142 – White Dragon Hunter 2

Vienna, the capital of the Holy Empire, was devoted to war preparations.

Right now, there was an unexpected news like lightning.

“what. what? Is it really?”

“Yes, yes, Your Majesty! It is a report that several castles in the east have already been captured.”

The emperor cannot hide his bewilderment at the unexpected report.

Until now, he had only been concerned with the battle between the Allies and the Turks in the south, and he thought that all he had to do was to gather forces as quickly as possible to support them before the Allies were annihilated.

But now, he was in a situation where he received a report that seemed to ridicule his idea.

“Dragona Empire… I can’t believe they’re like this.”

The Dragona Empire thought that it would either join forces with the Turkic Empire to attack the Allied Forces, or aim for the Kingdom of Poland, which had been fighting all along.

But.. their choice is neither Poland nor Hungary, but right here.

It was a direct attack on the Holy Empire.

‘I was careless. I thought it would be difficult to aim for this place due to the topography, but it could not be like this.’

According to reports, the number of enemies is about 20,000.

It was never a large number, but there was a report that all of them were magic users or demons, which means that they have power that can never be ignored.

In a way, it meant that it was a strong army that could never be taken lightly compared to the Turkish Empire.

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No matter how much the conscription led to a power vacuum,

It was a fact that could be known just by the fact that dozens of forts had already been helplessly damaged by their hands without ever using their strength.

‘A small number of elites with fast marching speed and relatively little burden on movement. That means…’

In the process of thinking up to that point, Emperor Carol was able to understand what the Turkish Imperial Army was aiming for.

The reason they brought a large army of 150,000 was not simply to defeat the allied forces.

It was part of a diversionary operation to draw the continent’s attention to them and draw an opening so that the Dragona Empire could attack the Holy Empire in the gap.

‘Well… if you think about it, no matter how problematic the circumstances of the Holy Empire are, it was strange that they drew their swords in earnest before the Dragona Empire’s occupation of Hungary was over. I was aiming for this from the beginning.’

After analyzing the situation, the emperor quickly made a decision.

Although they were hit in the back by an unexpected surprise attack, there was plenty of room to minimize the damage if they calmly prepared for a counterattack even now, and if done well, it was possible to turn the tide of the battle through this.

“Andersen. Isaac. Summon the bodyguards and mobilize all conscripted troops. I will go to stop the advance of the Dragona Empire.”

“I understand, Your Majesty.”

“I will obey your command, Your Majesty.”

About 30,000 troops have been gathered in Vienna so far.

In terms of numbers, this side had more, but considering their power, it was absolutely not an advantageous situation.

However, despite this, the enemy’s advance could not be left unattended.

In response, the emperor personally led an army and launched a sortie to block the advance of the Dragona Empire.

“Considering the military’s travel time, the place is probably Slava Castle.”

“Thanks to the lakes and mountains, it is a relatively advantageous terrain for us. However, if this place is breached, the next place to be attacked will be here in the ecliptic.”

Andersen and Isaac explain the situation with concern.

Looking at the map, it was the Drago and Imperial forces that had already come quite deep, and there were almost no suitable defense bases.

In other words, if you were pushed once in Slava Castle, it meant that after that, things you didn’t want to think about would happen.

“We must stop them at all costs. In particular, the White Dragon Princess.. We must take this opportunity to deal with the damn bitch who has been the source of trouble for the empire.”

“I will keep this in mind, Your Majesty.”

With those words, Andersen and Isaac quietly burn their fighting spirit.

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Not only because of their duties as soldiers, but also because of the bad luck they have been playing with over the past few years, the two never intended to miss this opportunity and crisis that came again.


“It came simpler than I thought. As expected, our plan is working very well.”

Elios successfully advanced to the vicinity of Sliva Castle.

Although there were quite a few battles on the way here, not a single fight occurred that she liked.

Due to the sudden conscription order, most of the troops were gathered in the bin, and in the process, those who could be said to be strong in each region also escaped together.

It was only natural that the fragile castles with such empty power could easily be passed over by Elios and her army without much resistance.

However, even so, Elios couldn’t just like the current situation.

Although they captured many castles, there was a considerable distance from here to here in the Dragona Empire.

The supply line was gradually getting longer, and furthermore, if it was her, the soldiers were quite tired.

‘Is this the end of the offensive soon? It’s unfortunate, but it’s impossible to go all the way to Vienna.’

Although they had been fiercely advancing, Princess Ellios also knew that unfortunately it would be impossible to attack Vienna with her current strength.

In terms of location, it is already in the middle between the Kingdom of Poland and the Kingdom of Hungary.

In addition, it was not that he had completely calmed down the surrounding area while coming here, but that he had simply cut through the road in a straight line, so it was reckless in many ways to go further here.

But at the same time she knew.

character of the emperor.

And the characteristics of the longevity who assist him. The fact that they will never leave them alone, who have marched to their front yard.

‘And obviously. The man will come too. It was because I saw clearly what Sakiels had been through before. I will definitely do that. Uhuhuh~”

Like that, in this pleasant moment when the toys you want to have are gathered in one place.

Elios began licking his lips with anticipation towards the Sliva Castle that was beginning to appear in front of his eyes.


The Holy Empire’s army gathered at Sliiva Castle.

Arriving there, the emperor was in the parlor waiting for a welcome guest who had just arrived after him.

“Sir Bahamut. I really didn’t know you would come this far.”

“I just came to where I was supposed to come. As a person who invested in this work, and furthermore, as a person who is concerned about the safety of the continent, I came here to help even a little bit.”

Bahamut, pointing to the munitions he brought along with those words.

His act of bringing the necessary items at the time of need was nothing but gratitude from the position ahead of the war.

“Indeed… I am truly grateful, Lord Bahamut. After this war is over, I will never forget the merits of Lord Bahamut.”

“It makes me very happy to see you so highly regard the small devotion of your convictions, Your Majesty.”

These were not empty words, and Bahamut bowed his head to the Emperor feeling deep joy.

It was natural.

Although it was a credit, it was not given for free, it was all included in the loan.

In other words, from Bahamut’s point of view, it’s like selling things to customers like hot flashes.

Although there was also a personal purpose. In the meantime, Bahamut never missed an opportunity to earn money.

Meanwhile, at that time Bahamut was talking to the Emperor.

Outside the drawing room, Ophelia and the Predator members were facing the Emperor’s bodyguards.

“It’s really nice to see you again like this.”

“It’s a pity that we didn’t meet on good terms… but anyway, I’m glad to see you again.”

Ophelia, with an expressionless face, greeted quietly in a slightly conventional tone.

However, apart from her attitude, Alexander was enjoying a strong feeling inside.

A strong man with almost equal skills to himself participates in the battle.

He was sure that this would allow him to occupy an advantageous position in the inevitable confrontation with Elios this time.

And then, his gaze turned to the five women behind Ophelia.

Those who are expected to have formidable power, even if not as much as himself or Isaac.

Looking forward to their skills, Andersen began to rekindle his will for the upcoming battle.

‘Be prepared, White Dragon Princess. This time, for sure, four years!’

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