Chapter 164 Come on, is this your first time dying?

In-woo made Yong-yong and Pam-yi go into a space in case an unexpected situation arises.

Eileen would turn on her eyes and try to find Yong-yong, and this was the best move for In-woo.

After completing all the preparations, In-woo headed to the Ultra Gate with Alexander Mann.

In-woo, who arrived inside the gate, waited for the dragons while stroking the dragon-bone greatsword.

It won’t be a very long wait.

He’ll come in in turn, starting with those in the nearest area.

Of course, the number may be higher than you think.

However, given the assumption that 3 to 10 dragons were put into each country and region, Inwoo was confident enough to handle that number.

It would depend on the type and age of Inwoo’s current judgment, but it was thought that 10 to 30 dragons were enough to deal with.

In addition, now that Alexander has accompanied him, even if a larger number than this comes, it will be possible to respond sufficiently.

In fact, he wasn’t up to this point when he was holding a wave.

But now with the Dragonborn Greatsword, the story is different.

[Black Dragon Bone Greatsword (Production)]

Kinds ? bayonet

function ? Destruction + 12,500

special features ? Deals 1.5x damage to dragons.

* A masterpiece of conversion of the Dwarves. This great sword, made by order of Emperor Jeong Inwoo of Prokin, was made in the year 566 of the Continental Calendar.

It’s been a long time since I’ve opened the information on the Greatsword.

Inwoo did not have to open the information of Yongjakdu or Panoe used in the existing Earth.

It was a natural act for Inwoo.

It was because he was a great sword familiar with Dragon Jakdu and Wave Brain.

The destructive power of this Dragonborn Greatsword, which is currently crafted, is 12,500.

This could be seen as an unimaginable number.

For example, the destructive power of the dragon head is 1,500,

The destructive power of the wave is 5,200.

Therefore, the destructive power of the Dragonborn Greatsword was twice as high as that of the Paneer.

Not only this.

If you look at the special function of the Dragon Bone Greatsword, it is written that it deals 1.5 times more damage to dragons.

In other words, when dealing with dragons, it was a story that would exert about 18,750 destructive power.

It may not be possible to estimate the numbers well, but at this level, monsters like Basilisks were enough to score goals in one hit even with a normal hit.

It’s also a very light flat hit.

Even then, the strength will remain.

Eventually, In-woo murmured while looking at the entrance to the earth inside the gate.

“Come quickly. You bastards.”

All preparations have been completed.

The 7 clones except for the ones with the time remaining for the re-summoning.

and Alexander.

Furthermore, even the essence of the two powers that are bitten like candy on both cheeks of In-Woo.

They were never going to be Inwoo’s opponents.

* * *

‘ Jeong Inwoo was at Prokin. Return to Prokin again.’

It was the dragons gathered in Japan that moved the fastest to this command.

Japan was also the closest to Korea, and the dragons in Japan were getting tired of a series of matches.

At this point, Jeong Inwoo, who dared to take on the challenge, entertained the dragons.

“ Jeong Inwoo, what the hell did that guy provoke Eileen with?”

“It’s a rare breed of cub, so what?”

“It seems to me that maybe he has a temper because his hometown is becoming a wasteland?”

“He must have had a temper. How are you going to do the backtracking? 👑👑 After all, he’s crazy.”Each of the five dragons in Japan was talking about Jeong Inwoo.

They all seemed to be able to afford it.

However, he saw the only dragon with a hardened face and silence.

She was the black dragon Arida.

The other day, Arida had gone to Earth under Eileen’s orders.

She and she found out that Bell Jame had been killed by Jeong Inwoo, and she finally had her face-to-face with Jeong Inwoo 1:1.

And that day.

Arida ran away until her tail fell out.

It was a very humiliating experience.

Jeong Inwoo didn’t even come after Arida, who was running away with all her might.

She was so proud of her that she was even more hurt.

It was a memory that Arida really didn’t want to recall.

Eventually, Arida yelled at the dragons she was flying with with an irritable temper.

She said, “Can’t you fly a little faster? I’m going to die of boredom.”

At that, the dragons began to reply with a smirk.

“uh? Is it Arida who died and was resurrected by Jeong Inwoo? But, why are you so alone?”

“Kuk Kuk Kuk!”


Except for Arida, the four dragons laughed at her and mocked Arida.

Then, Arida barely caught her anger and said,

“Who said that? I’ve never been alive Rather, Jeong Inwoo saw me and ran away. If I see you again, I will never miss it.”

Arida lied to her without saliva in her mouth.

Nevertheless, the other dragons still laughed.

Arida then bluffed her and added a few words of hers.

“If Jeong Inwoo appears in front of me again, I will prove it. That he is below me.”


Arida was confident.

She said she had no chance of meeting Jeong Inwoo again anyway.

This was because, since Eileen had personally stepped in, older dragons stronger than her were more likely to defeat Jeong Inwoo.

Because of that, Arida made her bluff even more.

“He is my food. You can’t stand even five seconds in front of my magic?”

* * *

“Do polymorph. lizard. Give me five seconds.”

These were the words I heard as soon as the five dragons, including Arida, entered the Ultra Gate.

Jeong Inwoo was standing in front of them.

“Jeong Inwoo····?”

The dragons couldn’t even imagine, so they seemed to be surprised.

Then they naturally looked at Arida.

“Arida, you come.”

“My, why me?”

“He said he had the confidence to subdue it in five seconds.”

“Huh, huh. Is that so… me?”

Arida pretended to be her dignified and she stepped forward.

and she said

“I see you again Jeong Inwoo. Would you have escaped well then?”

Instead of replying to a word that didn’t even sound like that, Inwoo spit out what he had to say.

“Five seconds have passed. lizard.”

Having said that, In-woo immediately started applying all kinds of buffs.

Berserk and mad explosion.

In-woo’s stamina was reduced by half at once, and despite the risk, an overflowing attack came out.


The invisible blade cut through Arida’s body in an instant.

The intangible sword, which had all the buffs and the destructive power of the Dragon Bone Greatsword, was already at a level that could not be sustained.


Arida let out a terrible scream and fell to her floor.

When Arida was fatally wounded in a single blow and became incapable of combat, only then the four remaining dragons realized the seriousness of her situation.

Without seeing them, they unraveled the polymorphs and began to transform into dragons.

It is five times stronger in dragon form than in human form in the first place.

This is a huge difference. Therefore, the dragons thought that if they joined forces with Polymorph, they could somehow stop Jeong Inwoo.


Soon, a bunch of pure white light burst out from the dragons’ bodies, and their appearance began to change in an instant.

But the dragons didn’t even think about it.

Normal humans are often frightened or stunned when confronted with a polymorph that takes on the form of a dragon.

But In-woo was by no means that kind of human being.

Rather the opposite.

For example…


If it’s a transformation, a naval, and a loophole, are you the kind of person who will attack without hesitation?

Like the main character of a children’s fantasy, he doesn’t stare at the transformation of the villain.

Baba Baba Baba!!

In-woo’s body immediately spins like a top and begins to inflict fatal wounds on the bodies of those who have not yet changed.

Quad doddeuk!

The scales of freshly bloomed dragons flutter, and the blades of the dragonbone greatsword dig into them.


Terrible pain of ripping flesh.

All of the dragons screamed and struggled to complete their transformation.

But somehow, after the transformation, it seems that we are facing a bigger crisis.

The dragons barely drank the backflowing blood, swallowed it, and let out breath without seeing it.

Then In-woo shouted backwards.

“Alexander! Their jaws are open!”

At that call, Alexander moved.


Alexander threw a shuriken through their jaws with a wild roar.

Fish woo woo!

The shuriken with powerful skills pierced the breath and advanced fiercely.

And In-woo sprinted between the breaths with the great sword blocking, preparing to swallow the essence of power.


Quiet gurgling!Four types of dragon breath pours out as if it melts Inwoo’s body at once.

In-woo swallowed a single essence of strength in his sudden drop in stamina.

Then his stamina was restored at once.

At the same time, Inwoo activated the intangible sword again.


Baba Baba Baba!

In-woo’s intangible sword pierced the weak roof of the dragon’s mouth, and at that moment, even In-woo’s clones moved.

“now. Hey!”

Pal was instigated, and each of the seven clones attacked the dragons armed with wide-ranging and wide-ranging swords.

Pava Pava!


By this time, the dragons felt that their lives were on the brink of extinction without even using any special power.

In-woo did not miss the opportunity and once again swallowed the essence of power and at the same time cast a wide intangible sword.

– Crumple . . .

The battle was quickly over.

In a way, it’s considered bland.

Arida had already stopped breathing due to the subsequent attacks of the clones without even trying polymorph, and the remaining four dragons also fell powerless with blood clots.

iron poop.


[You have acquired 250,550,000+250,550,000 experience.][You have acquired 208,600,000+208,600,000 experience points.][You have acquired 177,700,000+177,700,000 experience points.][You have acquired 191,000,900+191,000,900 experience.][Level has risen.][Level has risen.][Level has risen.][Level has risen.][Level has risen.]



[Level has risen.]



[You have reached level 500.][The body has been awakened.][Increases strength by 800.][Increases agility by 640.][Health increases by 320.][Magic power increases by 80.][Level 500 ‘Wide Almighty Sword’ skill is activated.][Level 500 ‘Almighty’s ??’ skill is activated.]



Inwoo’s level went up to 500 at once.

As he felt when he was at Bell Jame, he was still a crazy experience.

With this, Inwoo’s level became the same as in the past.

Furthermore, this was not the only thing In-woo obtained.

As you have already experienced, the dragon guys will also have a legendary skill ball.

0165 / 0208 ———————————————-

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