Evil will not deceive you

Chapter 695 Dalaran Mage for Power

Just when Li Ke showed his dissatisfaction with Dalaran, Dalaran

"Is it really okay for us to do this?"

Looking at Archmage Fred Alan with a bright smile on his face in the distance, Modera couldn't help but feel worried.

"Master Li Ke doesn't seem to like this aspect very much."

Modera looked at the report in front of her. It contained the rules and regulations in Li Ke's territory and Li Ke's attitude towards the nobles. It can be said that he is quite rude and has no intention of showing mercy at all.

Basically, those he found, those in his own territory, and those nobles who opposed him, all met a bad end.

So she was worried about the report she had sent before.

"But we don't have any way. Although Dalaran is a whole, those merchants do not accept our control, and we can't stop them from free trade, can we?"

Ansrem Ruin, a member of the six-person council as old as Modera and a well-known archmage, is also someone who is worried about this matter.

"We in Dalaran relied on lax and relatively scarce taxes on merchants to absorb the population. Although we are a council of six, all of whom are archmages, it is a pity that there are not many archmages in this city. "

He spoke helplessly.

Although it is said that only mages with the title of Archmage can become members of the six-person council, Dalaran is also a society and has human relationships.

"Are we going to tell His Highness Li Ke that although we are 'the king calls me the king', we can't do anything in the end?"

Modera was a little angry. She was a more academic archmage. Like Ansrem Luin, she had a lot of power, but she was more academic. She didn't have a lot of demand for various resources, although she was also familiar with it. suppliers, but those suppliers are more like their vassals and family industries. They are not like other mages, who cooperate with businessmen.

"Isn't it possible? With so many mages and merchants in Dalaran, do we have to rely on Mr. Li Ke to support us? Since we need to shoulder the obligation to support our own people, then Mr. Li Ke should wholesale the money and food , after all, Terenas did this before.”

The archmage named Kalai didn't care. Mage is a very expensive profession, and the current situation is that the entire family of high elves is not enough, and in low-end magic applications, there are not enough elves. With their experience and teaching ability, only Dalaran has such large-scale education methods.

Most of the herbal traders and magic material traders in the human world are also related to Dalaran. It is impossible for Li Ke to throw Dalaran aside and rely entirely on the power of elves.

So he didn’t think he had to worry about Li Ke.

"What should I do if Li Ke is held accountable? The merchants under you made money and bought Mr. Li Ke's products and food on a large scale... Don't tell me you don't know that behind those people are goblins, Kalai. Mr. Li Ke is now You have gone too far without setting an example by siding with the goblins."

Modera was a little angry, but Karai just sneered.

"Business is business, or are you reluctant to part with glory and wealth, Modera? What happened to the goblin? The goblin can bring me enough potions and materials, and I have to deal with him. As for the purchase and sale of supplies, That is completely free trade, and Mr. Li Ke has no control over it, so why are you so anxious? Or do you want to fall out with most of the potion suppliers in Dalaran?"

Karai felt that Modera was a bit unwilling to eat fireworks.

"So this is just labor pain. When Master Li Ke asked, we said that there was actually no problem. This is how Terenas ruled in the past. If his spies found a problem, we said it was for the sake of the political situation. Stable, Mr. Li Ke can just follow the original route for the time being. Later, he said that we should indeed take action, but we are just a group of mages who are obsessed with academics, and there are so many imperial affairs to deal with, we may Nothing can be done.”

After saying this, Karai couldn't help laughing. He picked up the tea with Ningshen flower petals in front of him and took a sip.

"But if he still refuses to give up, we can only say that maybe we could have done something at the beginning, but now it is too late, and it is impossible for him to do anything to us."

He finished and shrugged.

"After all, this is his empire, not ours. Why should we sacrifice our own interests for his empire? Modera, this world is not too dangerous for us. We can easily get That’s what we want, isn’t it?”

Kalai looked quite arrogant. For the mages, forging identities, changing faces, and surviving under another identity was not a problem at all.

For example, all it takes to transform your body is a small 'transformation mistake', which can make your figure better or make your lower body bigger.

Even death is not an insurmountable gap for mages with profound magical powers. Whether it is to preserve their own consciousness or the well-kept soul magic, they have ways.

Magic is such a magical thing. To ordinary people, they are almost the same as gods.

What if they can't defeat Li Ke? At worst, they can just change their appearance and live somewhere else. A great mage can easily rule a place. No matter how strong Li Ke is, can he still monitor all places in the world?

Moreover, they just used legal means to get some of Li Ke's project funds. If this kind of operation is not allowed, then he really can't see what he can do by working under Li Ke. benefit.

"You're so arrogant, Karai."

Modera couldn't help but sigh.

"The gap between people is huge."

She couldn't help but think of Li Ke's figure, and felt fear in her heart.

The more proficient the archmage is, the more he will be afraid of Li Ke's power. That kind of terrifying control of power should not be a power that mortals can master.

It's just that Karai is completely indifferent.

"But the question is, is that really Sargeras? After all, have we ever seen the true power of the Burning Legion? Either a demon is named after Sargeras or belongs to Sargeras. Modra, don't be Cheated."

After Kale finished speaking, he stood up.

"Okay, I still have a pot of potions to prepare, so I won't chat with you. I hope you can remember that the only place where we free mages are is Dalaran, because Dalaran is a group of people who are trying to prevent magic from happening. A place built to be abused by those who should not use it, not the plaything of some empire.”

After he finished speaking, he laughed contemptuously, and then his figure quickly blurred and disappeared, leaving behind Modera, Ansrem Ruin, and several other archmages who came to take over.

Like Carle, they actually didn't care much about Li Ke, just because Li Ke was too powerful at the time, and Li Ke's political future was too bright.

But it is impossible for them not to make money. Mage is a discipline that consumes a lot of money. They must get more money to conduct their own experiments.

And, why do they want to become mages?

Isn't it still for money?

This was how they made money when Terenas came to power. It's impossible that after Li Ke came, they would still need a large number of mages, and even after they regarded magic as the cornerstone of their empire, their income would still be reduced, right?

The worst thing is that the mages can just leave here and use their financial resources, savings and magical abilities to create a new Dalaran.

And watching these mages leave, Modera also had a headache and tapped her forehead with her hand, feeling helpless towards these smart people.

“They are good at calculating their own gains and losses, but they completely forget to look at the overall situation, because in their eyes, most people who think about the overall situation are fools, because the smarter people are, the less they believe that someone can be selfless... …”

Ansrem Luin sighed and continued Modera's words.

"But they will eventually discover that the smartest people are often the most selfless."

The reason why the two of them can become one of the oldest members of the Six-person Council is because they will consider the overall situation when taking care of their own interests.

However, with the deaths of Krasus and Antonidas, and Jaina's refusal to become a member of the Six-person Council, a group of new archmages were replaced, and the Six-member Council was in danger of collapse.

It's not that these great mages are not excellent, but that they are too smart, smart enough to easily get benefits from anywhere, instead of taking care of other people.

"Many of their families are in business, and some even rely on businessmen's money to get to the top. This is inevitable... After all, only rich people can learn magic. And many people who don't like Li Ke are also here. Dalaran."

Modera sighed deeply, feeling helpless.

"Then what should we tell Li Ke?"

She looked at Ansrem Ruin, but this time Ansrem Ruin was also in a dilemma.

Tell Li Ke the true situation in Dalaran, and then most of the people in Dalaran will be betrayed.

But not telling Li Ke about Dalaran's situation would be disloyal to Li Ke and even run counter to Li Ke's policies.

But they knew very well that these people's opposition to Li Ke was false. What they really opposed and put pressure on was the idea of ​​bringing Li Ke's territory to Dalaran.

Because Li Ke's approach will cause a large number of mages to lose their authority, and they will need to pay the apprentices who work for them, and they will need to abide by a series of rules.

Modera felt tired again.

"To be honest, sometimes I wonder if it would have been a good thing for Dalaran if Li Ke hadn't stopped those monsters and demons that day and asked them to demolish Dalaran. At least it wouldn't be like this. Many old guys got involved for their own interests and for various political purposes. We will unconditionally accept all orders and demands of Li Ke for the reconstruction work. You and I don’t have to worry about whether our loyalty is correct but represents the betrayal of Li Ke. Ke, I still choose to be loyal to my colleagues in Dalaran who have taken the wrong path."

They didn't believe that these smart mages couldn't see that this was a challenge to Li Ke's authority, but they still had to do it...

For profit, for rights.

"How short-sighted."

Ansrem Ruin gave his opinion and then sighed.

"But we can't confiscate those people's money, so we can't do anything..."

While he was speaking, Modera also sighed and stood up, making Ansrem Ruin look at him curiously.

"Where are you going?"

Modera turned around and spread her hands.

"I have quite a lot of education experience, so I want to see if Mr. Li Ke's school lacks a vice principal."

Her words made Ansrem Ruin stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but shake his head.

"Okay, then I'll go over and take a look. I'm also very curious about the mana wells and books left by the elves. After all, it's impossible to let the dragons and elves completely control the magic school and the corresponding industries."

Modera chuckled upon hearing this.

"So this is it?"

Ansrem Ruin tidied his clothes.

"In order to increase job inspections for the mages of Dalaran, you and I will definitely find the jobs and investment that Mr. Li Ke wants."

The two men laughed at the same time.

But at this moment, a letter suddenly appeared in Modera's arms. Modera's face changed, and she quickly took the envelope out of her arms, and then saw the signed name. When it was Jaina, her face became even more ugly.

She quickly opened the envelope, wanting to see what Jaina had to say to herself.

But the words on the envelope were not from Gianna, but from their old friend Dai Lin, and there was only one sentence.

‘Li Ke is not Terenas, he will not sit on the throne and watch all this happen. ’

With just one sentence, Modera's face quickly turned pale.

"Li Ke regards us as rebels!"

She quickly stated the goal of this letter!

Ansrem Ruin's reaction was also very direct.

"Let's go! Let's go quickly!"

He wanted to open a portal, but at this moment, he suddenly discovered it. At some point, the energy around Dalaran became extremely chaotic.

They can't open the portal outside of Dalaran!

This means one thing.

Li Ke has already taken measures, and since he did not appear directly in front of them, he has only one plan!

He wants to destroy the entire system of Dalaran!

"It seems that we were still a step too late and misjudged this person's level of patience."

Ansrem Ruin smiled bitterly.

"We just have to take it."

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