruptly, feeling the tenderness of his palm, Fairy Bai blushed, this guy was getting more and more excessive.

Didn't you say you want to take a nap for a while? She moved a few times coyly, and the picture of this morning could not help appearing in her head.

Well, look at yours, I'll do mine.

Jiang Qiao still had his eyes closed. To be honest, editing videos is a time-consuming and labor-intensive job. He didn't have any other thoughts in his mind. He just felt that holding Fairy Bai was very comfortable and warm. No no.

Fairy Bai hesitated to speak, but also saw that Jiang Qiao's spirit was very tired, so she tried not to think about Jiang Qiao's dog's paw, as long as he wasn't too much, then... just let him go for now.

Looking at it, the sound of breathing behind him gradually became calmer, Fairy Bai breathed a sigh of relief, and the dish dog seemed to be asleep.

It's just that his fingers would occasionally scratch a piece of special fabric. Fairy Bai's body froze subconsciously. She looked down, but there was no movement again. She turned to look at his soft sleeping face, wondering whether this guy was really sleeping or not. Fake sleep.

Vegetable dog? she called softly.

Huh? Jiang Qiao responded shallowly.

It's okay, you can continue to sleep.

Fairy Bai clicked the mouse twice to turn down the volume.

At this moment, the progress of the movie has come to the theme part where Wang Duoyu will spend 1 billion within a month, and Fairy Bai's laughs have obviously become much more frequent.

She tried her best to hold back her laughter, and tried her best not to wake up Jiang Qiao. As her body trembled slightly, her cheeks suddenly turned red.

One finger was stuck in the seam of the clothes with difficulty and did not move, she bit her lip hard, this bad guy must not be asleep.

Under normal sleeping conditions, it is impossible for the dog's paw to get stuck in it even if it moves a few times.

With a little bit of temptation, maybe I can't wake him up no matter how much I call him, after all, I can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep.

Fairy Bai picked at her fingers, not knowing what to do at the moment, her whole heart was pounding with nervousness.

In the early morning, she had already been frivolous in his bed, and she had to change into a new pair of panties.

But now he is angry to stop him. With this guy's temperament, he will definitely deny it. After all, he just got stuck in the seam of his clothes and did nothing.

There is an old saying: To catch a thief and take the stolen goods, he has nothing in his hand now.

Fairy Bai continued to watch the movie with a blushing face. Some famous scenes that she had seen online before were finally completed in this movie.

If it hadn't been for Jiang Qiao's troubles to seriously distract her, she would definitely find it more amusing.

Jiang Qiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He had clearly felt Fairy Bai's body stiffen just now, but she was too reckless. Didn't she concentrate on watching the movie? How could she feel such a subtle movement.

If it was Miss Heart Demon, I should have succeeded by now.

He held back and opened his eyes secretly to see that the clip of the coach with three mouthfuls and one pig was being played. Fairy Bai couldn't help laughing. Following the ups and downs of her body, Jiang Qiao took the opportunity to slide his fingers slightly, the fingertips were delicate and soft.

Fairy Bai didn't seem to notice it, and kept laughing non-stop, but Jiang Qiao didn't mind cooperating with her movements.

Tsk, comfortable.

Crackling... There was a voice of gnashing of teeth.

Jiang Qiao felt it in a daze, and suddenly realized that the sound of the computer and the laughter stopped.

Is it fun?

Fairy Bai pinched the knuckles of her fingers. She didn't feel it at first, but this guy became a little too unscrupulous afterwards.

Hoo hoo...

Jiang Qiao put his hands there without moving, and continued to pretend to be asleep.

You pretend, you pretend again!

Fairy Bai stood up from his arms in a jerk, and quickly put on her belt, her blushing appearance showing a trace of shame and anger, and if she continued to be treated lightly by him, something might happen.

Huh? What's the matter, Yue Ling. Jiang Qiao opened his eyes in a daze. He had already made up his mind. No matter what crime Bai Fairy asked, he would bite him to death and refuse to admit it.

you you……

Fairy Bai was gnashing her teeth in anger. She was not as shameless as Jiang Qiao, and she couldn't possibly say in front of him that you just touched my bear.

Even if asked, there is a high probability that he will not admit it, and then say that he is asleep and doesn't know anything, and his expression should be very wronged.

There is a small probability that they will admit it brazenly. After all, old couples have slept in their arms so many times, so there is nothing to be shy about.

But in broad daylight...

Fairy Bai muttered a few words, but in the end she didn't know how to deal with this lecherous guy, and finally looked at him from the beginning to the end, haven't you been training Xiaojinren recently? Come, come, let's learn from each other.

Vegetable dog... Fairy Bai looked at him with a smile on her face.

Seeing her smiling, Jiang Qiao subconsciously shuddered, always feeling his heart was chilling.

What... what's wrong?

Didn't you say you wanted to practice boxing posture? Come, I'll teach you.

He froze for a moment: I didn't...

Before he finished speaking, Fairy Bai threw a punch at him. Jiang Qiao had never practiced punching before, and his conditioned reflex movement made the energy flow all over his body, and a shallow golden light flashed on the surface of his skin.

He was punched hard, but he didn't seem to feel the pain, at least he could bear it. He blinked, and the little golden man really lived up to his reputation, a bit strong.

Just when she was about to say a few words of rubbish, she heard Bai Xianzi chuckle: Hey, you have good resistance to blows, give me another punch.

Although Fairy Bai lost her Dao Fruit, her accumulation of thousands of years cannot be summed up by a single Dao Fruit. Even if Jiang Qiao has become a Little Golden Man, he can beat him in various skills.

ten minutes later.

Jiang Qiao was like the Loki who had been abused by the Hulk. He lay limp on the floor half dead, gasping for breath, with a look of lovelessness on his face.

The little golden man was indeed strong, but he was not as strong as Fairy Bai's raindrop fists. After seven or eight punches, his body couldn't take it anymore.

After venting, Fairy Bai had a relaxed look on her face, it turns out that beating someone is so comfortable.

Caigou, do you know why a piece of good steel has to go through thousands of tempers?

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