After leaving the hot spring bath, Naruto accompanied Sunset Red to send Yakumo back to Satomiokaoka Mountain Villa.

“Don’t worry, in a few months, I will definitely let you be able to jump around like a normal person, I promise!”

Naruto hugged Yakumo, who was reluctant, and said softly: “So you just endure it first, it’s been so many years, haven’t you?” ”

“Well, I trust you.” Yakumo buried his head in Naruto’s arms and hugged deeply for a moment.

After hesitating, Yakumo quickly kissed him on the cheek, and then ran away with a red face.

“You hooked one again.” Sunset Hong looked complicated and sighed slightly.

I don’t know if it was a good thing or a bad thing if he gave Yakumo to Naruto.

Naruto put his arm around Yuhi’s red waist and chuckled, “Aren’t you the same as Sister Yuyan did to me, and you also want Yakumo to have a happy life?” ”

Sunset Red struggled slightly, but did not break Naruto’s hand away, and reluctantly accepted.

Perhaps Naruto had broken through the limits of what she could withstand again and again, and was now almost immune to ordinary bumps.

“Of course I hope Yakumo will have a good time, but I don’t know how long the smile on her face will last if 28 goes on like this.”

The most guilty thing in Sunset Hong’s heart is Yakumo, and naturally he wants to give her the best.

If Yakumo’s body can be nourished and the Yidu in her body can be solved, then her future will be limitless.

Then she will definitely carry the glory of the Kurama clan and work hard for the development of the clan.

With great power comes great responsibility, and could it still be as carefree as it is now?

Naruto probably saw Sunset Red’s thoughts, smiled helplessly, and climbed up with one hand.

“Yay! What are you doing! Sunset Red shook and directly slapped Naruto’s hand away from him.

“I said Sister Hong, are you too worried.” Naruto grabbed his hands in the void, and said with a smile: “If you have time to think about those who don’t, it’s better to accompany me to practice palm techniques.” ”

“Bah, which one of your masters is this!” Sunset Red was really defeated by Naruto’s shameless look.

Of course, she also knows that she thinks a little too much, but it is as uncontrollable as a parent’s worry about their children’s future.

If you want to divert your attention, you don’t have to use this method…

Well, Naruto, this bad boy will definitely do this at the first opportunity, and he will already be surprised.

And in fact, because of this trouble, she really wanted to open a lot.

Timely pleasure is the most important thing, and we will think about it later.

So, soon Naruto came up again with a grin and put his arm around Sunset Red and went home together.

Sunset Hong sighed secretly in her heart, what is this relationship between the two? Sooner or later, he will succeed in this, right?

She wasn’t sure if she really wanted to be one of Naruto’s many women, but she couldn’t afford to refuse every time, and she was used to becoming like this.

Forget it, just like thinking about Yakumo’s matter just now, let’s think about it later.

At least for now, although it was difficult to refuse, he didn’t want Naruto to get away with it.

After returning home, Yuri Hong quickly dragged Yuyan and Hongdou to sleep together, locking Naruto out of the room.

“It’s a bit crowded for three people to sleep together, right? How about any of you come to my side? Naruto made a final struggle outside the door.

Xi Rihong giggled: “Don’t worry, we are all ninjas, wind and food are trivial things, and it is completely fine for three people to sleep in one bed.” ”

“Our sisters have a lot of topics that can’t be humane for outsiders, little Naruto, don’t mix them blindly.” Red Bean followed and spoke, his tone full of teasing.

“I can’t help you either!” Xi Yan’s voice also came out.

It seems that the three women have reached a consensus, and no one wants Naruto to get an inch.

“Hey, if you don’t let in, you won’t enter, I see how long you can endure.” Naruto pouted and left.

He didn’t think about breaking in, giving them some respect.

Besides, it’s time to run to the country of waves.

As usual, he left a doppelganger in his room, and the body came to the Land of Waves through the Flying Thunder God.

At the beginning, from Konoha to the Land of Waves, he had to go through two or three transit to arrive, but now his Flying Thunder God attainment has greatly improved, and he can already reach it at one time.


As soon as Naruto arrived in his room in the Hano Country Manor, a figure on the bed immediately sensed it.

After getting up and seeing that it was him, he immediately threw himself into his arms with a face full of surprise.

“Xiangli, why are you here?” Naruto smiled, picked him up directly, and sat down on the sofa next to him together.

After this period of recuperation, Xiangli is no longer the thin and weak airport.

It has grown a lot taller, has a fleshy feeling, and is two models larger in front of him. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

She rubbed her sleepy eyes, rubbed in Naruto’s arms like a cat, and said, “I suddenly stimulated the King Kong blockade during the day, and I may have accidentally fallen asleep after consuming too much.” ”

“I don’t know why I’m here, I guess it’s Naruto-sama’s doppelganger.” But it was great to see Naruto-sama himself. ”

“King Kong blockade awakened?” Naruto couldn’t help but laugh, “It seems that your talent is really good, and you will definitely become a great ninja in the future.” ”

Xiangxiang has only been cultivating for a few months, and he has actually been able to use the Vajra blockade, and if he continues to grow, there is absolutely no problem with the peak shadow level.

“It’s just that 090 can help Naruto-sama in the future.” Xiangli is also a little prideful.

But the improvement of strength is secondary, the main thing is to please Naruto, and he can help Naruto in the future.

“Of course, my future will definitely not lack you.” Naruto pinched her nose.

Seeing Xiangli smile and enjoy the fawning look, he couldn’t help but lower his head and kiss it.


It was the first time that Xiangli had received this kind of treatment, and she couldn’t help but be happy.

After a while, Naruto pulled her up and said, “Let’s go, let’s go find your mother.” ”

Naruto had sensed it with Kagura’s heart eye before, and Kana was helping him train a newcomer at this time.

“Since you were brought here, then fate is already predetermined, no one can change it, only the master here can control your destiny.”

Naruto had just arrived in another room in the manor, and sure enough, he saw that Kana was training people, and the object was the mallet that had lost to Shikamaru in the Chūnin exam!

Yes, it’s the piano in the tone.

After the exam, Naruto sent a wind doppelganger to find an opportunity to quietly kidnap her and take her directly to the Land of Waves to hand over to Kana.

After all, if it is too late to start, maybe she will become a sacrifice for the second generation of dirt.

As for Orochimaru without the piano, whether it will be replaced by Thoth or someone else, it has nothing to do with Naruto.

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