Chapter 231 sacrifice (1)

Baal was now checking Lucifer’s level by searching.

The level of this guy was huge.

He was originally Lucifer, who fought on an equal footing with Baal.

However, since it was overlaid with a powerful level, it was no less than a terrible catastrophe.

“How many are you, kid?”

Jeong Inwoo, who was next to me, asked again.

Level: 2011

Position: ?

Baal gave a short answer while rechecking the level of Lucifer that came to mind in the search.

“Two thousand and eleven.”

Inu didn’t respond at all.

Baal said as he messed up his hair.

“It’s the worst.”

It’s the worst

Even Jeong Inwoo, who was born with talent and luck, is now only at level 1,088.

For now, the only thing he could believe in was Baal himself, but even he honestly wasn’t confident.

In the case of L, the level was 1,700 units, and there was even a penalty for not handling the heavenly spirit properly in the demon realm.

But what about lucifer?

The level is over 2,000 and there is not even a penalty.

He doesn’t care whether the stage is in the demon realm or in the heavenly realm.

ji yi ing-

Suddenly, Lucifer made a sword using magic and heavenly spirit.

Said Lucifer, holding up a sword emitting explosive energy.

“Are the wills over?”

The demon lords clenched their fists at the crazy word.

One, I couldn’t get ahead.

At some point, Lucifer began to look closely at Jeong Inwoo.

God’s Artifact and God’s Sword worn by Inwoo.

Lucifer’s gaze was fixed there.

Lucifer said, flicking his tongue.

“Things are too much for you.”

“Isn’t it too much for you? Aren’t you the poor guy who barely made it to Stage 3?”

In-woo was responding without losing.

Although he fired quite hard, instead of getting angry, Lucifer started answering with a disgusting smile on his face.

“Who else but me dares to wear all of God’s gear? Only me.”

Instead of answering, In-woo slowly opened the space.

He took out the essence of power as it was.

The amount I have collected so far is quite large.

He was about to use it all.

In-woo then ordered all the clones to come.

All the clones who were talking to Shiva in the subspace came out.

At that time, Shiba, who had been left alone, began to come out screaming.

Shiba had a funny face.

Shiva, who suddenly appeared, raised her index finger and pointed to Lucifer.

“… … .”

Lucifer didn’t even know who Shiva was.

He had no choice but to do so.

Because he had a history of clearing stage 3 in the first place and failing to clear it at the beginning of stage 4.

Shiva is a golden Death Knight that can only be seen in level 5, isn’t it?

– Tsutsutsutsu.

Soon Shiva left her hand pointing at Lucifer and began to chuckle, grabbing her belly with her other hand.

The high-ranking demon kings and angels gathered here could accurately understand the meaning of that laughter.

Through the power of ‘communication’, it is possible to understand the language of all dimensions of life.

Now Shiva was smiling as he said this.

– It’s been a while, that bastard. Tsutsutsutsu!

For a moment, there was an unknown atmosphere on the battlefield that seemed to explode with tension.

It was absurd, it was absurd, and it was also holding back laughter.

Everyone was at a loss for words at Shiba’s unnoticed pure sentimentality.

Suddenly, Shiba grabbed In-woo’s collar and said.- Tsutsutsu!

Shiva said so.

In stage 5, you could watch the lower stage, and that’s when Shiva saw Lucifer.

He said that the guy was desperately clearing up to stage 3 and was crying when he was expelled from stage 4.

Shiba giggled, saying that she still remembered that expression.

Shiva even imitated the face of Lucifer, who was very sloppy at the time, using a face that had only a skull.

“Feel free.”

In the end, In-woo couldn’t hold back and smiled.

In fact, isn’t that the issue?

This was a battlefield, and the fate of the demon realm and the heavenly realm was at stake.

It was a place that had been submerged in such a heavy atmosphere, so I could not easily laugh.

He laughed all the time.

Shiva’s mimicry was so funny.

For a moment, Lucifer’s eyebrows twitched.

However, Lucifer never got excited.

It was just throwing magic at Shiva.

Whoa whoo-!

Shiva’s single powerful magic to kill her one was rushing in rapidly.

The magic was a pure white fireball of super high heat.

In-woo immediately destroyed the magic through the new word ‘fire’ and pushed Shiva into the subspace.

– Tsuu!!

Shiba cried out that she didn’t want to go in, but In-woo immediately closed the space.

This guy is powerful only in the dungeon of the god where his body is reset, but here he is nothing more than a mob.

It’s just a Death Knight with a slightly unique appearance.

Anyway, it was Inwoo who never wanted to let him die.

In-woo, who soon secured Shiba’s safety, looked at Lucifer with his sunken eyes.

“By the way, how long are you going to go to war with your snout?”

“Well, if you want. Power Charge!”

Lucifer grinned and gave orders to the angels.


Heaven and earth vibrated, and a great battle began in which the sky was divided.

* * *

Lucy Quinn is now staying with Jeong Inwoo’s family at Demon King.

In fact, even at this moment, all the demon lords except himself must have risked their lives for war.

But she stayed there for a while and then she got out of the way.

She was asked by Jeong Inwoo.

That was what she wanted to get out of this great war.

She said she couldn’t move properly when she said she was worried she was going to war.

To Jeong Inwoo, Queen was that precious, and Queen liked it.

Of course, I’d be lying if I said she wasn’t worried.

But, as always, In-woo always came back alive.

Quinn trusted Inwoo.

Her belief made her wait patiently.

nothing else

just waiting

Quinn patted her Pam’s head as she slept in her own arms. Then, as something of her fell from her eyes, she quickly raised her head.

In fact, she was so worried that she couldn’t stand it.

“please… … .”

* * *

– Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

A terrible scream erupted from the wide plain.

But the scream was soon buried.


All kinds of magic rained down on the plain.

The heavenly spirit of the angels was boiling, and the magic of the demon kings was exploding like an explosion.

The war had just begun, but the scene here was a mess, as if a war had been fought for hundreds of days.


the center of the battlefield.

There, I saw a man covered in an unusually large amount of blood.

He was Jeong Inwoo, who rose to the position of the Demon King as a human being.

Kaga, go, go!

In-woo swung the sword of the gods at the angel in front of him.

When the angel’s weapon and Inwoo’s sword came into contact, a strong spark erupted.

The sparks that jumped out hit his eyes.

Still, instead of blinking his eyes, In-woo opened his eyes.

I know that that momentary time determines victory or defeat.


In-woo gave strength by biting his molars tightly.


The angel could not overcome that power and fell apart.

He dipped his sword in the reverse direction towards the angel who struck his buttocks.


He drew the sword that pierced his abdomen as it was.

Unable to overcome the powerful anticipation of the divine sword, the angel’s abdominal muscles ripped apart with a squeaking sound.

The internal organs inside it can’t resist the pressure and flow out.

“Ugh… … !”

The angel was still glaring at In-woo without stopping his breath.

In-woo screamed and fired Hellfire at the man’s cleaved abdomen.

Hurry rumble!

The intestines burned and a terrible smell rose.

The guy died as it was, and his experience points rose.

“ha! ha!”

In-woo let out a rough breath and looked around.

Everything was a mess.

Even at this moment, a huge number of angels and demon lords were dying and screams poured out. In-woo’s eyes were bloody with blood.

The madness of war was taking away his sanity.

“Lucifer oooh!”

In-woo looked for him and his eyes flashed.

Baal had gone somewhere to stop him alone.

need to find it right away


At that moment, a huge hammer struck In-woo in the back of the head.

For a moment, In-woo’s body faltered.


Hana In-woo never collapsed and held onto him.

Without even turning his head, he blew his wide-open sword.

Awesome sweetheart!

The sword of the god, which contained his ego at his will, pierced the angel behind him at high speed.


He confirmed the sound of his skin being pierced, and at the same time he put in a back kick.

Boo woo woo!

When In-woo’s back kick touched the pommel of the god’s sword that was stuck in, his sword went deeper.


There was the sound of a handful of blood spitting out from behind.

iron poop.

Soon after, he heard the sound of his knees kneeling.


Suddenly, the sword of the gods returned to the hand of In-woo, and at the same time, the experience points came in.

In-woo, who got a very brief break, turned his head back and forth again.

Where the hell are Baal and Lucifer?


And then, In-woo finally found the two guys.

He ran out of sight.

* * *

“ha. ha. ha.”

Baal was spitting out his weary breath.

His demeanor was no joke.

His blood and bruises made his face unrecognizable, and the left arm of his handsome coat was invisible.

He lost one of his arms.

Still, Baal’s eyes were more bitter than ever.

“The monster… There was none.”

Baal was his voice with a hint of weary.

When fighting, you have to pretend that it’s not hard at all, so that the opponent feels psychological pressure.Even though I knew that, I couldn’t even afford to act.

Baal was greatly exhausted from dealing with Lucifer.

On the other hand, Lucifer looked relatively healthy.

“… … .”

At this moment Baal thought.

What if he dies while stopping Lucifer?

If so… … ?

Lucifer will gain enormous experience and become even more powerful.

The demon lords will die one after another, and Lucifer will become stronger and stronger.

When that time comes, he is truly irreversible.

That no one will be able to stop him.

He must see a resolution before he does.

For now, there is only one way.

Jeong Inwoo, he should give himself to him.

Ride on!

Just then, Jeong Inwoo approached with his eyes wide open.

Baal looked at Jeong Inwoo.

At first glance, there was a light of resignation in Baal’s eyes.

When their eyes met, In-woo opened his mouth first.

“What is that expression? Life like a fertile old man? Calm down, you bastard!”

“It was a pretty long life. There is no time limit.”

Baal opened his mouth with difficulty.

Baal meant to sacrifice himself. In-woo, who immediately realized the meaning, asked as if shouting.

“Are you going to give up without even trying?”

“Isn’t it obvious that I don’t even have to try it to the end? What I give to Lucifer, I give to you.”

If you go on like this, you will be eaten by Lucifer.

Then he is truly irreversible.

Lucifer will be much stronger than he is now.

There is no time.

Even at this moment, Lucifer was looking this way, and Baal summoned the N0.1 Demon King’s Gate without even a single hesitation.

Then he started pushing In-woo there.

Lucifer responded late, but it was already too late.

Before long, even Baal entered the gate.

He even sealed the entrance to the gate.

The inside of this place is different from the beginning.

Therefore, the experience points cannot reach Lucifer through contribution.

Baal was meant to be given only to Jeong Inwoo.

He immediately held out his neck.

“Cut it.”


In a moment, In-woo took a step backwards without realizing it.

What the fuck is this crazy bastard talking about now?

Such thoughts filled my mind.

Yeah, it was like that when I just entered the Demon Realm.

He said he would kill Baal and become the No. 1 Demon King.

But now it’s a little different than back then.

Because he considered Baal his comrade.

Before he could make up his mind, Baal spoke again.

“When you reach God, just say one word.”

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

Baal lightly ignored In-woo’s words and licked his lips to continue what he had to say.

A word from Baal with a strong will poured out.

“I’m done.”

Jeong Inwoo is the guy who will eventually grab the collar of God.

Since he has such a fearsome talent and luck, didn’t even God want to kill Jeong Inwoo early?

So, if Baal himself sacrifices himself, Jeong Inwoo will surely reach God.

it’s all done with it

Baal, he realized that his limits were right here.

Soon, Baal slowly closed his eyes.

“Come on, cut it. And stop Lucifer.”

Yep, I’ve done it all with this. there was no leisure


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