Knight's regiment, Colin's office. The windows are opened and the warm wind blows in with the sun.

Behind the huge desk, Colin wears a white shirt and sits in a luxurious chair, boredly reading a Knight novel.

Since the coffins of the dead and wounded Knights are not buried, there is no need for a funeral. No new enemies have appeared for the time being.

Although the Knight regiment currently has many trivial matters, such as the redistribution of the remaining squire officers. For example, the soldiers stationed in the city south of the City Guard were almost wiped out, recruited and reorganized.

But none of these things left Colin's hands on. The current Colin in the Knight group already belongs to the transcendent existence, and few people bother him with these trivial things.

So Colin had nothing to do for a while after returning to the Knight's regiment.

"Your Excellency Deputy Head, I'm Bill Pete." There was a knock on the door, followed by Bill's very formal voice.

"Come in," Colin said, putting down the Knight novel in his hand.

The door opened, and Bill closed it. Then his expression changed, and he waved at Colin with a smile, the newspaper still smelling of ink in his hand, and said, "Look, Colin, you're going to have a bronze statue soon."

Colin is very happy. Strangely, he reached out and took the newspaper from Bill's hand. After reading it, he shook his head and said, "It's kind of boring."

He didn't care about this, but he didn't object. After all, too many Knights and squires have died in order to guard Will City, and they need a memorial to commemorate them.

"Hi Colin. Be happy. Despite the sadness, we're holding on to Will City, aren't we?" Bill knew Colin well and patted Colin's shoulder.

"Yeah. Hold it." Colin's tone was still a little heavy, and then he changed the subject: "What about you, Bill. I heard you've been training very hard recently, you don't want to be a gem or a costume. Designer?"

Bill was not interested in power before, and after getting the Baron title, he was even more flat. What's the matter with love, anyway, I am a nobleman.

But Colin recently heard that he trains hard.

"Vangh used to be peaceful, I like clothing or gem design, so move towards that goal. But now..." Bill shook the head, although persuading Colin to be happy, but His heart is actually very heavy.

"Come on, Bill." Colin patted his buddy's shoulder with a backhand.

The good friend was relatively speechless for a moment, then a footstep sounded, followed by a knock on the door.

"Your Excellency Viscount, Mr. Head, please come over." The voice came from a familiar servant.

<> "Okay." Colinp agreed with a nod, then tidied up his clothes, glanced at Bill, and opened the office door, where he saw a familiar servant. He turned to the corridor and moved towards the head of the regiment's office.

Bill went by himself, closing the door by the way.

Walking down the long corridor, Colin came to the head of the regiment's office with the door open. Colin walked in calmly.

To Colin's surprise there were other people in the office, Knight Nilbert as it should be by rights in his seat and Magician Raul in a chair across the side of the huge desk .

A middle-aged man stood in front of the two. Colin looked at the man carefully, there was dark red blood on his body, and the stench was mixed with the smell of sweat, which was very unpleasant.

Very embarrassed.

There is no seat, which means that this person may be a civilian, or he may not have time to ask him to sit down.

But judging from the beating of the heart, this man is a Knight.

"Your Excellency, Mr. Raul, and this unfamiliar gentleman." Colin moved towards the three of them and said calmly.

Magician Raul and Knight Nilbert both bowed to Colin Kilrook, and Knight Nilbert introduced: "Colin,

this is Knight, a Knight loyal to the Brown family. He brought a Unfortunate news."

"Knight Krook, this is Viscount Will Russell, the deputy head of the Will City Knight regiment, His Excellency Knight Colin Russell of the Empire." Then, Knight Nilbert introduced Colin with a slightly solemn gesture.

"Hello. Your Excellency Viscount. I am in awe of your strength and respect your bravery after hearing about your feat that night." Knight Krook humbly gave Colin a big bow. Bow, and in a respectful tone, said a long paragraph.

"You too. Seeing your wounds, you must also be a heroic Knight." Since the other party was so polite, Colin also bowed slightly to Knight Krook and praised him. Then, he calmed his face and said solemnly: "What news did you bring?"

Knight Krook's face suddenly showed a heavy color of pain, moved towards Colin, bent down slightly and said: "After the great change, Brown The leaders were at a loss. UU read But after receiving the formation of a Knight group from Will City and sending some of the Knights to guard various towns, the Brown leader also realized the seriousness of the problem. Our lord, Brown Knight is far away Kent city. Madam ordered us to call up the militia to guard Brown's territory. But on the same day you fought the plague and werewolves, a terrifying werewolf attacked Brown's territory, and the Knights were almost killed and wounded. I Originally wanted to live and die with the Brown collar, but Madam told me to escape and ask you for help."

After finishing speaking, Knight Krook even moved towards Colin one-knee kneels and said sincerely: "I I don't know what happened to Madam now. But I still ask you to rescue Captain Brown."

"Mr. Crook, you're right." Colin was a little moved, although the civilian Knight was in the entire empire. The status is far inferior to the noble Knight, but at least he is a transcender, and he is a loyal person. He bent down to support Knight Krook, but did not agree immediately, but looked up towards Knight Nilbert and asked, "Your Excellency, what do you think?"

Knight Nilbert did not immediately Answering, he took out a golden bell from the drawer and shook it.

"Your Excellency the regiment leader." A calm footman walked in.

"Knight Krook, you must be tired too. My valet will prepare everything for you. Go down and rest first." Knight Nilbert said to Knight Krook.

Knight Krook opened his mouth to say something, but in the end didn't say a word and went down with the valet.

The door was also closed by the footman.

Knight Nilbert turned his head and looked towards Magician Raul, who snapped his fingers lightly to cast his soundproofing magic.

"What about you, Colin, what do you think?" Knight Nilbert lifts the head, looking at Colin's young face, and asks meaningfully.

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