Vander City.

Cable wears a suit of black magic armor, rides a pure white warhorse, and patrols the streets with a group of fully armed would-be Knights. Shortly after that conversation, father and son joined the Navy and the Knights, respectively.

Cambull is a Burning Knight with good strength, often assigned to patrol missions.

"It doesn't feel bad." Camber was meticulously patrolling, but his eyes swept across the street from time to time. Over time, the smiles on the faces of the people gradually increased, social order gradually recovered, and houses damaged in the battle were repaired.

He was born in this city, and he still has a certain feeling for this city. Watching the city slowly move towards a good direction, I think it's not bad.

"As the father said, the roots of our Keller family are still in Vander."

Just as Camber was thinking about it, a fast horse came galloping in front of him. . Campbell knew each other, his colleague Ryder Knight.

"What's the matter? Ryder Knight." Cambull raised his head to ask a question with a serious expression.

This is the city, and there is nothing urgent that is not allowed to ride horses. On the contrary, it is definitely abnormal.

"Viscount Willie, the special envoy of the sailboat count, is here. I'll report to His Excellency the Viscount first." Ryder Knight, without any pause after seeing Campbell, galloped past him on his horse.

"Sure enough, it's still here. Your Excellency the Viscount should refuse the other party, right?" Cambull's expression changed slightly, then he waved his hand and continued to lead the quasi-Knight under his command to patrol the city.

In fact, the mission of patrol is not to catch thieves, or the remnants of gangsters, pirates, and plagues, but to stabilize people's hearts. Prove to people that the Knight group under [Viscount Will Russell] is very powerful.

Soon after, Cambull saw a very delicate carriage. Under the guidance of a team of [Vander Knight Regiment] Knights and quasi-Knights, they slowly walked towards the City Lord's residence. .

In order to show respect, Campbell led his prospective knights to the side of the road, bent down slightly, and did not continue patrolling until the other party left.

City Lord's residence, Colin's office.

Colin heard the news together with Michael, who happened to be reporting to work, Colin nods to Knight and let the reporting night go on.

There's not much to say about the sailing count's intentions. Colin got up from his office chair and said to Michael, "Come on, let's meet this Viscount Willie."

"Yes, Your Excellency

" Michael owed He bowed and waited for Colin to walk out of the office before they turned around and followed them out.

Like receiving Knight Adair, the sea temple, Colin personally came to the gate of the official residence and greeted the envoy of the sailing count.

After the delicate carriage stopped, the other party's entourage opened the side door on the right, and a middle-aged noble stepped down from the carriage, looked at Colin first, and then walked over.

"Hello, Viscount Willie." Colin and Michael bowed to each other and said politely.

"You are good too, Your Excellency Viscount Will Russell." Viscount Willy is an old-fashioned nobleman with a polite smile.

Immediately, Colin introduced Michael beside him. After the two got to know each other, Colin invited each other into the official residence and came to the living room to sit down.

After the black tea, the Viscount Willie didn't go straight to the point with Colin, but talked about the last name with Colin.

"Despite the remoteness of the Zoroja Islands, I have long admired the great surname Russell. It is a great honor to meet your Excellency Viscount Will Russell on behalf of the sailing count today."

Viscount Willie was very polite and honorable.

Colin has to admit that this person is much more pleasing to the eye than the sea temple Knight Adair. But on the other hand, this Viscount Willy can talk like this, and what he says cannot be easily believed.

"You're very kind, Your Excellency." Colin bowed to the other side, but there was a look of glory on his face, a look of pride in his surname.

After another polite conversation, the Viscount Willie asked, "Your Excellency Viscount. The current situation in the Zoroja Islands is so complicated, did the emperor cause the emperor? Your Majesty's attention."

This is the biggest problem.

After the invasion of Evil God, the four counts on the two main islands in the north and south of the archipelago suffered a huge blow, but the strength of the sailing counts was better preserved, and the undead counts that also belonged to the South Island have already been destroyed. dying.

Can the sailing count give birth to the ambition of unifying the South Island and then encroaching on the entire archipelago?

At this time, on the [Vander] Island, which also belongs to the South Island and is the territory of the undead count, there is an Imperial Viscount named Russell, can he not be afraid?

But whether it was the chaos of the Zoroja Islands that caught the Emperor's attention, or whether the Russell Family had ambitions for the Zoroja Islands, or was it just the Viscount Russell's solo action, the sailing count can't be guessed for the time being. Then there is the line of Viscount Willie.

Listen to the truth!

The sailing count doesn't mind killing Colin if a little weak spot is exposed. He was originally going to annex the entire archipelago, so how could he allow Colin to exercise substantial rule over [Vander]?

Colin understands this, so does Michael, even Helen Keller.

And Colin has a little secret about the sailboat count that he didn't tell anyone. The sailing count had reason to be frightened by Vangh's attitude.

"The Emperor Your Majesty is indeed worried about the situation of the Zoroja Islands, fearing that it will be controlled by pirates or sea countries, Kexas. But he also trusts the sailor count very much, after all four The count, only the sailing count is the Vangh count who was born in Vangh and was dispatched to rule half of the South Island. In Your Majesty's eyes, the count is very loyal and reliable."

"But there is a saying that Okay, eggs don't fit in one basket. So Your Majesty sent me here to check on the situation."

Vangh Imperial Capital is thousands of miles away from the Soroya Islands, so Colin is naturally pulling the strings. When Lingjian, none of the few words were true, as if he was the special envoy of Emperor Vangh.

Of course, Viscount Willie is also dubious about Colin's words.

"Thanks to the trust of the Emperor Your Majesty, the sailing family has always been Your Majesty's loyal vassals, before, now, and in the future."

Viscount Willie He showed his loyalty, and then tried out Colin's identity.

"Your Excellency Viscount, excuse my curiosity. Why is your title Viscount Will Russell? I remember the whole place of Will, a city under the command of Marquis Kent."

After speaking , he glanced at Michael again. Viscount Will Harris. Old-fashioned nobles can immediately realize the connection between the two titles.

Colin laughed and said, "Do you know the Orbis Shield?"

"Of course, this is our Divine Item from Vangh. According to rumors, it seems to have been found in Will City. Orbis shield?"

Viscount Willie was a little stunned as he spoke.

"That's right. I was in that operation with Viscount Will Harris and went to Imperial Capital to receive the Emperor's pardon and met my Uncle, Duke Russell."

Colin said very casually, Michael moved towards Viscount Willy and bowed slightly.

"This person is a bear cub who has returned to the bear group? But it is very difficult to deal with. He is already a Level 4 Knight at a young age, and there should be a retrospective bloodline, at least a bronze bloodline. The one from the Russell Family Help the adult bears, and will cultivate the bears, even if they return to the bear group. Although they are from outside the world, they should not underestimate this bear."

"Emperor's special envoy: Doubtful. If it is true, then What was the Emperor's intention to send him here, is he really just planting a pair of eyes in the Zoroja Islands?"

"The important bear of the Russell Family. As the Emperor's strongest and most powerful hand, Russell What role does Family play in it?"

The more temptation, the more doubts. Viscount Willie thought and thought secretly in the heart, hoping to find out the whole sequence of events from these one-sided information.

After that, that's pretty much the kind of temptation. Viscount Willie sat here with Colin all morning, tried and talked a lot, Colin did not reveal any weak spot, and in the end, Viscount Willie did not make any substantive statement.

At noon, the two enjoyed a sumptuous meal together. In the afternoon, Colin accompanied each other on a tour of the island, and in the evening arranged for each other to live in a control villa in the city.

Michael went back to City Hall halfway through because of his busy work schedule.

"With my surname, bloodline, and identity, I should be able to temporarily fool this sailboat and prevent him from attacking Vander. But how long it can be fooled, I don't know. It's mine. Strength. If I had Level 7, this sailboat count wouldn't do anything to me."

Colin, who returned to the official residence, was a little tired, and the old and hot nobleman is comparable to the stunned Blue Temple Knight of the Ocean Temple. Much harder to deal with.

After a quick shower, Colin went back to his bedroom and lay down. He stretched his right hand under his neck and looked at the beautifully patterned ceiling. He knew the difficulty of being a lord.

There is really a strong competitor: sailboat count. UU reading www.

There is an opponent trying to tear apart the rule and monopolize the faith: Ocean Church.

Both of these have appeared.

There is also an important black market on the island: the island general [Buick], the purchaser of the black market. It is really surrounded by enemies on all sides, and I only sigh that his strength is low.

Late night!

“hu hu hu hu!!!!”

A gust of wind blew in from outside the window, making the curtains rattle. Then a male voice rang in Colin's ear.

"Hello, Your Excellency Viscount Will Russell!"

Colin's body suddenly tensed, and all the hair on his body stood on end. In the blink of an eye, he took out the magic sword from the space ring, stood and looked around, but found no one.

Soon after, Colin frowned, without alarming anyone, he jumped down from the window and quietly came to a villa near the City Lord's residence.

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