Evil will not deceive you

Chapter 721 Sausage Tactics 20

Chapter 721 Sausage Tactics 2.0

"After Aegwynn is taken care of, the only problem left is Azshara... Well, we can let Aegwynn scare Azshara, and at the same time show Azshara what human magic is. The Sunwell's I can have someone help me with the essence, but...but why is there still so much paperwork?”

Li Ke, who still had the mark of Aegwin's slap on his face, was very calm and was not dissatisfied with being slapped by Aegwin.

After all, the Sausage Tactics thing is like this, and it can get out of hand if you are not careful.

To put it simply, the so-called sausage tactic is to reach your bottom line bit by bit like cutting vegetables, so the most important thing is to know the opponent's bottom line, and then eat away at it step by step.

For example, let's take the use of nuclear weapons. Assuming that Dalaran has a Focusing Iris, a weapon similar to nuclear weapons, when will it be used?

Of course when Dalaran suffered damage.

So if the Horde claims that a soldier cannot be found in Dalaran and forcibly sends soldiers into the border to search for him, will Dalaran cast a Focusing Iris?

No, because that would make Dalaran's many Archmages and the Council of Six seem incompetent.

And when the Horde guards openly appear in Dalaran to arrest people, will Dalaran use Focusing Iris?

No, because although this provokes the majesty of Dalaran, the matter has not reached that point yet, because once the Focusing Iris is cast, things will go to extremes. The strength of the Horde is much stronger than that of Dalaran.

Therefore, at this time, we can only carry out protests and handle them with the military and police. Even a full-scale war will make Dalaran appear to have no capabilities.

And when the Horde army moves into New Delhi, will Dalaran use the Focusing Iris?

No, because no one wants to take on this responsibility, and no one wants to use Focusing Iris.

This is the sausage tactic. Li Ke achieved this wonderfully ambiguous state because he knew that Aegwin was here to defect to him and would not really fall out with him.

Although he can easily win over Aegwin with a little drink, Li Ke doesn't plan to be too anxious, because he still has serious work to do. He will invite Aegwin to dinner in the evening. If Aegwin If Wen doesn't object, after a little chat about life and ideals, Aegwin can prepare to have a second child.

What worries him is still the personnel work.

And these jobs are still boring and tedious, but only his orders can allow a person of other races to issue orders to several other races openly.

Because Li Ke didn't know much about the political system, his political system basically copied the system he knew, that is, the secretary in charge of ideology, the deputy in charge of specific affairs, and the person who coordinates everything.

Now Aegwin is the head of his science department, while Fandal is the head of the Ministry of Agriculture. As for Grayson, he is the head of his personnel department and serves as his steward and general secretary. As for the remaining manpower, they are all dragons and demons who are from different factions and even have different preferences.

This is all basic political work, so Li Ke finds it very annoying.

For example, several of Grayson's lieutenants are young talents among the dragon clan. Even if it were not for Illidan, it would be impossible to join Li Ke's camp, so he considered sending Illidan to Grayson to help with office work.

Thinking about Illidan's intelligence, he naturally understood what he was going to do, why he used the demon, and why he sent him to Grayson.

As for his designated heir, Sylvanas is currently the Minister of the Engineering Department, but Li Ke plans to promote Sylvanas to the Minister of Human Resources, but he has to consider whether the work she is currently doing can be done. Finish.

He was looking for people everywhere to find some reliable people to fill his government departments. However, looking at the many vacancies in the military, Li Ke thought for a long time and could only think of one person.

Varian Wrynn.

Although Varian's strategic vision and enthusiasm for governing are not very high, it has to be said that Varian's military talents are nothing to criticize in this world. He knows very well when to fight and when to stay away from the edge. , if Varian can be made the controller of his army, Li Ke feels that he only needs to give orders at that time, and it is completely fine to leave the rest to Varian.

As for the marshal, the more the merrier, but for the time being Li Ke has not yet found a few people who can become marshals.

The most critical question is that although the nobles of Stormwind City know that they are going to be doomed, aren't they not done yet...

"So it's too outrageous. Varian is still the king now, and if he is appointed as the military leader, maybe the people in Stormwind City will have other ideas..."

Li Ke leaned back on his seat, but after thinking about it, he couldn't think of who should give the power of commander-in-chief of the army. Although there was still Jarod Shadowsong who could make the appointment, Li Ke did not want to hand over the power of military commander. It would be terrible to leave all agriculture and agriculture to the night elves.

This is still a problem caused by starting too fast. Li Ke does not have long-tested and reliable manpower. Therefore, Li Ke can only handle the problems of the army personally for the time being, and cannot leave them in the hands of other people. Li Ke does have the power of appointment and dismissal of the army in his hands, but the problem is that he now has no energy to arm his troops more and transform the original structure of the cold weapon army.

This resulted in the slow pace of his unit's construction.

"...There must be one person responsible for specific affairs, and the subsequent supervision system must also be established. I don't have a supervisory department, but it would be a joke to use demons to build this department..."

Li Ke closed his eyes and began to think about who would be the person responsible for monitoring.

Although the demons carried out their orders very well, demons were demons after all. They also had their own desires and must have done some extraordinary things in places they could not see.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to use demons as disciplinary troops. Their nature makes it impossible for them to truly become orderers.

"So should I go to the Outlands and bring Draenei in?"

Li Ke knocked on his office.

He took out the essence of the Sunwell, looked at the magic crystal that had been polluted into dark green, and the will of the Sunwell sleeping in it, and thought about whether he should reopen the Dark Portal now.

The reason why he took away the essence of the Sunwell without even saying hello to Sylvanas was to use its power to reopen the Dark Portal, open the Outland Training Ground, and send the orcs away.

If Sylvanas was asked to pray for her to leave the essence, neither side's faces would look good. It would be better to do this now, with no contact between the two parties, and then wait until she uses up the power, and then use the remaining essence of the Sunwell. Purify it and return it to Sylvanas so they can rebuild the Sunwell.

Moreover, this essence is very dangerous because it is completely contaminated. Only if he keeps it with his own hands will it not attract the prying eyes of demons and other creatures from other dimensions anytime and anywhere.

"It's not impossible, but before that, we still need to establish two functional departments: guidance and supervision... But both of them require absolute trust, are very strong, have no tendency to use the Force, and treat all powers equally. , and someone who is proficient in human nature and various traps, solving crimes, and tracking technology will be in charge..."

At this moment, his door was opened, and a man with violet skin and a suit of iron armor walked in. When she walked in, although she could see that her feet were made of iron The armor, but when he walked in the corridor, it didn't make any sound.

Seeing this person's appearance, Li Ke was stunned for a moment, then looked at his schedule, and then remembered that Maiev Shadowsong, another giant of the night elf system, had indeed reserved part of his time. Have something to discuss with yourself.

And his night elf secretary, Miss Hisari, naturally arranged a time for her. Li Ke didn't need to think about it to know that Hisari must have admired the heroes of the night elves, so she didn't read what was written on Ma Wei's application form very well, and the other secretaries responsible for the review were because of this cute person. The relationship between Miss Druid and myself was not well reviewed.


Li Ke rubbed his temples to make himself look tired rather than helpless at Maiev's arrival, and Ponytail didn't show much expression. When he came in front of him, he bowed slightly. body and expressed his respect.

"Greetings to you, Your Majesty the Chosen One."

Maiev performed the etiquette of the Priestess of the Moon. Perhaps this could make her feel that the distance between herself and Li Ke could be closer, while Li Ke responded with the etiquette of a paladin, indicating that she and the Moon God were not the same. Very familiar.

"Good day, Miss Maiev Shadowsong. What is the purpose of your visit?"

Because of Ma Wei's embarrassing identity, Li Ke is not very easy to get in touch with the other party, so Li Ke's understanding of this watcher is still limited to the understanding in the game.

Feeling Li Ke's alienation, Maiev couldn't help but tighten her palms. The lack of any weapons on her body made her a little insecure and a little ridiculous.

Because she didn't think she could do anything to Li Ke. Even if she was fully armed, she would never have any chance of winning when she actually fought Li Ke.

Those guards are just decorations.

But she quickly lowered her head, showing a humility that Tyrande didn't have at all, because under Li Ke's gaze, Maiev Shadowsong even knelt down on one knee and showed her highest respect to Li Ke. .

But for Maiev, this is not because of Li Ke's power, but because of Li Ke's identity as the Chosen God and the companion of the Moon God.

After all, no matter what position Maiev holds, for Maiev, and for most night elves, the most important label on Maiev is still the believer of the Moon God.

Therefore, the spouse who kneels down and worships the gods does not actually have much psychological burden on her.

Because of this, her voice was calm.

"I'm sorry, I know the visit may be a little unexpected, but Your Majesty, I think you must have overlooked something because you were too busy."

At this point, Maiev was a little unwilling. Her troops and her brother Jarod were completely forgotten!

Although many people still praise her brother's glory, his brother only has the position of general here in Li Ke and does not even have much real power.

Of course she knew this was because in that battle, although his brother commanded well, it was Li Ke who really decided the victory, so she had no resentment towards Li Ke, only unwillingness.

And one of the reasons why she came was that she didn't want to lose to Tyrande.

She has no hatred towards Tyrande, but Tyrande can always get everything she wants easily and get what she should get.

The identity of the leader of the Moon Priestess was originally hers, but then the previous leader designated Tyrande.

There was something about the moon god in it, and she was convinced.

After the night elf empire was reorganized, she was supposed to be one of the leaders, but because of Illidan's incident, she chose to become the warden out of anger, completely alienating the night elf power system. Watching Tyrande manage the original empire like a fan club.

But she couldn't help it. Who let the Tyrande trio save the world?

But now, they have a new opportunity.

Tyrande seems to have given up the rights of the night elves to this god's companion. This behavior is actually somewhat irresponsible in Maiev's view, but it has to be said that this is a problem for most night elves. It's a good opportunity to get ahead.

Especially Maiev, Fandral and other leaders who were originally second-tier leaders are now able to truly do things without any constraints. She can come forward and prove to everyone that she is indeed better than Tyrande!

However, Li Ke reused Fandal and gave Fandal great power, but she did not get any department, and her brother did not become 'Marshal Garrod' as she wanted, which made her very upset. .

That's why today's meeting took place.

"Our Watcher troops are always willing to obey your orders, but you have forgotten our existence. We are also warriors of the Moon God, Your Majesty. When you deal with those dirty orcs and those ugly Na When it comes to Jia's problems, we will be your sharpest blade in the shadows! Maintain the morale of your army and officials for you! Just like we did before!"

There is no crazy feeling in the game. At this time, Maiev is more like a small vendor, selling his excellence to Li Ke in a soft voice.

Moreover, he is very good at kung fu, and he knows that he is lacking such a person now.

So Li Ke looked at Maiev who was half kneeling on the ground, and only one thought flashed in his mind.

"Perhaps we can hand over the work of the organizational supervision department to her?"

Li Ke quickly thought about the feasibility of this matter, but quickly wanted to reject it because Maiev was very impulsive.


"...I don't have a better choice. Although Maiev has a bad temper, she is not a fool, and she has no bad habits."

But looking at Maiev half-kneeling on the ground, Li Ke suddenly thought of all Maiev's actions, and quickly came to an understanding.

Whether it was taking advantage of Hisali's backdoor behavior, or suddenly appearing when she was worried about this matter, and then volunteering, Maiev had probably made all the calculations and preparations.

Maiev also used sausage tactics on him!

She has been aiming for this position for a long time!

Well, that was all in elementary school...

At that time, I would take the initiative to flirt with girls...

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