Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1187: Despicable villain (3)

"I object!" Lu Jialiang got up again. "I oppose the public prosecutor's statement. At that time, my client arrived at home and found that the home was different. The police called the police at the first time. At this time, the police are already on the road. In this case, there will be Who is actively killing people, is it because they want to wait for the police to come from the investment network? This is a stupid thing that only fools can do. My party is obviously not such a person. At that time, Mr. Xicheng did not see my party push the season. When I went downstairs, how could I judge that he pushed. And, according to Mr. Xicheng, he was already scared and stunned. How could he hear the words of my party saying 'go to death'? I asked Ask the witness Xicheng a few questions."

"The opposition is effective and you can ask questions."

Lu Jialiang bypassed the table and came to the West City.

"Mr. Xicheng, did you see with your own eyes that Mr. Chen Ziming pushed the quarter down and went downstairs."

"I don't have it, but..."

"Wait!" Lu Jialiang interrupted him. "You only need to answer yes or no, no explanation. Excuse me, is there still?"

Xicheng licks his lips, "No!"

"Good. Then, I will ask Mr. Xicheng the second question."

“How far do you continue to be Mr. Chen Ziming when Qi Jing falls downstairs?”

"About a dozen meters."

"A distance of ten meters, you were still shocked. Under such circumstances, are you sure you really heard Mr. Chen Ziming say "go to death"?"


“Is it still uncertain?”

"I..." Xicheng bite his teeth, "OK!"

He couldn't be mistaken. The situation was sudden, but Chen Ziming's expression and voice were so terrible, so he was very impressed.

"Okay. Then..." Lu Jialiang took a few steps back and forth. "What is the relationship between Mr. Xicheng and my client?"

"We..." Xicheng looked up at Chen Ziming. "It used to be a good friend."

"now what?"

"Now..." Xicheng gritted his teeth. "I will not be friends with a person."

"Does the relationship between the two break after the Jing Jing accident?"

"prior to?"


"Because I found out that he is not the kind of person I am like." Xicheng frowned and looked sad. "I used to treat him as my brother, but later, I found out that he is just a draped man. Leather beast!"

Lu Jialiang looked calm. "Excuse me, what is your relationship with Gu Yu?"

"She is my sister."

“Is Gu Yu like my client?”

"This is not the case..."

Lu Jialiang interrupted him again. "Is it still?"

"There was a paragraph, or yes."

"So now?"

"Now..." Xicheng is cold, "He doesn't deserve it!"

Lu Jialiang smiled secretly. "I can see that you hate my client, are you?"

"Yes, I hate him!" Xicheng Road.

On the sidelines, the Li team frowned and frowned - things didn't seem too good.

Xicheng obviously did not have experience in court. He had been led by Lu Jialiang a little bit. However, the public prosecutor’s lawyer was obviously inexperienced and had not found this. He had not raised any objection for so long.

"Now I want to ask my client, do you like Gu Yu?" Lu Jialiang turned his face and looked at Chen Ziming.

Chen Ziming squinted. "No, I have always regarded her as my good friend. She never thought about her, especially after she knew that she was taking drugs, I knew that we were impossible..."


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