167 – Merchant counts gold coins 1

Humans are not such brave creatures.

That’s why, even if they see something wrong with their own eyes, they tend to ignore it.

Because you know that nothing can be changed even if you step out.

Knowing that in the end, all that remains is the self who is meaninglessly hurt

But. Even those of them, if something very small starts to show.

It’s trivial, but if you start to see a clear opportunity.

They are willing to risk their all and start making their voices heard.

“Awaken the church!”

“Corrupted priests, stop blasphemy right now!”

“We are followers of the Lord, not the pope! Let’s destroy the false doctrine and restore the right faith!”

Voices of reformation against religion begin to resound across the continent.

Its beginnings were made by a few clerics who opposed the sale of indulgences, and soon their claims quickly expanded, gaining great support among lords and nations hostile to the Church.

As a result, the continent that was originally united under the name of the church split into two, and the entire continent began to get caught up in a great whirlpool of chaos.

And in the midst of such upheaval across the continent, Schwyz is the only place that maintains tranquility.

There, Bahamut Fernandez of the Veden Merchant was making an expression of discomfort toward the lions who were making a terrified expression in front of him.

“So. Please lend us more money now. You mean that?”

“.. as. I have no face, but please be sure to ask.”

“lung… This is what His Majesty Himself said. So, just this one more time…”


Bahamut let out a deep sigh at the words of the lions.

Recognizing the unconcealable discomfort contained within, the faces of the lions began to feel uneasy.

“Do you know how many times this has already happened? The funds borrowed during the last war have not yet been recovered. Still asking for money again. Even though they are the monarchs of a country, don’t you think you should be a little shameless?”


The messengers couldn’t say anything at the words of Bahamut, who spoke the truth.

In fact, they are currently in a situation where they have not repaid less than half of the funds that Bahamut lent at cheap interest in the last war.

After that, due to the craze for religious reform that occurred within their country and territory, a series of situations in which they had to pour in funds occurred one after another, and as a result, they were forced to cling to the upper ranks of Beden and Uranus again inevitably. .

‘Damn it… I couldn’t believe that the debt I thought was not a big deal at the time would hold me back like this…’

‘I reacted too complacently, thinking I could pay it back if I tightened my belt a little. No matter how much it is, I can’t imagine that the situation on the continent will turn so urgent right after I barely blocked the Turk’s offensive..’

Those in this position were all high-ranking nobles in the ranks of dukes or marquis of each country.

However, nonetheless, at this moment, they were in a position where they could only be terrified in front of a merchant that they usually considered a lowly status.

If they couldn’t borrow money here, their necks could be blown away, so their lives now depended on this merchant in front of them.

“Boo.. please! please! Every little bit is good, so please change the funds!”

“I will definitely repay this debt in one way or another! So please!”

“Sigh… ”

The messengers begin to ask at an almost begging level.

In response, Bahamut let out a deep sigh and spoke as if he couldn’t help it.

“I can’t do it, I don’t like it, but I have my loyalty.. Above all, if something goes wrong with you, I won’t be able to recoup the money I’ve lent you, so I have no choice but to make concessions here.”

“! ah..”

“go. Thank you Mr. Bahamut!”

They admire Bahamut’s words and express their gratitude.

However, looking at them, Bahamut spoke in a cold voice.

“However, even so, I cannot lend money to you again without any cost. Not even the principal, let alone the interest, is not coming in well, and the damage we have suffered so far is considerable, so we also have to get something from you.”

“radish… what..”

The lions began to stiffen their faces again at Bahamut’s words.

Bahamut held out something in front of them, and complex feelings began to appear on the faces of the nobles who were checking the contents.

“what. I will not force you. After all, the choice of whether to trade or not is up to you.”

“… .”

Seeing Bahamut say that, the messengers began to clearly recognize one fact.

From the moment they took on this job from the beginning, they had no choice.


“So, how did it end up?”

“Anyway, it ended very well. Because the answer was already there from the beginning.”

At Bahamut’s words, Bertina, who was hugging her husband’s body without a single thread on, began to smile quietly at the corner of her mouth.

The Beden Merchant, which succeeded in bringing commercial rights from each country based on huge debts.

In effect, this was tantamount to handing over the bones of the state, but nonetheless they had no other means.

In a situation where the country was shaken, even if the skeleton was given, it was necessary to have a blood transfusion and attach flesh.

Of course, as a result, the cost of putting out an urgent fire has become very large.

“Congratulations, honey. With this… the commercial power of this continent is practically in our hands.”

“That’s right, to be honest, I didn’t think this far from the beginning, but somehow it ended up coming this far.”

“hehehe.. You must be very humble too.”

With those words, Bertina embraced Bahamut’s body again.

She began to feel happy as she put the face of her beloved husband in her voluptuous chest.

‘Really… it was very fortunate for me. Meeting a man like you is.’

At first it gave her despair, and it reminded her of pleasure and the joy of being a woman.

After that, he became a strong support for her,

It allowed her to fully love someone again.

And now, like this, the person who made everything she had hoped for.

As she freely shared her affections with the man, Bertina began to think of another pleasant plan.

‘If you have a little bit, you can have a second one too, right? This time I want to give birth to a son, a reliable son who resembles my husband.’


Commercial city Bennett.

Recently, it was a place that was gradually losing its power as it suffered a great blow from the offensive of the Turkic Empire and lost its external colonies.

Even this year, ships carrying loads of goods from the East were filling the port, and the seats were all occupied by ships bearing the names of the Uranus Merchant… no, now the Veden Merchant.

“I know there are a lot of problems all over the continent this year. Therefore, the spice price is slightly lower than before, so I will only accept 160 talents.”

Lee Sol-da announces the price in a calm voice.

At her words, the faces of the merchants gathered in one place began to show a deep sense of relief.

The Beden Merchant Merchant is currently subduing not only trade with the East, but also monarchs all over the continent with a weapon called debt.

Even if they skyrocketed the price of spices if they wanted to, no one could say anything. In response, the Beden Merchant Chambers rather dealt with it in a way of mercy, dispelling the anxiety of the merchants.

“I am truly grateful. To be honest, we were also very concerned about the current situation, but I never thought you would be considerate of our position like this.”

“In difficult times like now, it would be unreasonable for the same merchants to help each other. Instead, Bahamut requested humanitarian help, including relief from the poor, from the merchants in each region. It is his will that every citizen of this continent is our customer, and in times of turmoil, our merchants need to soothe the public.”

“Oh oh..”

“Indeed, if that is the case, we will gladly cooperate.”

“As expected, Bahamut-sama has a big bowl. We are also lacking, but we will add strength.”

Merchants who are willing to participate in the invitation to do nothing else, purely good.

In response, Lee Solda also showed a sincere smile on her lips, and the same was true of Yuria standing next to her.

Like that, the two return to their lodgings after the spice deal is over.

By their side, the Predator members who were in charge of escorting this journey appeared at some point and were walking along the road together.

“Did anything special happen to the guard?”

“Of course, I watched it all the time in case suspicious people would intervene, but there were no such people.”

Lee Sol nodded carefully at Echid’s words.

After hearing such a brief report, she looked at her colleagues gathered there and said in a quiet voice.

“Anyway, thank you all for your hard work. Then, now that the deal is over, let’s go eat together. I will buy it today.”

“Ohh.. is it rice? I definitely went out quite a bit. That’s great.”

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Nemea answers Isolda’s words with a bright voice.

Others also expressed their anticipation and talked about it.

“Come to think of it, I heard that Benessa’s Nero spaghetti is quite delicious…”

“I heard that too! You said it was made with squid ink, maybe?”

“I… I also want to try it.”

“Okay, so that’s what determines the menu Lee Solda is shooting this time!”

“Yes Yes. Well sir. Then let’s start right away.”

Seeing her colleagues talking so pleasantly, Lee Solda also put a light smile on her lips.

never seen before.

A smile that is filled with warmth that comes from the heart.

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