Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 308: 【308】The missing professor

As we all know, there are no creatures more than ten meters on land today. However, in ancient times, it was easy for mammoths and dinosaurs to grow to more than ten meters.

That’s because the earth’s oxygen content was amazing in ancient times, which caused the beasts of that time to grow very huge in size. However, after the Bronze Age, the situation changed dramatically. The earth’s oxygen content dropped rapidly, leading to No more giant beasts can appear.

In the Western Regions, where the Western Regions appeared between the Qin and Han Dynasties, how could there be cattle and sheep over ten meters? This is completely inconsistent with the current scientific outlook.

However, the contents of the national archives will not deceive people. The reason why there are so many giant beast bones in the ancient city of the Western Regions has also become a major secret of the Western Regions.

At that time, there was a domestic professor named ‘Chen Pengfei’ who was an expert in archaeological analysis. At that time, Professor Chen led his team to conduct a full investigation in the second ancient city discovered.

Compared with the ancient city discovered by the English expedition, the second ancient city discovered by the army is obviously much larger, and the number of facilities and ancient objects found in the city is also larger.

Following the roots of the vines, Professor Chen and his team came to the center of the ancient city, where a towering ancient triangular tower was built. The roots of the vines officially grew out of this tower. After opening the wall, it was discovered that there were still several skeletons inside, and one of the skeletons was hung with a string of double feather jade pendants.

This double feather jade pendant is intact, and it is also the one that Jiang Le saw on the file photo.

Don't look at such a small piece of jade pendant. Later, as many scientists in the secret laboratory cracked it, they discovered the magical power hidden in this piece of jade pendant.

In the file shown to Jiang Le by the relevant personnel, three experiments made by scientists through the double feather jade pendant were recorded.

In the first experiment, a double feather jade pendant was irradiated with a laser. The jade pendant directly absorbs the laser light and reflects a brand-new ripple pulse. The substance irradiated by this pulse will rapidly grow larger. There is a high probability that the substance will collapse due to its larger size.

There is a small probability that the material will remain intact after becoming larger.

This experiment has figured out how the giant creatures in the ancient city came from. There is no doubt that it should be the handwriting made by the people in the ancient city relying on the double feather jade pendant.

In the second experiment, the double feather jade pendant was clamped with positive and negative currents, and it was able to inject current into it, which turned into a power source. The double feather jade pendant with a power source has the ability to emit light, but it is always in close contact. When the double feather jade pendant is shining, the substance will begin to disintegrate. This experiment can explain what Brook and Jiang Le had revealed in the Katyusha Hotel.

In the third experiment, the double feather jade pendant is burned in a high temperature. After reaching a certain level, the double feather jade pendant will start to become red and emit a scorching hot light. If people stare at this light for a long time, It will become confused and aggressive.

Only three kinds of experiments are enough to prove the strength of the double feather jade pendant. There must be more secrets in this jade pendant. The country is also very concerned about this piece. Later, it even planned to transfer the double feather jade pendant back to the capital. It was kept by the most advanced laboratory institution at the time.

However, at this time, a very unexpected accident occurred.

That was one night, Professor Chen secretly left the ancient city with this double feather jade pendant, walked into the depths of the desert, and disappeared without a trace, no trace.

He left a note in his room stating that he intends to take this jade pendant to find the owner of the jade pendant, and he will return in about three days.

But after waiting for one or three days and another three days, in the end a large amount of manpower was sent from the upper side to look for Professor Chen's traces in the desert, but there was no splash.

This incident became a mystery and was blocked by the state in the Archives.

But even if the double feather jade pendant is lost, the magical power of this jade pendant still makes the country very interested. In those years, soldiers were sent to look for the traces of the ancient city in the Western Regions, hoping to find another double feather jade pendant.

However, things backfired, and so far there is no whereabouts of the second double feather jade pendant.

No, when Jiang Le gradually emerged in the country because of his expedition, some related personnel planned to hand it over to Jiang Le. Perhaps with his ability and luck, there could be any different discoveries. must.

"So, the purpose of your coming to the Western Regions is to find Professor Chen who was missing back then, and to retrieve the double feather jade pendant?" Wu Yuxi asked.

"Yes, but this is not a task that must be completed. They just told me to let me do my best. After all, after a few decades, even if I am a god, I can’t find Chen 100%. The whereabouts of the professor." Jiang Le smiled.

Zhang Quan looked serious. He was different from Jiang Le. He was a soldier, and Jiang Le was an ordinary person. Although Professor Chen’s affairs were many years later, Jiang Le didn’t care whether he could complete the task given above, but he was Soldiers still hope that they can successfully complete their tasks.

After all, finding the double feather jade pendant is too helpful for the country.

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