Just as Leon was scolding the other two for useless things, the other two were also calling him useless.

Antun was dealing with Heike's attack, and at the same time, he stabbed quite dangerous sneak attacks from time to time. personal.

Seeing that Annie was able to fight alone with Nick, his eyes slightly shrank. Seeing that Leon couldn't kill a kid again, he was furious.

"Leon, kill that kid and help us." Under the mask, he no longer smiled and scolded loudly.

"Don't order me. You bastard." Leon was furious again, but there was embarrassment in his heart. It seems to be the case, am I holding back?

"It doesn't matter what your surname is, just kill it." Swing the magic sword in his hand, moved towards Colin's neck.

Colin certainly doesn't just get beaten passively.

Since Annie and Heike have the upper hand, this time the battle won't last too long, and within 30 minutes, it's enough to end.

This time the attack did not surprise Colin, but it was also an opportunity.

He was about to kill some bad guys and soak up some power ups when the didn't expect pillow came. Colin swung the magic sword and staggered to block Leon's magic sword while looking around.

The Knights on both sides have been battling together, and each other has suffered casualties. The opponents are all elites, at least they are all Burning Knights. And we have a lot of Sunrise Knights who are holding back.

For example, Michael is in the back, very honestly working with his partners to ensure his own safety.

All in all, it's a bit of a disadvantage.

"Phew!" Colin exhaled after blocking Leon's sword. After that, [Rage Transformation] was activated, and the blood in the whole body suddenly increased its speed after it stopped flowing for a while.

Blood carries energy, moved towards every corner of the body.

The strength and life force increase sharply, the pain sensation is reduced by 80%, the recovery force is increased by 30%, the poison is delayed, and the bleeding is delayed.

"Ding!" Colin stepped on the ground with both feet. Although he sank deeply into the ground, he firmly caught another sword from Leon, terrifying his face calmly.

"You bastard!!!" Leon's eyes were bulging, how did this guy become stronger? But then saw the blue veins appearing on Colin's forehead, and probably guessed what was going on.

"A huge temporary increase in my own strength, Furious Black Bear? Or what?"

Colin didn't give him any more.

"Goodbye." Colin spat out these two words lightly, then slashed Leon's magic sword with one sword, and with one step, attacked a pirate Knight on the right.

This Knight is a Burning Knight fighting one of our Burning Knights. Not only did Colin beat the children by leaps and bounds, but he also used [Double Arrows] without saying anything about martial arts.

Two wind arrows formed on the left and the right, one attacked the Burning Knight, and the other attacked the other Burning Knight.

Under such a sneak attack, Colin easily stabbed the pirate Knight to death, and stabbed another person to death by the way. No need to collect energy either, just leave it alone.

His current strength and agility have reached 2000, and he can't increase it without a breakthrough. Increase life force, but no battle strength. Collect energy after the battle.

After killing two Burning Knights of the opponent in a row, Colin gathered his magic power, moved towards Leon who was chasing and sent out a [Explosive Fireball], which just involved didn't expect any damage.

Then, Colin swept towards an opponent's Origin Knight, and before Leon arrived, he killed the Origin Knight with a few swords.

Leon took this opportunity to quickly slash Colin's back with a sword.

Then Colin was knocked into the air, successfully using this power to land next to another Burning Knight. In the horrified gaze of the other Burning Knight, Colin's sword edge swiped lightly, and

then cut off the opponent's head.

"Little devil. Do you only bully the weak?" Leon was furious, with blue veins on his forehead, and cursed. He definitely didn't take the initiative to activate the skill, he was just angry.

Colin remained silent and continued to play this game, not fighting Leon head-on, but slaughtering those weak pirates, plagues, and gangsters.

Under Colin's interspersed, the two sides fought under Knight, and Colin's side actually started to have the upper hand. No way, just die a Burning Knight or Origin Knight, gangsters, plagues, and pirates can't stand it.

However, Colin's action was quickly stopped, and the other priest finally released a decent diving technique.

Colin saw a cloud of invisible green dive technique hit, and red spots appeared on his body immediately, densely packed to have one's hair stand on end.

The plague's dive technique is different. Said to be a dive technique, many of which are actually viruses. Although Colin is highly resistant to magic, fighting against these viruses depends on his life force.

Fortunately, Colin's life force is not weak, and after turning on [Rage], the life force has been greatly improved.

He was just stagnant, feeling a little heavier, but nothing serious.

"Ding." Colin waved the magic sword in his hand, intercepting Leon's oncoming sword, and the eyes of both sides met.

Lion's eyes flashed with endless flames.

"You can't escape now." Leon said with gnashing teeth. This kid is so resistant and slippery that he loses his face.

"I think you should have run away." Colin's expression was very calm, he turned his wrist, stopped Leon's next sword horizontally, and let out a chuckle.

The wound eroded by the virus is very itchy. But still within Colin's tolerance. The operation just now not only made their Knight gain the upper hand, but also delayed the time.

Leon understood what Colin meant, and Nick and Anton were about to lose their grip. They will not work hard, once someone runs away first, it will be the result of a rush.

"I'll kill you first." Leon's eyes were red, and he attacked Colin's heart, neck and other vital points with sword after sword, and was about to breathe fire with anger.

Colin is of course stepping back, rolling and crawling, relying on the powerful [Warren Sword Art] to fight back and forth, continuing to delay time.

With his current strength, it's still not enough to face a Level 4 Knight like Leon alone when he's hit by a plague.

But soon the battle situation changed as Colin had expected, and the first to retreat was the gangster boss Anton. He stabbed Heike with a sword, like an angry bull, stabbing Heike's neck. Seeing this frown, Heike had to turn back to block with his sword. He didn't know that Anton was only swaying his sword. Taking advantage of this time, he stepped on one step, turned around and left.

"Retreat!" Anton suppressed the anger in his chest, roared loudly, and led his gangster Knights moved towards retreating in the dark.

Nick raised his skinless face and glanced at the other party, and then he also performed a dive technique on Annie. While Annie was dodging, he also led his plague army to retreat.

In the blink of an eye, all the companions ran away, and they were farting.

"Little devil, you wait, next time I must kill you." Although Leon was very aggrieved, he had to say a cruel word and led the pirate army to retreat.

If they don't leave at this time, I'm afraid they will be left behind and wiped out.

The attack came and went quickly. The attackers quickly turned into three squads and disappeared into the shady world.

"Don't chase." Colin and Heike gave the order almost at the same time.

The fact that the other party retreats does not mean that the other party is defeated. The attackers at this time were obviously assault troops composed of elites. The strength of the three forces in the town is not only that, there may be an ambush in secret, and the risk of chasing is too great.

After that, it is time to treat the wounded and assign spills of war. Colin may have killed the most knights on the other side, but it's a war.

If Annie and Heck hadn't intercepted the other's two Level 4 Knights, Colin wouldn't have been able to kill so many people. For the specific allocation of spills of war, Colin asked Michael to discuss with Heike.

Colin walked through the mud full of corpses and blood to Annie's side. She looked a little embarrassed, and there were many disgusting pus-filled bumps on her smooth skin.

She also had a look of disgust on her face, and took out a potion that supplements life force and drank it. Knight's anti-virus ability is very strong, as long as the life force is enough, these disgusting swellings can be eliminated soon.

"Thank you." Colin came to the other party seriously and bowed in a salute.

One is one.

No matter what purpose the other party has in approaching him, no matter what identity and position the other party has. But in this war, without the help of the other side. They had no choice but to risk their escape.

The road to escape must be heavy casualties.

Colin has always been a man of gratitude and grudges are clear, and the grace of this time is always in my heart.

"Is a simple thank you enough? How about a thank you?" Anne Hehe smiled, grabbing Colin's right arm regardless of the wounded and disgusting swelling, and the majestic two lumps rubbed and rubbed, Eye light frequently indicated.

As if to say. "How about devote one's life to?"

Thanks so earnestly, and it's time to play. Colin brows knit, slapped the other's hand away, it's disgusting, after you've swollen and swollen, can you rub it again?

Colin glanced at Annie in disgust, then turned his head to help treat the injured.

"Disgusting me!" Annie glared at Colin, then looked down to see that she was bleeding pus from the virus, she shuddered, and then had one's hair stand on end.

It's disgusting.

"Go bathe in the sea." Anne strode out of the village and went straight to the sea.

Healing the wounded and collecting spills of war will soon be over. The battle of the transcender is very brutal, generally there is no serious injury, only death.

Slightly injured, relying on healing potion and its own life force, can also quickly recover.

The rest was left to others. Colin came to the Ma Ding Family with old Bowker, Michael, John, Heike and the others.

Although the attack was sudden, it survived. Next, look forward. These three forces are not easy to deal with.

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