Evil will not deceive you

Chapter 478 Attack Free Chapter

Few people can see such things clearly now. Only those who are more concerned about the future of their own race will be so concerned about these things, so Jarod's evaluation of himself is indeed somewhat low.

He was able to react so quickly. In today's world, even no one in the world other than the night elves can stop Li Ke from becoming the emperor of the entire world. He is already a very sharp person.

In fact, even Tyrande did not realize that Li Ke had actually ruled the world.

Whether it is the surrender of the dragon army, the marriage of the night elves, or the Eastern Kingdom continent that is actually controlled by Li Ke.

Once Li Ke drove the Burning Legion out of Silvermoon City and the Sunwell, and ensured the survival of the high elves.

Then it is inevitable that Li Ke will become the de facto emperor and king of Azeroth.

This is a more distinctive banner than the so-called alliance co-leader and tribal chief.

As for places like Pandaria and Northrend, to be honest, the people of Pandaria are so indifferent to the world that Li Ke has forgotten about it.

Moreover, the organization level of the people of Pandaria is really unflattering. Although the Shado-Pan actually serves as a government department, the people most believe in the four wilderness demigods.

Therefore, Li Ke did not even need to use a sword to conquer Pandaria. He directly fell to Pandaria himself, chatted with the four gods, and found trouble with the fragments of Y'shaarj, and then Pandaria could be divided into his administrative province.

Of course, it is definitely not rule on the surface, but when the people of Pandaria automatically have the identity certificate of Li Ke's empire, economic and other activities are controlled by Li Ke's power, and accept Li Ke's products, they will passively follow Li Ke's empire needs to change what they grow. Even the police and security are paid for and provided by people from Li Ke's side, and people from Li Ke's side help with resource development.

When I go out to work, I always work in Li Ke's company. Most of the people work in Li Ke's company...

Does it matter whether Pandaria openly surrenders?

And to be honest, Li Ke has always felt that the pandaren of Pandaria are not even out of place on Azeroth, and can even be said to have a completely different style of painting.

However, Li Ke also thought about Pandaria. After all, under normal circumstances in Azeroth, there is no need to worry about insufficient food.

That is to say, the continuous bloodletting between the Alliance and the Horde, coupled with the continuous wars, will lead to the situation where the people are in dire straits.

He has made fertilizers, and now he has become the actual ruler of the night elves, and the Druid food expert is no longer a problem.

Pandaria really doesn't matter anymore, so we can just leave it alone.

The most important thing now is to open up the Sunwell battlefield.

Li Ke immediately held a meeting on how to attack the Sunwell, and at the meeting, he finally understood how powerful the night elves were.

There are 400,000 archers alone, that is, ordinary sentry troops.

There are also as many as 200,000 elite units such as huntresses.

Maiev's watchmen are a little less, but there are still 30,000 people, plus 50,000 logistics troops, and 20,000 various auxiliary troops, specifically to supply them with battle.

Illidan, who had the smallest number of soldiers, recruited the least manpower, but he also recruited more than 10,000 soldiers in such a short period of time. If Li Ke had not resurrected a large number of night elves, this number could even triple.

However, this is not the full power of the night elves, but the power in Felwood and the standing army on Mount Hyjal.

Moreover, this part of the troops even excludes the number of defensive troops and cleaning troops.

As for druids, there are even more. There are currently 150,000 druids in the awake state, and more than 200,000 are still sleeping.

They also exclude large numbers of garrison troops.

"If we fight on Mount Hyjal, the number of our soldiers will probably increase by about five times, but the combat effectiveness will probably be lower, but not too low, because most of the adult night elves have received some training. It will take a few months to replenish their equipment and adapt to their condition, and they will be able to become qualified soldiers."

Fandal reported the situation quickly, but he looked at Li Ke with a business-like look, as if he had never met Li Ke in private.

"As for our natural allies..."

Malfurion sighed when he said this.

"Although I tried my best to persuade them, there are still less than 2,000 mountain giants and 10,000 chimeras willing to join our troops and fight with us, but there should be 50,000 elven dragons willing to help us. As for the tree people, most of the tree people are willing to help us. As for the number, we still need further statistics, but it will not be less than 30,000."

Malfurion was really helpless, because the night elves were focused on healing the world, and many wilderness demigods had not had time to be resurrected, so many natural races that were willing to fight side by side with them ten thousand years ago were not. He was willing to fight with them. Such things really made him sad.

If Li Ke and Cenarius can use the power of the Well of Eternity to resurrect the wilderness demigod, then the number of natural allies he can summon will be at least twenty times greater.

Even fifty times.

Cenarius also spoke at this time.

"My descendants will come to help, but there are not many of them, only about 50,000 or 60,000 people, because I need to leave some people to guard against the Centaur uprising. I don't know whose instructions these descendants of mine heard, and started Heading towards Mount Hyjal, I must also deal with this matter."

After finishing speaking, Cenarius looked sad. Centaurs are his grandchildren, but these centaurs are quite violent and greedy. That is to say, female centaurs are better, but female centaurs are too powerful. Weak and weak, there is no way to compare with male centaurs.

Moreover, the centaur did not inherit the wisdom of his bloodline.

The most important thing is that centaurs are a new race born from the union of his son and Stone Mother's daughter. To be honest, if Li Ke knew about the current situation, he felt that Li Ke would probably want to kill the centaurs. Genocide.

But after all, these are his descendants, and there are still friendly centaurs, so Cenarius wants to fight for it, at least to prevent the centaurs from being exterminated.

It was also because of this that Malfurion went to recruit natural allies, otherwise it would have been him.

Beside him, Malorne also spoke.

"I found a few wilderness demigods who are willing to fight. The Wolf King and his sons are willing to charge with me and open the way for the army. He is waiting outside now. As long as the horn of war is blown to point out the way, he will accompany I'll charge together."


Li Ke crossed his hands in front of his nose, his temples hurt a little.

Lordaeron has gone through many twists and turns, and now it has become a force that dominates the human world with more than 100,000 soldiers and horses, and is extremely powerful.

As for the night elves, any branch department can spend hundreds of thousands of troops, but the preparation time is relatively hasty. If enough time is given, millions of troops will not be a problem.

The most important thing is that everyone knows that the enthusiasm for local operations and the enthusiasm for overseas operations are not on the same level at all, but in just one day, these people have brought out so many people. This mobilization ability and Enlightenment is simply a slap in the face of the entire human world.

And the average quality of individual soldiers is undoubtedly higher than that of humans. An ordinary elf soldier can be a centurion in the human world. That is to say, only those elite humans can face the night elf soldiers head-on. Confronted.

This gap is simply...

There is simply no way to say it.

In the original timeline, if the demons hadn't raided their hometown in Mount Hyjal, a large number of people would have died after the immortality disappeared, and countless more people would have died in the subsequent Battle of Quicksand, as well as the internal fighting between the Alliance and the Horde. Among them, various kinds of nourishment and enhancement.

I'm afraid that the night elves can really bring the Alliance and the Horde together to destroy them.

"Record the soul breath and names of these people. If they die in this battle and their souls are not captured or suffer irreparable injuries, I will conduct resurrection operations later as appropriate."

Li Ke made his promise that if his mental state is intact and his soul is not harmed, he can resurrect about a thousand souls without a body in one day, although it will cause him to be unable to do anything most of the time. Do other things, but the prestige and practical effects brought by this kind of thing cannot be ignored.

Everyone sitting there has no opinion on this matter. No one wants anyone to die because of the war.

But the impatient Illidan didn't want to say anything else. He looked directly at Li Ke, expressing that he didn't want to stay here any longer.

"So, now that everyone has understood their determination to join the war and are ready, should we start?"

The moment Illidan spoke, Maiev picked up her weapon and subconsciously aimed at Illidan's neck.

"It seems you don't know what politeness is, devil."

Her tone was quite rude. On this occasion, the person she disliked the most was Illidan!

But Illidan didn't even look at him, but continued to look at Li Ke, waiting for Li Ke's order.

Li Ke didn't intend to let this crazy bitch like Maiev speak. He also felt that Maiev was incompatible with most of the people sitting here. Although they respected each other, they vaguely excluded Maiev from this circle.

So he interrupted the conflict between the two people.

"So, Illidan, are you ready?"

Illidan smiled evilly and took out a stone full of space power.

"Of course, I can always open a door to the Sunwell with your help."

He is impatient to wait, he is just waiting to finish this battle and leave here!

"So, Jarod?"

Li Ke looked at Jarod, and Jarod thought for a moment. Because the command was in his hands, he looked at Li Ke, and then looked at Alexstrasza and Malfurion on the side. .

In his mind, the leading ground troops of the night elves should charge together with the dragon army and the mountain giants, seize a position, and then start fighting.

So he looked at Li Ke vaguely again and nodded to Li Ke.

Li Ke was a little surprised. He didn't expect Jarod to respect him so much, so he looked at Alexstrasza.

"Dragon Legion, open the way for our future!"

"Yes! We will cover the sky with our wings!"

Alexstrasza sighed, but accepted the task.

Malfurion also quickly stood up.

"I will charge with nature's allies!"

If he were a leader he wouldn't do this, but fortunately he wasn't.

"My men will also make those demons pay."

Illidan stood up instantly, and Li Ke took off his sword and handed it to Jarod.

This sword is not very powerful, far worse than Jarod's own sword. After all, for Li Ke, cold weapons are more useful than guns.

But Jarod still respectfully took the gorgeous sword. After a respectful salute, he quickly unsheathed the sword and pointed it on the map drawn by Li Ke.

"Lord Li Ke! Illidan! Prepare to open the portal! The war has begun!"

Li Ke was the first to take action. He quickly walked to the open space prepared at the door, only to find that Illidan's men had already assembled at this time, and some wilderness demigods had also appeared on the hills in the distance.

Li Ke was really stunned by his incredible ability to assemble troops quickly, because even in his territory, a personnel mobilization of this scale would require at least three days of preparation.

But this is already amazing speed.

There is no way, the grassroots cadres who understand him are still not enough.

Illidan quickly came to Li Ke's side, raised his hand and quickly released a spell for Li Ke. The next moment, he told Li Ke his parameters in the communication of this spell structure!

"7546.4882174.7824878.47851785, then just calculate the time coordinates and leave the rest to me."

Li Ke: “…………”

What the hell does this bunch of data mean?

Illidan was a little confused when he saw that Li Ke didn't move, so he subconsciously asked.

"you will not?"

Li Ke didn't speak, closed his eyes, and quickly captured the city of eternal morning light that he placed in the territory of the high elves. The next moment, his eyes opened, filled with holy light!

"I have a better way!"

Li Ke took a deep breath and thrust his hands into the space. Endless holy light continued to fall from the sky like a torrent, making everyone present open their mouths.

And Illidan looked at Li Ke like a god.

"Are you using brute force to tear apart space?"

In his opinion, this was a fact that made him fart even if he said it, but Li Ke just did it!

But in fact, if it weren't for the power of the City of Eternal Dawn, Li Ke wouldn't be able to do this. His current state is far worse than when he was in Dalaran!

The space cracked bit by bit, and under the shining of the holy light, it was like golden glass was broken!

"What a hell!"

Illidan cursed in his heart, and quickly used his powerful magic knowledge to open a portal with the help of the space crack that Li Ke forcibly tore open with holy light!

next moment!

The air was suddenly torn open! The space also opened up with a huge door, which continuously showed the golden and green intertwined sky, earth, and forest.

In front of the many coalition forces, there are endless demons and an energy source that is continuously emitting evil energy!

'Roar! ! ’

Alexstrasza's figure quickly flew up, transformed into the posture of a giant dragon in mid-air, and rushed into the portal. Malorne roared to the sky, and Malfurion immediately blew his horn. , on the distant mountain tops, the wilderness demigods made a responding cry.

Illidan didn't intend to say another word to Li Ke. The black energy on his body was lingering, and he quickly turned into a demon form. Then he flapped his wings, landed in front of the portal, and roared out.

"Illidari! Follow me!"

After saying this, he roared and turned into a giant bear. His brother Malfurion, who had already charged with countless mountain giants, rushed into the portal with a group of vengeful night elves.

And Jarod also raised the sword given by Li Ke and waved it towards the portal! He gave the order to the night elves army that was constantly gathering here.

"Attack! Take back the territory and glory of our compatriots!"

Sorry, I overslept.

So I wrote an extra six hundred to compensate.

My hand hurts a bit, so I’m going to take a rest first. Today’s update will be in the afternoon.

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