Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 617: 【617】Savage Bonfire

Walking in the forest, there is a particularly fresh breath in the air, which makes people feel refreshed and energetic after smelling it.

"The oxygen content in this place seems to be much thicker than the outside world." Li Daben couldn't help saying after taking a deep breath.

Oxygen is an indispensable substance for any creatures living on the earth.

You can last two or three days without food and water, but once you lack oxygen, you can't live for ten minutes.

The thinness or richness of oxygen will also have a great impact on living things.

Many scientists have conducted investigations and have shown that on the earth tens of thousands of years ago, the oxygen content at that time was very rich, which led to the emergence of many huge creatures on the earth at that time.

Such as dinosaurs, imperial crocodiles, mammoths, titan pythons, devil frogs, titan dragonflies, etc. exist.

Later, as the timeline progressed more and more modern, the earth’s oxygen intensity gradually decreased, and the species of huge creatures gradually became less and less. The only kinds of large creatures all live in the sea, and all of them live on land. no.

Many modern people can feel this.

It was oxygen that caused this to happen. During the special training, Jiang Le and Li Daben were often tortured by the instructor's devil training to the point of regaining their consciousness by inhaling oxygen.

Therefore, both of them are very sensitive to the content of oxygen. Whether the oxygen content is high or low, they can feel it by smelling it.

Obviously, the oxygen content in this valley is much higher than the outside world.

At this moment, Jiang Le suddenly understood why all the savages could grow to a height of close to three meters. Maybe they were affected by this place.

After walking out of the cave and entering the forest, Jiang Le began to exert his investigative ability and searched the area close to the cave, trying to find the direction where the three savages were leaving.

Fortunately, A pole's detection ability is quite strong. After a few minutes, Jiang Le finally successfully found a few new traces of footprints. Judging from the size of the big feet and the few hairs that fell from the footprints, they were left by the savage. undoubtedly.

The footprints stretched all the way to the depths of the forest, and they were all looking to come to this place. Jiang Le naturally had no reason to give up halfway, and the two immediately followed the footprints to catch up.

After passing by the big trees and around the rocks, Jiang Le's sight suddenly burst into flames, and the two hurriedly found a hidden place to hide, so as not to expose the existence of their bodies.

"What is that?" Li Daben couldn't help asking.

"The campfire, there are savages next to it." Jiang Le relied on his eagle eyes and night vision ability to easily see the scene of the area where the fire was located.

Next to the blazing bonfire, standing four or five wild men, with many bone ornaments hanging on their bodies, holding a stone axe made of wood and stone, they constantly wandering around the bonfire, like sentinels.

Before that, Jiang Le always thought that Shennongjia savages were primates like orangutans, baboons, and monkeys.

But when he saw the savages holding stone axes at this moment, he knew he was wrong, and he underestimated the history of these savages.

Maybe the opponent is not a beast, but a brand new race with its own unique civilization!

It is an undiscovered stone civilization on the earth!

Just like humans in the Stone Age, they have completed the first transition from wild beasts to intelligent creatures, and no longer eat blood and drink blood.

After learning this information, Jiang Le's interest in the Shennongjia Savage could not help but increased several times.

Since when did these savages existed to modern times?

Where did their source come from, and have they had any contact with the history of Eastern countries?

All these mysteries have to be solved by Jiang Le one by one.

"Go around, don't be discovered by them. Those savages who carried the corpses should have gone deeper in the forest." Jiang Le turned his head and said to Li Daben. Avoid the savages holding stone axes.

The next day.

The morning light is spilling from the sky, but the branches and leaves of the trees deep in Shennongjia are too dense and dense, like they are covered by layers of shade cloth. Only a few rustling rays of sunlight can attract from the branches and leaves. Fall to the ground.

"Ah~" Jiang Le yawned softly, rubbing his eyes and looking down.

Last night, he and Li Daben completely bypassed seven bonfires with savages on guard. Under Jiang Le's powerful anti-reconnaissance ability, the two went deep all the way without being spotted by any savages.

In the end, because he didn't want to get too tired of his spirit, Jiang Le proposed to take a short break before sunrise to restore his spirit to avoid lack of physical strength.

Flicking away an unknown insect that fell on his shoulder, Jiang Le stretched out his hand to push Li Daben who was sitting not far away to wake up.

"It's time to go." Jiang Le stood up and said.

Those bonfires were the sentinels set up by wild men at night, and there were as many as seven that Jiang Le found. The valley area is not small, and the number of similar sentinels is hard to estimate.

Being able to set up so many sentinel points for defense, it can be seen that there must be some kind of existence in the depths of the valley that is very important to the wild people, so they will guard in this way.

Jiang Le's goal at the moment is to find that existence and see what it is.

Perhaps it can also solve the mystery of the source of the savages in Shennongjia.

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