Before landing, the knife cut off the vines that had been wrapped around his arm, and he stood up easily with a landing flip.


  Feng Baoer also followed suit.

  His face flushed, his hands pushed out.

  Consecutive in · out!

  A bunch of real qi wrapped around Deng Man, on the top of Shun Shun's mother, Jun?/p>


  Black smoke rises into the air, and the smell of burnt stench wafts through the nostrils,


  The vines that attacked Lu Yan danced wildly and quickly retracted.

  Approaching the root of the tree.

  Directly wrap the trunk completely!

  The moment Lu Yan retracted the last vine, he jumped up.

  He also jumped down like Tarzan.


  He fell to the ground.

  Looking at Sister Bao'er who was holding the bottle and preparing for another wave, she shook her head gently.

  "Sister Bao'er, wait a moment."


  Feng Baoer was taken aback.

  He said angrily: "What are you waiting for! I'm going to burn this thing to death, and raise its ashes to Deng Kuaiyi 唩唒ィ?/p>

  If you want to stop me, I will melt you too, and raise all the ashes! "

  Ah this.

  You can't really offend a woman.

  Even if she is such a nerdy sister Bao'er, she must not be offended.

  Lu Yan shrank his neck.

  ", Deng Man, pick Zhan Huanglang and Jian?/p>

  Wouldn't it be better to go outside and get a barrel of oil in and burn it off later.

  Burned thoroughly, dead can no longer die. "

  Feng Baoer thought about it, it seemed to be the truth.

  "Okay, if what you said is good, just do it!"


  Put down Deng Nao Kong Yin?/p>

  Lu Yan wiped the sweat from his forehead and glanced at Brother Qilin.


  Stupid oil bottle, you motherfucker will thank Lao Tzu well!

  Little brother Qilin didn't know why, but he bent down and scraped some Tianxinyan powder with an ancient Wujin knife.

  "That's Hydra cypress. These Tianxinyan powder can restrain it, just scrape some powder and sprinkle it on your body."

  Lu Yan and Feng Baoer acted according to their words.


  "Fuck! What kind of ghost tree is this?"

  "Sure enough, the ancient tomb is full of weirdness."

  "Be careful! Don't let the female anchor see this vine!"

  "Ah...she's not afraid of being pierced?"

  "Afraid of hair!"

  inside a base.

  The experts in the program group were all excited.

  "Can't burn! This thing must not be burned! The vine that can move, this is the biggest discovery in the plant world!"

  "Quick! Let the show team contact them immediately, so that they must not mess around!"

  "Yes, this is extremely important for improving our biological system!"

  "Turn on the communicator now!"



  The communicator on Lu Yan vibrated.

  He glanced at it and didn't care.

  Turning back to the little brother Qilin, he said, "Stuffy oil bottle, hurry up if you want to do anything, I'll stand by you with Sister Bao'er!"

  Brother Kirin nodded.

  "it is good!"

  Glancing at him gratefully.

  Turn around and go straight to the two corpses on the altar.


  Seeing that Lu Yan didn't answer the communicator.

  The experts of the program group were so angry that their eyes darkened.

  "Thorn! This guy is a thorn!"

  "Don't notify them, locate them immediately, and then send special agents over to directly protect that tree and everything worth protecting!"

  "Yes! Isn't there a big crack on it, just drop it down!"


Chapter 33


  The program group started to act.

  An expedition team composed of Nanbang agents was dispatched again, and went straight to where Lu Yan and the others were.

  on the altar.

  With a cold face, the unicorn brother chopped off the head of the blue-eyed fox corpse without hesitation.

  Then smashed with one foot.

  Look at the colorful one.

  The live audience was about to vomit.

  Lu Yan helped him wash the floor again: "This thing is called a blue-eyed fox corpse. It is rumored that there was once a tomb robber who found a blue-eyed fox entrenched on a corpse while robbing a tomb.

  The fox is inherently evil. According to the rules, he should put everything back, but because of greed, he secretly hid a jade turtle and left.

  Many years later, he married a wife and had a child. As a result, his son was born with a pair of blue eyes, and as he grew up, his hair and eyebrows fell off one after another.

  Even the longer the face, the more like a fox. It was not until that time that the tomb robber understood what was going on, and secretly returned the jade turtle back.

  His son's condition did not continue to deteriorate, but the grown fox face could no longer grow back.

  And this blue-eyed fox corpse is very strange, it seems to be able to emit a strange thing, making people fall into hallucinations.

  So the stuffy oil bottle was the first to deal with him, so as not to be in danger. "


  "I'll go, Lu Xiaojian is quite knowledgeable."

  "I wish I had heard of this story."

  "That head is really weird, especially the blue eyes. I always feel chills when I look at it."

  "Chop it up, the previous King Zhou You is a lesson from the past."


  The little brother Qilin squatted on the altar and touched the abdomen of the remaining female corpse.

  He turned the female corpse upside down, held her throat with one hand, and patted the back of her head with the other.


  A key was spat out from the female corpse's mouth.

  Brother Qilin grabbed the key and took the key.

  turn around.

  The black gold ancient knife jumped, and he picked up a piece of something on the belt of the blue-eyed fox corpse.


  With a flash of knife light, the scale-like thing was divided into two.

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